Openings at Ministry of Health
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About Ministry of Health

A Healthy, productive and globally competitive nation

To build a progressive, responsive and sustainable health care system for accelerated attainment of the highest standard of health to all Kenyans Goal Attaining equitable, affordable, accessible and quality health care for all Mandate Health policy Health regulation National referral Health facilities Capacity building and Technical assistance to Counties

Core Values
Professionalism ,Ethics, Integrity, Accountability, Partnership and collaboration


Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • Bachelor of Pharmacy Degree from an institution recognized by the Pharmacy and Poisons board;
  • Successfully completed one (1) year internship from a recognized institution;
  • At least four years post training work experience
  • Registration certificate by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board;

Specific Duties

  • To implement a pull-based supply chain system to ensure demand and requisition of commodities and blood and products from between transfusing facilities and KNBTS are continuously fulfilled
  • Liaise with the consultancy undertaking forecasting and quantification to utilize the 3-year projection of blood/component needs and demands for Kenya that are disaggregated by facilities, regions and disease to inform development of systems
  • Implement a system for continuous forecasting and quantification of input products for blood services commodities including blood bags, reagents and lab commodities
  • Liaise with the manager for supply and manager for logistics in implementing of a system for inventory management
  • Establish and implement a plasma derivatives manufacturing framework
  • Any other duties assigned by the supervisor
  • Develop a system for transfusion facilities stocking level for blood for the public sector and liaise with the hemovigilance team for implementation 


Medical Officer (Hemovigilance Services)

Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from an institution recognized by the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council;
  • Have a valid registration and practicing license with the Kenya Medical and Dentists Practitioners Council.
  • Have successfully finished one-year internship
  • At least 4 years post training work experience
  • Have knowledge of project coordination
  • Be computer literate.

Specific Responsibilities

  • Develop and monitor the implementation of framework, regulations and guidelines for Hemovigilance
  • Receive reports, document and investigate adverse events for all blood establishments and transfusing facilities
  • Develop and monitor the implementation of mechanisms for security and accountability of Kenya’s blood products, biodata and samples
  • Develop linkages and collaborations with other departments, agencies, ministries and governments and private sector on Hemovigilance.
  • Develop and implement Hemovigilance work plans and operational budgets
  • Work with the consultant to formulate the National Strategy for blood safety and availability.
  • Develop an approach to strengthen infrastructure capacity of KNBTS and liaise with Transfusing facilities with the blood supply chain
  • Liaise with the supply chain team to implement a system for public facility minimum and optimal stocking levels of blood for each level 4, 5 and 6; and the necessary infrastructure requirements to maintain the stocking levels
  • Implement Hemovigilance surveillance
  • Support counties to form Hospital Transfusing Committees (HTC)
  • Any other duties assigned by the supervisor


Medical Laboratory Technologist - 15 Positions

Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate have:

  • Have a Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences from an institution recognized by Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board (KMLTTB)
  • Must be registered with Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board (KMLTTB)
  • Holder of a valid practicing License from Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board (KMLTTB)
  • At least 1 year post training experience
  • Knowledge of laboratory Health and Safety practices, standard biosafety and biosecurity protocols, and practice and COVID 19 prevention
  • Good report writing and analytical skills
  • Ability to work under pressure with minimal supervision

Specific Duties

  • Report to respective managers at the regional blood transfusion centres
  • Undertake blood donor selection at fixed and mobile blood drives
  • Collect blood and blood samples from donors
  • Appropriately package and ensure timely transportation of collected blood units and samples
  • Undertake blood component preparation as per existing Standard operating procedures.
  • Conduct laboratory testing procedures for the collected blood as per the existing SOPs.
  • Interpret the test results and document appropriately
  • Correlate donor information and/or previous lab results and report discrepancies to supervisors and other appropriate personnel.
  • Implement quality management system
  • Maintain safe and clean working environment by complying with safety procedures, rules, and regulations including infection control policies and protocols.
  • Ensure correct segregation, labelling, transport and disposal of bio-hazard materials
  • Ensure strict adherence to Biosafety Biosecurity and Infection Prevention protocols.
  • Perform any other duties as assigned by the supervisor


Medical Laboratory Technologist Quality Management Systems

 Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate have:

  • Have a Bachelor degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences from an institution recognized by Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board (KMLTTB)
  • Must be registered with Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board (KMLTTB)
  • Holder of a valid practicing License from Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board (KMLTTB)
  • At least 3 years working experience in a medical laboratory.
  • Knowledge of laboratory Health and Safety practices, standard biosafety and biosecurity protocols, and practice and COVID 19 prevention
  • Good report writing and analytical skills
  • Ability to work under pressure with minimal supervision

Specific Duties

  • Develop, review and oversee implementation of policies, regulations and guidelines on the quality of all transfusion and transplantation services in line with Global standards;
  • Design and implement a national quality assurance program for blood and blood products safety; tissue and human organs
  • Develop and oversee implementation of a system to report, monitor, record, and analyze occurring deviations to safety standards and practices, and their impact on donor safety, patient safety, or health-care worker safety in blood transfusion
  • Enlist and ensure continued accreditation of the blood transfusion and transplant service to national and international standards;
  • Capacity building of the various stakeholders on the processes of ensuring safe blood and blood products.
  • Develop linkages and collaborations with other departments, agencies, ministries, non-state actors and governments on quality of blood and blood products.
  • Undertake inspections and Ensure compliance and conformity of Blood transfusion services and organ transplant services to set national and international standards across the Republic of Kenya 


Medical Laboratory Technologist- Testing Services

Requirements for appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • Have a Bachelor degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences from an institution recognized by Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board (KMLTTB)
  • Must be registered with Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board (KMLTTB)
  • Holder of a valid practicing License from Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board (KMLTTB)
  • At least 6 years working experience in a medical laboratory.
  • Knowledge of laboratory Health and Safety practices, standard biosafety and biosecurity protocols, and practice and COVID 19 prevention
  • Ability to coordinate activities of several laboratories within the laboratory
  • Good report writing and analytical skills
  • Ability to work under pressure with minimal supervision


  • Reports to Head Technical services
  • Coordinate testing services at the regional testing centres
  • Ensure implementation of testing algorithm in line with the most recent technology
  • Develop and oversee implementation of protocols for equipment verification and timely lot to lot verification of reagents
  • Receive and compile reports on testing from the regional testing centres
  • Establish and oversee maintenance of a 24 hour Turn Around Time of testing results across the country.
  • Oversee timely service of testing equipment
  • Oversee timely testing and submission of External quality assurance results
  • Oversee implementation of, and adherence to SOPs


Registered Nursing Officers - 10 Positions

Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • Diploma in any of the following disciplines: Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing, Kenya Registered Nursing, Kenya Registered Midwifery, Kenya Registered Nursing/Midwifery or Kenya Registered Nursing/Mental Health and Psychiatry from a recognized institution;
  • Has 1 year post training experience
  • Registration Certificate issued by the Nursing Council of Kenya;
  • Valid practicing license from the Nursing Council of Kenya;
  • Experience in use of computer applications

Specific Duties

  • Carry out prior preparation for fixed and mobile blood drives
  • Undertake blood donor selection as guided by the existing SOPs
  • Participate in blood donation drives
  • Perform phlebotomy (collecting of blood)
  • Provide post donation care to the blood donors
  • Observe and report of post blood donation adverse events to the Team Leader
  • Adhere to the donor clinic SOPs and guidelines
  • Embrace team work among themselves
  • Prepare reports on conducted blood drives
  • Participate in the development/review of Donor Clinic SOPs and guidelines
  • Participate in general staff and team meetings
  • Carry adequate team requirement preparations for the blood donation drives
  • Maintain strict confidentiality of all privileged information regarding both human resources and fiscal matters.
  • Adhere to infection prevention and control guidelines
  • Any other duties as assigned by the supervisor


Nursing Officer

Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • Served as a Registered Nurse for a minimum period of three years
  • Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing;
  • Registration Certificate issued by the Nursing Council of Kenya;
  • Valid practicing license from the Nursing Council of Kenya;
  • Experience in use of computer applications

Specific Duties

  • Reports to Principal Nursing Officer, NBTTS
  • Develop regulations and guidelines for donor retention approaches, donor notification and referral and donor management for application by blood collecting establishments
  • Maintain up to date National Blood Donor register to inform campaign strategies
  • Develop incentivization strategies to be applied nationally to maintain optimum pools of regular donors across Kenya
  • Build capacity and Implement mechanisms for management and follow up of all blood and organ donors, donor notification and referral by all blood establishments
  • Facilitate central communications for management of emergencies relating to blood and organs across Kenya
  • Any other duties assigned by the supervisor


Communication Specialist (Donor Services)

Requirements for Appointment to this post, a candidate must have:

  • Master’s degree in Journalism, Communications, Health, social sciences, development or related discipline.
  • Minimum of 8 years of experience in communications, marketing, public relations, media campaigns and mobilization activities
  • At least 4 years management experience
  • Experience in media liaison and management; design of media campaigns, corporate communications
  • Excellent English writing, storytelling and editing skills
  • Familiarity with publishing and design applications

Specific duties:

  • Manage the communications function of the National Blood Transfusion and Transplant Services
  • Oversee the development of a communications strategy for the National Blood Transfusion and Transplant Services
  • Oversee and coordinate the work with different communication firms, agencies and vendors for effective and efficient implementation of the communications strategy
  • Oversee implementation of effective donor mobilization and recruitment services
  • Oversee development of content to be aired on different media platforms
  • Oversee the development and maintenance of the NBTTS website
  • Coordinate media support to prioritized special events/workshops/meetings and conferences.
  • Write press releases, media invites and coordinate media visits to various events and field tours to blood service centres, facilities and communities.
  • Oversee and coordinate development of high-quality communication products including documentaries, publications, including newsletters, scientific reports, photography
  • Maintain a filing system and database for NBTTS communication products
  • Manage communication teams and their activities
  • Monitor social, print and all forms of media and facilitate an effective response by the NBTTS
  • Any other duties assigned by the supervisor.


Communication Officer I

Requirements for Appointment to this post, a candidate must have:

  • University degree in health promotion, community development, Journalism, Communications, or related discipline.
  • Minimum of 4 years of experience in social media, marketing, digital media, community mobilization, marketing, public relations, events management
  • Knowledge of corporate communications

Specific duties:

  • Report to the Communications Specialist in delivering the communications function of the National Blood Transfusion and Transplant Services
  • Coordinate the implementation of the NBTTS calendar of events to support satellites in implementation of targeted mobilization of blood donors
  • Coordinate with different communication teams and internal staff from various units for efficient implementation of donor mobilization services
  • Daily management of KNBTTS social media platforms
  • Daily management of KNBTTS website
  • Liaison with the Blood youth taskforce for on ground donor mobilization and recruitment in institutions
  • Participate in development of high-quality communication products including documentaries, publications, including newsletters, scientific reports, photography as may be assigned
  • Provide standardized messaging for use in donor mobilization and education
  • Design messages and information used for donor mobilization and recruitment
  • Enhance the positive image of KNBTTS 



Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • Have a Master’s degree or its equivalent, in Administration, Organizational Development, Public Administration, Business Administration, Public Sector Management or related discipline.
  • Have a minimum 8 years’ experience in administration functions related to institutional administration, Coordination, Assets and inventory management, planning and logistics, registry
  • Have a minimum of four (4) years’ experience in Senior management

Specific Duties

Reports to Head, KNBTTS

  • To oversee establishment and institutionalization of critical management functions for sustainability and assurance of financial, service and systems accountability for management of the Service
  • Oversee implementation and quality of delivery of contracts and vendors serving NBTTS
  • Oversee the development of an accountable registry, physically and online
  • Oversee the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Management System for the NBTTS to provide electronic management systems
  • Oversee the development and implementation of a system to monitor performance management of the NBTTS
  • Develop and implement operating procedures and policies to facilitate Transition of the NBTTS to a semi-autonomous agency
  • Oversee the Human Resource functions and establishment of HR policies and procedures during transition
  • Oversee implementation of asset management procedures at the NBTTS including tagging, disposal and liaise with the relevant administrative functions at the MOH
  • Oversee Transport and fleet management services, travel logistics and staff across the regions ensuring adherence to procedures
  • Oversee daily operational functions of NBTTS including buildings maintenance, utilities (power, water, internet) maintenance in the regions;
  • Liaise with the functions of Commodities and logistics and supply chain to ensure seamless transport and distribution services 


Project Procurement Assistant - 2 Positions

Scope of work

  • The procurement assistants will support the Project procurement by performing tasks allocated to him.
  • This includes processing and recording transactions, preparing reports and records, fact checking, filing, and other duties, as needed.
  • Must understand basic procurement principles and proficient with computers and software, such as MS Excel.
  • Should be trustworthy, efficient, and organized.

Key Responsibilities

  • The procurement assistant will be responsible for stores and stock control, market surveys, assist in preparation of annual procurement plans and supply chain management reports.
  • The procurement assistant will be responsible for issuing and receiving of stores, preparation and maintenance of records and stock taking and reconciliation.
  • Conduct quarterly stock taking and prepare reports.
  • Record keeping of procurement files.
  • Any other duty as assigned by the Project Procurement officer.

Qualification and experience

  • Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies management or a relevant business-related course.
  • Must be registered with Kenya Institute of Supplies Management (KISM).
  • Good report writing and analytical skills.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work under pressure with minimal supervision.
  • Reporting/Delivery Schedule
  • The procurement assistant will report to the Project Procurement officer and shall be assigned duties.


Project Accounts Assistant - C HERP - 2 Positions

The main role of the accounting assistants will be to support the Project Accountant by performing clerical tasks. This including processing and recording transactions, preparing reports and budgets, fact checking, filing, and other duties, as needed. Understand basic accounting principles and proficient with computers and software, such as MS Excel. Should be trustworthy, efficient, and organized.

Key Responsibilities of the Assistant Project Accountant include, but are not limited to: -

  • Preparation, Review and filing of payroll and payroll documents including Payslip generation and statutory deductions submissions to the respective bodies (NHIF, NSSF, PAYE, HELB) monthly for all the contracted project staff.
  • Liaising with Project Accountants in on all the financial matters.
  • Collecting and consolidating the financial statements from the project on quarterly basis.
  • Prepare periodic statements of expenditure (SOE) reports and fund replenishment requests, carefully checking and inspecting all supporting documents.
  • In collaboration with Project implementing entities, to prepare quarterly and annual financial reports in the standard format(s) included in annex I on Financial Management Procedures.
  • In consultation PM and Project Accountant, to oversee the establishment and proper maintenance of accounts system in all the counties in accordance with the PFM and financial regulations and procedures of the NT.
  • Support the PMT in the facilitation of internal and external financial audits at the counties
  • Other project-related responsibilities as may be assigned by the Project Manager.


  • Knowledge of basic bookkeeping procedures
  • Familiarity with finance regulations
  • Good analytical skills and the ability to spot numerical errors
  • Hands-on experience with MS Excel
  • Organization skills, Good Communication skills, fluency in required in English and great interpersonal skills
  • Ability to handle sensitive, confidential information.
  • Must have Minimum of CPA 2 and Bachelor’s degree in a relevant accounting field
  • Previous engagement with Project is an added advantage.


Driver - 6 Positions

Position Summary

Responsible for the transport of people and items to various destinations under the guidance of the Transport Supervisor


  • Provision of transport services
  • Collection of any supplies
  • Delivery of goods and materials to the various satellite clinics
  • Transport hospital personnel who are executing official duties
  • Taking visitors around the facilities
  • Daily inspection of the vehicles to ensure that they are in good condition
  • Report any electrical or mechanical faults in the vehicles to the Supervisor for fixing
  • Report any case of accident, injury or damage of vehicles to the Supervisor
  • Ensuring that all of the hospital vehicles have the necessary documents i.e. insurance
  • Ensure that authorization is obtained for all journeys on a daily basis
  • Record mileage at the beginning and at the end of each journey in the log-book provided
  • Responsible for the security of vehicles during working hours and any goods on transit
  • Ensure that the vehicles are kept clean and serviced as required
  • Careful use and handling of the vehicles at all times
  • Submit receipts for all cash spent on fuel and emergency repairs

Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • High School level education
  • Valid driving License (A, B, C & E)
  • Training in basic mechanics
  • Valid Police Clearance Certificate
  • Credible 5 years prior driving experience
  • Good interpersonal relations skill
  • Team player


Office administrative assistant

Requirements for appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • High school level education with at least grade D+ in KCSE
  • Training in basic computer skills
  • Demonstrate understanding of blood transfusion services


Reports to the administrative officer

  • Downloading and printing of various requisitions received from the Regional blood transfusion centers and satellites
  • Packaging of commodities for shipment to KNBTTS peripheral sites to include labelling
  • Preparation of packaging list for commodities to be shipped to the periphery
  • Preparation of stickers for labeling of items to be shipped
  • Coordinate shipment of commodities to the periphery sites
  • Assisting in inventory update
  • Filing of stores forms S11 and S13 according to received and dispatched consumables
  • Filing of bin cards following issuance of goods from the stores
  • Entry of all issued goods to the courier system for easy tracking
  • Photocopying of all requisite documents including Standard Operation procedures, blood donor questionnaires and their shipment to the RBTCs and satellites
  • Monthly stock taking of all commodities in the KNBTTS central stores


Supply Chain Management assistant

Requirements for appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • Diploma in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management from a recognized institution
  • Experience in recording of commodities in line with government regulations and procedures
  • Managing the stores using the LIFO and FIFO method
  • I year post training experience in a government institution
  • Experience with IFMIS
  • Proficiency in computer applications


Reports to Supply Chain Management Officer

  • Receiving of consignments/donations from suppliers
  • Stores inventory management
  • Controlling the dispatch of commodities, reagents and supplies to all the regions and satellites.
  • Operating procurement functions through the IFMIS system.
  • Managing the stores using the LIFO and FIFO method to avoid bulk buying of goods and also expiry.
  • Record keeping and filing of all office documents.
  • Any duties assigned by the supervisor


ICT officers - 3 Positions

Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • Bachelor degree in computer science or related field, or Diploma in Science or Computer sciences with applicable professional qualification, such as Microsoft, Oracle, or Cisco certification and at least 5 years practical experience
  • Minimum 4 years’ experience in an area of the ICT service catalogue (e.g., network administration, workplace services, telecommunications, IT, helpdesk, radio, etc.);
  • ICT knowledge and experience in Networks, Operating Systems, Software Development, computers, servers, utilities, printers and peripherals, PABX technologies
  • Certificate of good conduct.

Specific duties

Report to the ICT specialist

  • Support the deployment and implementation of the Blood Management information System across all regions and transfusing facilities
  • Installation and maintenance of computer systems;
  • configuration of Local Area Network and Wide Area Network for connectivity and routine uptime across the country;
  • Support implementation and management of the day-to-day operations of a functional ERP at the NBTTS
  • Undertake programming as may be required
  • Developing and updating application systems; and
  • Carrying out systems analysis, design and program specifications in liaison with users;
  • Carrying out repairs and maintenance of Information Communication Technology equipment and associated peripherals;
  • Provide user support as required for effective
  • Ensures existing ICT infrastructure is functional. Carry out regular quality controls;
  • Install, maintain and repair all IT hardware, IT infrastructure (LAN, WAN, Wireless) and Telecom (HF, VHF, sat phones, PABX, etc.) in line with policy and standards
  • Perform any other duties that may be assigned from time to time.


ICT specialists

Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • Master’s degree or equivalent in IT, electronics, computer science or relevant field or Bachelor in computer science or related field, or Diploma in Science or Computer sciences with applicable professional qualification, such as Microsoft, Oracle, or Cisco certification and at least 5 years practical experience
  • Professional certification(s) in domains of Network, Operating System, Software Development including SQL programming and algorithms
  • Eight (8) years’ experience in ICT services management; IT systems, networks, and related technologies; IT administration and system security.
  • 4 years' management experience
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Certificate of Good Conduct

Specific Duties

Report to head, KNBTTS

  • Oversee deployment of the National Blood Management Information System (BMIS) across the Country and act as the administrator of the National Blood Management Information System
  • Develop and implement of Strategy, Policies and Procedures for ICT for the NBTTS that align to, and are in compliance with the MOH and broader Government ICT objectives, legislation and procedures
  • Development and deployment of ICT systems for the NBTTS including: Monitoring and maintaining networks and servers including security upgrades, ensuring access controls, backups and firewalls; Upgrading, installing and configuring new hardware and software to meet company objectives
  • Implement and oversee an effective Enterprise Resource Management System including MS Office Support to support and manage NBTTS operations
  • Develop and oversee implementation of security protocols and procedures to prevent potential threats and implement data recovery procedures and systems
  • Build an internal wiki with technical documentation, manuals and IT policies
  • Build and maintain ICT inventory and maintain equipment and acquisition of hardware supplies, ensure routine maintenance
  • Monitoring of file server traffic, usage and performance and provide backend support to the website
  • Provide organization-wide ICT systems, tools, training and support, including a centralized ICT Helpdesk service to all NBTTS regions, and Transfusing facilities with adequate connectivity and ICT back-up; back up and restoring files, virus detection, removal and prevention and efficient end-user feedback and error reporting systems
  • Oversee implementation of NBTTS telephone system (including deployment and support of VoIP and unified telecommunications solutions across all regions) 


Senior Accountant officer

Requirements for appointment to this post, a candidate must have:

  • A Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce (Accounting or Finance option), Business Administration (Accounting option) from a recognized institution or any other relevant qualification adjudged to be its equivalent from an approved institution
  • Passed Part III of Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Examination or its recognized equivalent;
  • 5 years’ work experience
  • 2 years in the function of accounting
  • Registered with the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) and Registration of Accountants Board (RAB).
  • Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.

Specific Duties

Reports to Head, KNBTTS

  • To facilitate budget development
  • Develop and Implement a Finance and Accounting system for the Service, including during its Transition to a semiautonomous institution that is functional, within regulations and integrated with essential systems such as Human Resource and Activities
  • To undertake financial planning and execution of budgets in line with approvals and regulations
  • Ensure compliance of KNBTTS with finance and accounting requirements of the Service and of MOH
  • Liaise with function areas of the Service and with MOH to develop MTEF plans, budget proposals, engage in MTEF negotiations, advise the Head and facilitate budget availability
  • Liaise with function areas to make accounting returns for the Service
  • Liaise with the MOH Internal Audit Department on an on-going basis
  • To liaise with MOH Finance and Accounts Departments for execution of budget, making returns, reporting, 


Bio-medical Engineer

Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • BSc in Biomedical Engineering Technology
  • Served for at least four (4) years;
  • Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance
  • Ability to work without close supervision
  • Registered with Association of Medical Engineers of Kenya
  • Have a valid practice license

Specific Duties

Report to head, KNBTTS Support the development of a systems for planning and forecasting equipment and blood needs

  • Support implementation of routine maintenance with up to 100% uptime for all equipment
  • Conduct Pre- Installation works, install and commission medical equipment and plants
  • Conduct or ensure repair of high complex medical equipment
  • Perform preventive maintenance of highly complex medical equipment
  • Conduct performance and safety test and calibration of highly complex medical equipment.
  • Conduct limited physical facility and utility repairs
  • Perform repairs and planned preventive maintenance on highly complex general/medical plants
  • Operate highly complex medical and general plants
  • Technical advice including outsourcing
  • Any other duty as assigned by the supervisor


Human Resource Officer

Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Human Resource management or related degree
  • Registered with the Institute of Human Resource Management
  • Minimum 4 years’ experience
  • Demonstrated experience in Human Resource functions, policy implementation, staff management for a minimum of 4 years
  • Knowledge of Kenya labor laws
  • Certified Public Accountants of Kenya
  • Competency in development and implementation of HR policies and strategies
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent analytical skills
  • Competency in ICT skills
  • Excellent statistical analysis and interpretation of HR data
  • Capacity to train mentor and coach
  • Capacity to provide leadership to the department, motivate employees and ensure high productivity
  • Comprehensive understanding of HRH
  • Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.
  • Served in the grade of Chief Accountant, or in a comparable and relevant position for a minimum period of three (3) years;
  • Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.

Specific Duties

Reports to head, KNBTTS

  • To support KNBTTS in implementing HR policies and procedures in the department
  • To disseminate and provide guidance to staff on the public service manuals, regulations code of ethics and other service regulations
  • Effective management of staff records and files
  • Ensure implementation of annual staff appraisals linked to the HR system and within regulations including the Public Service Commission
  • Liaise with the Ministry of Health on staff management matters
  • Effective human resource information system by ensuring timely updates
  • Preparation of staff situation reports highlighting vacancies, attendance, staff turnover and disciplinary cases, retirement for planning purposes.


Administrative officer

Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • Hold at least a university degree or its equivalent, in Organizational Development, Policy and Social Sciences, Business Administration, Public Sector Management or related discipline.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and competence in provision of administrative support, monitoring, coordination of administrative functions
  • 5-year work experience in administrative functions
  • Proactive with demonstrated ability to plan, organize, coordinate, follow up, multitask and prioritize under pressure with minimal supervision.

Specific Duties

Reports to Administrator

  • Support the office of the Director in monitoring Performance Management of the NBTTS including implementation of performance contracts and adherence to work plans and reporting for the Service
  • Support the office of the administrator in implementation of administrative systems
  • Liaise with the management team, regions and administrator for implementation of administrative systems
  • To support the office of the Director in coordination and monitoring of the strategic plan
  • Liaise with the MoH leaderships, partners, associations, external stakeholders and other operational offices to improve efficiency
  • Support the office of the Director during the Transition into a Semi-autonomous agency in administrative functions to develop the agency
  • Work with ICT to ensure enhanced use of technology for performance tracking and information dissemination
  • To coordinate and support implementation of administration systems including registry, asset maintenance between the Department and the regional offices


Monitoring and Evaluation specialist

Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • Have a degree in Statistics, Health Records and Information Management, Epidemiology or Health data related sciences from a recognized training institution.
  • 1 year post training work experience in M&E, epidemiology, data and statistical analysis, surveillance, Health Management Information Systems or Data Quality Assurance
  • Be conversant with statistical analytical packages
  • Have basic understanding of ICT systems and the use of electronic data management systems
  • Be able to apply and use electronic data bases, and experience in the use of the KHIS and any other MOH data electronic data management systems is an added advantage

Specific Duties:

Reports to Strategic Information Specialist

Monitoring and Evaluation Officers will have the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Data collection on blood collection and usage using the appropriate data collection and reporting tools both manual and digital
  • Ensure timely submission of reports, including those from periphery satellites and consistency in data entry to the Blood Management information System (BMIS)
  • Review quality of data entered on the Blood Management Information System and support corrective action
  • Routinely review transfusion records from facilities to ensure data quality
  • Provide capacity building on the application of protocols in the use of the Blood Management Information System
  • Implement the requirements of the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework including data tools, data sources, frequency and submission
  • Trouble shoot and provide backstop services to all sites mapped to the RBTC including Transfusing facilities Compile and upload reports into KHIS and any other relevant health information subsystems relating to blood
  • Generate and analyze routine reports for decision making by use of dashboards and pivot tables
  • Compile data from different sources for day-to-day management
  • Supervision of data management activities
  • Conduct data qual


Monitoring and Evaluation officers - 2 Positions

Requirements for this appointment, a candidate must have:

  • First level university degree in statistics, demographics, public policy, international development, economics, or related field.
  • Minimum of five (5) years of professional experience
  • At least 2 years in a function responsible for implementing M&E activities
  • Experience in designing, implementing, and operating M&E systems, planning and performance measurement, including indicator selection, data collection, target setting, reporting, analysis and evaluation methodologies
  • Experience in data quality management and surveys

Specific Duties

Reports to Strategic information specialist

  • Ensure timely submission of reports, including those from periphery satellites and consistency in data entry to the Blood Management information System (BMIS)
  • Develop the overall framework, for blood M&E, including reviews, impact assessment, final evaluation, develop project Performance Monitoring Plan with relevant data collection systems.
  • Develop national blood evaluation framework
  • Develop and implement surveillance framework for blood transfusion services for Kenya
  • Review quality of data entered on the Blood Management Information System and support corrective action
  • Routinely review transfusion records from facilities to ensure data quality
  • Provide capacity building on the application of protocols in the use of the Blood Management Information System
  • Implement the requirements of the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework including data tools, data sources, frequency and submission
  • Organize and undertake capacity building for M & E across Counties, KNBTTS staff and teams
  • Maintain and administer the M&E database; analyses and aggregate findings.
  • Produce reports on M&E findings and prepare presentations based on M&E data as required.


Communications officer

Requirements for Appointment to this post, a candidate must have:

  • Diploma in health promotion, community development, Journalism, Communications, or related discipline.
  • 1 year post training experience in social media, marketing, digital media, community mobilization, marketing, administration support, project management, public relations, events management
  • At least 1 year post training experience
  • Knowledge of programmes, projects, support services
  • Good report writing and analytical skills

Specific duties:

Report to the Communications Specialist in delivering the communications function of the National Blood Transfusion and Transplant Services

  • Support the communications teams in implementation of the NBTTS calendar of events to support satellites in implementation of targeted mobilization of blood donors
  • Support coordination of communication with different regions and satellites
  • Capture data, information, graphics and events related to KNBTTS and ensure storage, repository and availability
  • Support the writing of editorials and regular bulletins of the KNTTS
  • Support social media management
  • Engage with the Youth TWG for on-going activities
  • Design messages and information used for donor mobilization and recruitment
  • Enhance the positive image of KNBTTS 


Strategic Information Specialist

Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • Masters level university degree either Science in Health Economics, Policy, statistics, demographics, international development, epidemiology or related field.
  • Minimum of Eight (8) years working experience
  • At least 4 years in a position responsible for application of information and data for decision making
  • At least 3 years management experience, with experience in managing teams
  • Knowledge in health financing is an added advantage.

Specific Duties

Report to head, KNBTTS

  • Oversee the implementation of the National Blood M & E framework
  • Develop and implement the institution performance management system.
  • Manage the M & E officers across NBTTS sites
  • Develop SOPs for data systems and implement Data reporting and Quality in the
  • Blood Management information System including data from Transfusing facilities
  • Oversee implementation of the Data Protection Act for Kenya’s blood data
  • Develop systems for data protection with understanding of bio-data security
  • Review the quality of existing data in the project subject areas, the methods of collecting it, and the degree to which it will provide good baseline statistics for impact evaluation
  • Continuously review and update the M & E performance indicators, reporting systems
  • Oversee Blood Surveillance activities and provide data driven advisories for decision making
  • Maintain and administer the M&E database; analyze and aggregate findings.
  • Support progress reporting in line with the National Blood Strategic Framework
  • Develop a system for routine use of data driven decision making and submit regular reports to the Head
  • Provide Secretariat support and direction to the National M & E Technical Working Group


Regional Coordination and Partnerships Officer

Requirements for Appointment to this post a candidate must have:

  • Masters level university degree in either medical laboratory sciences, public policy, international development, economics, social sciences or related field.
  • Minimum of Eight (8) of work experience
  • At least 5 years management experience, with experience in managing teams
  • Experience in health systems strengthening, health services delivery, health policy formulation and implementation health systems and services
  • Minimum 2 years’ experience each working in County Governments and National Government

Specific Duties:

Reports to Head KNBTTS

The regional coordination and partnership officer will have the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Development and implementation of an inter-governmental framework on blood management services
  • Design and implementation of Technical Assistance framework for implementation of assigned blood management services within counties
  • Provide Technical assistance to Counties, national and private sector institutions in implementation of blood services
  • Liaise and facilitate engagement with the Inter-Governmental Relations Department of the MOH and the Inter-Governmental Health Forum
  • Facilitate Coordination with County Governments within procedures and regulations and liaise with County Blood Management Officers to enhance services
  • Engage partners and stakeholders to promote blood related outcomes in line with the MOH Partnership coordination framework
  • Implement stakeholder forums
  • Create partnerships and reciprocal relationships with other services
  • Engage private sector on implementation of National standards

Method of Application

The terms of reference on the posts can be accessed on the Ministry’s website and the Public Procurement Information Portal 
Applications should include the following; Cover letter and current CV with names and telephone contacts, Copies of academic and professional certificates, Photocopy of ID and Testimonials/ Recommendation. Interested and qualified persons are required to make their applications ONLINE through the Ministry’s Email Address: so as to reach the Ministry on or before 24th August, 2022 11:00 am.

Job Info
Job Category: Several Jobs in one Advert jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 24 August 2022  
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 12-08-2022
No of Jobs: 59
Start Publishing: 12-08-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 12-08-2065
Apply Now
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