Openings at Anti-Counterfeit Agency
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744 Days Ago
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The Anti-Counterfeit Authority was established under the Anti-Counterfeit Act 2008 as a State Corporation with the mandates to enlighten and inform the public on matters relating to counterfeiting, combat counterfeiting, trade and other dealings in counterfeit goods, devise and promote training programs to combat counterfeiting and co-ordinate with national, regional or international organizations involved in combating counterfeiting. It is a state corporation currently within the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Trade. Although the Act was passed by Kenya’s Parliament in 2008, it came into force on 1st July 2009 with the principal aim of prohibiting trade in counterfeit goods. The Agency came into operation in June 2010.

Director - Corporate Services


Job Specifications

The Director - Corporate Services is responsible to the Executive Director for: -

  1. Managing the core functions of the Corporate Services Directorate
  2. Coordinating and overseeing recruitment, selections and promotions;
  3. Coordinating implementation of the vision, mission, set goals and objectives of the Authority;
  4. Coordinating the preparation of respective board papers;
  5. Designing and implementing an accounting and financial management system;
  6. Ensuring prudent management of financial, human and physical resources of the Authority;
  7. Coordinating and overseeing the preparation of quarterly and annual financial reports and statements of accounts;
  8. Coordinating the formulation and the implementation of financial & human resource policies;
  9. Ensuring an efficient and effective, professional and sustainable human resource and administrative systems;
  10. Coordinating the Authority’s preparation and implementation of the annual budgets;
  11. Coordinating the designing and implementation of performance management systems relating to finance, human resource and administration functions;
  12. Coordinating formation and facilitation of all management committees in the Authority;
  13. Coordinating the development of the Authority’s Corporate Communication Strategy and oversee its implementation; and
  14. Perform any other duty as may be assigned.

Person Specifications

For appointment to the position of Director, Corporate Services, a person must have: -

  1. A Master’s degree in Social Sciences, Business Administration or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
  2. A Bachelor’s degree in Social Science, Business Administration or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
  3. Professional qualification and membership to a professional body, where applicable;
  4. A minimum period of twelve (12) years’ cumulative work experience;
  5. At least six (6) years relevant work experience in management;
  6. Proficiency in computer applications; and
  7. Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.


Deputy Director - Research, Strategy and Policy


Job Specifications

The Deputy Director - Research & Policy is responsible to the Director - Research, Policy, Quality Assurance and will: -

  1. Supervise the staff in the Department;
  2. Manage and administer research activities in the Authority;
  3. Develop strategies for stakeholder consultations and engagements;
  4. Spearhead the development and implementation of the Authority’s research and development policy;
  5. Plan and implement research programmes;
  6. Spearhead the dissemination of research findings through publications and presentations at local and international fora;
  7. Carry out collaborative research with industries and other stakeholders on the aspects of counterfeiting;
  8. Ensure preparation of quarterly, biannual and annual implementation reports;
  9. Identify innovative ideas through research which have practical significance to the Authority’s mandate
  10. Monitor implementation of divisional budgets;
  11. Perform any other duty as may be assigned by the management.

Person Specifications

For appointment to the grade of Deputy Director Research & Policy, a person must have: -

  1. Masters degree in Public Policy, Administration, Economics, Education, Sociology or related disciplines;
  2. Bachelors degree in Education, Economics, Statistics, Sociology, or related disciplines;
  3. Professional qualification and membership to a professional body where applicable;
  4. A minimum period of ten (10) years relevant cumulative work experience;
  5. At least five (5) years relevant work experience in management;
  6. Proficiency in computer applications; and
  7. Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.


Deputy Director, Planning and Quality Assurance


Job Specifications

The Deputy Director - Planning & Quality Assurance is responsible to Director - Research, Policy & Quality Assurance for: -

  1. Supervise staff in the department;
  2. Coordinating implementation of the Authority’s policies and plans through stakeholder engagements and other relevant fora;
  3. Coordinating development of a robust performance management system and oversee implementation of performance contracts as well as their monitoring and evaluation at all levels;
  4. Assist in the preparing board papers;
  5. Coordinating preparation of quarterly and annual performance contract reports;
  6. Coordinating development of systems, policies and quality management systems (QMS) procedures;
  7. Coordinating the planning process and monitor implementation of corporate plans and strategies;
  8. Communicating the corporate strategy of the Authority effectively to all the stakeholders (internal and external);
  9. Coordinating feasibility studies for any planned projects, programmes and activities;
  10. Reviewing implementation of projects, programmes and activities;
  11. Coordinating resource mobilization to support the Authority’s operations; and
  12. Perform any other duties which may be assigned by the management.

Person Specifications

For appointment to the grade of Deputy Director Planning & Quality Assurance, a person must have: -

  1. A Master’s degree in Public Policy, Administration, Economics, Education, Sociology or related disciplines;
  2. A Bachelor’s degree in Education, Economics, Statistics, Sociology, or related disciplines;
  3. A minimum period of ten (10) years relevant cumulative work experience;
  4. At least five (5) years relevant work experience in management;
  5. Proficiency in computer applications; and
  6. Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.


Principal Human Resource and Administration Officer


Job Specifications

The Principal Human Resource and Administration Officer is responsible to the Deputy Director - Human Resource and Administration for: -

  1. Implementing strategies, policies, and standards pertaining to human resource planning, recruitment and staff establishment;
  2. Reviewing and implement training programme and development policies and strategies for Human resource of the Authority;
  3. Ensuring implementation of disciplinary process for management staff and maintenance of policies that foster industrial peace;
  4. Administering staff insurance policies and medical scheme;
  5. Compiling and monitoring the staff complement;
  6. Maintaining and ensuring confidentiality of staff data base and records;
  7. Coordinating personnel matters (leave schedules, and keeping records of the same);
  8. Coordinate staff welfare activities in the Authority;
  9. Ensuring compliance with labour laws, policies and other government regulations on workforce in consultation with the legal department;
  10. Implementing sound employee relations and job satisfaction programmes including incentives scheme;
  11. Coordinating payroll data and remittance of statutory deductions;
  12. Coordinating Staff training and careers development programs;
  13. Implementing HR work plans, and generation of quarterly reports; and
  14. Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the management.

Person Specifications

For appointment to the grade of Principal Human Resource and Administration Officer a person must have:

  1. Master’s degree in Social Sciences (Human Resource Management, Sociology, Economics, Development Studies, Public/Business Administration, Commerce) or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
  2. Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Sciences (Human Resource Management, Sociology, Development Studies, Education, Economics, Public/Business Administration, Commerce) or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
  3. Postgraduate Diploma in Personnel/Human Resource Management or its equivalent from a recognized institution or Certified Human Resource Practitioner course (CHRP);
  4. A minimum period of eight (8) years’ cumulative work experience;
  5. At least four (4) years relevant work experience in supervisory level;
  6. Professional qualification and membership to a professional body where applicable;
  7. Proficiency in computer applications; and
  8. Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.


Principal Supply Chain Management Officer


Job Specifications

The Principal Supply Chain Management Officer is responsible to the Deputy Director - Supply chain management for;

  1. Developing, implementing and managing the procurement policy and procedures for the Authority;
  2. Planning and managing all activities involved in sourcing suppliers, procurement, quality assurance, financial, logistics and delivery activities;
  3. Preparing and sending out tender bidding documents/requests for regular and specialized supplies (including consultancy and outsourced services);
  4. Scheduling procurement in line with the approved budget;
  5. Providing oversight to the requisitions process to ensure competitive quotations for the purchases of good;
  6. Ensuring that best practices are employed in the supply chain management;
  7. Preparing professional opinion for consideration by the Executive Director;
  8. Facilitating procurement committee meetings;
  9. Preparing the annual procurement plans in liaison with user departments;
  10. Ensuring that services and goods are delivered on time and are within stated specifications and standards;
  11. Ensuring proper inventory control;
  12. Monitoring usage of purchases and supplies to ensure that irregularity, duplication and wastage is minimized; and
  13. Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the management.

Person Specifications 

For appointment to the grade of Principal, Supply Chain Management Officer, a person must have: -

  1. Master’s degree in Business Administration procurement, Social Sciences, Purchasing, Commerce, Economics or related discipline;
  2. Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, procurement, Social Sciences, Purchasing, Commerce, Economics or related discipline;
  3. A minimum period of eight (8) years’ cumulative work experience;
  4. At least four (4) years relevant work experience at supervisory level;
  5. Membership of a relevant professional body in good standing;
  6. Proficiency in computer applications; and
  7. Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.


Principal Anti-Counterfeit Inspector

Job Specifications

The Principal Anti-Counterfeit Inspector is responsible to the Deputy Director Enforcement for the following: -

  1. Supervising staff in the designated region;
  2. Implementing the Authority’s policies and procedures;
  3. Coordinating investigations and prosecution of cases arising out of enforcement of the Act in the region;
  4. Receiving and acting on complaints related to enforcement of intellectual property rights;
  5. Maintaining complaints and prosecution register;
  6. Compiling reports of determined cases;
  7. Maintaining a database for the region as reference material for the Authority;
  8. Collecting, collating, analyzing data and compiling monthly, quarterly and annual reports for onward transmission to the head office;
  9. Liaising with the Authority’s legal officer on legal matters;
  10. Advising on policy and strategic changes necessary to facilitate protection of intellectual property rights; and
  11. Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the management.

Person Specifications 

For appointment to the position of Principal Anti-Counterfeit Inspector, a person must have: -

  1. Master’s degree in Criminology, Social Science, Business Administration or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
  2. Bachelor’s degree in Criminology, Social Science, Business Administration or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
  3. A minimum period of eight (8) years’ cumulative work experience;
  4. At least four (4) years relevant work experience in supervisory level;
  5. Professional qualification and membership to a professional body where applicable;
  6. Proficiency in computer applications; and
  7. Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.


Senior Supply Chain Management Officer


Job Specifications

The Senior Supply Chain Management Officer is responsible to the Principal Supply Chain Management Officer for the following: -

  1. Preparing relevant documentation for the tender and procurement processed per guidelines;
  2. Drafting contract agreements as per established procedures;
  3. Coordinating tender opening and commercial analysis in liaison with other departments, Section and Units;
  4. Developing and implementing procurement policy and procedures for the Authority;
  5. Developing procurement schedule as per requisitions from the departments/units;
  6. Preparing and sending out tender bidding documents/requests for regular and specialized supplies of goods and services;
  7. Scheduling procurement in line with the approved budget;
  8. Participating in ensuring that Best Practices are employed in the supply chain management;
  9. Facilitating prompt and accurate delivery of goods, services or equipment following the award of tenders or orders;
  10. Facilitating receipt, verification, inspection and posting (into stock cards) of ordered goods, to ensure compliance to order specifications;
  11. Monitoring usage of purchases and supplies to ensure that irregularity, duplication and wastage is minimized;
  12. Preparing tender schedules before awarding of local purchase orders, and local service orders;
  13. Coordinate periodic stock takes; and
  14. Perform any other duties as may be assigned by management.

Person Specifications

For appointment to the grade of Senior Supply Chain Management Officer, a person must have: -

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Procurement, Social Sciences, Purchasing, Commerce, Economics or related discipline;
  2. Membership of a relevant professional body in good standing;
  3. A minimum period of four (4) years relevant cumulative work experience;
  4. Proficiency in computer applications; and
  5. Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.


Senior Finance and Accounts Officer


Job Specifications

The Senior Finance & Accounts Officer is responsible to Principal Finance & Accounts Officer for: -

  1. Preparing monthly and annual financial reports for management;
  2. Ensuring proper cash flow management;
  3. Managing and controlling of general expenditure;
  4. Approving payments in accordance with accounting and financial policies;
  5. Coordinating accounting work for internal and external reporting purposes;
  6. Planning, controlling and coordinating the annual budgeting process;
  7. Participating in the development of short- and long-term financial plans of the Authority;
  8. Liaising with internal audit on all financial internal audit work programmes;
  9. Coordinating and facilitating external financial audits;
  10. Ensuring integrity of accounting transactions and computerized information system;
  11. Developing and maintaining effective accounting and financial systems;
  12. Managing statutory returns and staff gratuity account; and
  13. Perform any other duties as assigned by the management.

Person Specifications 

For appointment to the position of Senior Finance & Accounts Officer, a person must have:

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Commerce, Business Administration, Economics, Statistics, Sociology, or related disciplines;
  2. Obtained Certified Public Accountants CPA(K) or its equivalent from a recognized Institution;
  3. A member of Institute of Certified Public Accountants;
  4. A minimum period of four (4) years relevant cumulative work experience;
  5. Proficiency in computer applications; and
  6. Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.


Finance and Accounts Officer


Job Specifications

The Finance & Accounts Officer is responsible to the Senior Finance & Accounts Officer and will be: -

  1. Processing payments as per established procedures and policies;
  2. Capturing invoices and certificate of contract into the system;
  3. Reviewing payments vouchers to ensure compliance to approved procedures;
  4. Supervising daily cash count and posts transactions in the accounting system;
  5. Liaising with suppliers to facilitate reconciliation of accounts;
  6. Sorting out the reconciliation items in the bank statements, payroll and accruals accounts;
  7. Processing payments and making appropriate entries into staff bank accounts;
  8. Carrying out reconciliations of salaries and wages accounts as per approved procedures and policies;
  9. Maintaining accurate accounting records;
  10. Receipting banked revenues and incomes as per laid down procedures;
  11. Accounting of petty cash and effective management of imprest system from various departments;
  12. Remitting statutory deductions and payments to the respective authorities; and
  13. Perform any other duties as assigned by management.

Person Specifications 

For appointment to the grade of Finance & Accounts Officer, the officer must have: -

  1. Bachelors’ degree in Commerce, Business Administration, Economics, Statistics, Sociology, or related disciplines;
  2. Proficiency in computer applications; and
  3. Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.


Anti-Counterfeit Inspector


Job Specifications

The Anti-Counterfeit Inspector is responsible to the Senior Anti-Counterfeit Inspector for: -

  1. Receiving and acting on complaints relating to enforcement of intellectual property rights;
  2. Implementing the prosecution policies and procedures;
  3. Assisting in the investigation of complaints from intellectual property rights owners;
  4. Ensuring that witnesses attend courts through witness summons;
  5. Facilitating prosecution of cases;
  6. Assisting in the compilation of investigation files and court cases;
  7. Conducting raids on suspected counterfeit goods;
  8. Initiating suo moto action on suspected counterfeit goods; and
  9. Perform any other duty as may be assigned by the management. 

Person Specifications 

For appointment to the grade of Anti-Counterfeit Inspector, a person must have: -

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Criminology, Social Science, Business Administration or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
  2. Proficiency in computer applications; and
  3. Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.


Supply Chain Management Officer


Job Specifications

The Supply Chain Management Officer is responsible to the Senior Supply Chain Management Officer for: -

  1. Preparing and processing tender and quotations documents as per approved procedures;
  2. Carrying out all activities involved in sourcing suppliers, procurement and ensuring quality of supplied goods and services;
  3. Consolidating, compiling and evaluating procurement requirements from departments;
  4. Participating in tender opening and commercial analysis in the procurement process;
  5. Monitoring consumption of materials and advising on fast moving, slow moving and obsolete materials to facilitate replacement or disposal;
  6. Compiling, collating data for the procurement plan line with the approved budget;
  7. Participating in ensuring that best practices are employed in the supply chain management within the Authority;
  8. Conducting inspection for supplied goods and services.
  9. Receiving and review procurement requisitions for accuracy and completeness;
  10. Maintaining accurate purchasing records; and
  11. Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the management.

Person Specifications 

For appointment to the grade of Supply Chain Management Officer, a person must have: -

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, procurement, Social Sciences, Purchasing, Commerce, Economics or related discipline;
  2. A member of KISM;
  3. Proficiency in computer applications; and
  4. Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.


Human Resource Management Officer


Job Specifications

Human Resource and Administration Officer is responsible to the Senior Human Resource and Administration Officer for: -

  1. Facilitating and conducting training programmes, and seminars aimed at staff development and capacity building;
  2. Monitoring the leave register;
  3. Monitoring the effectiveness and impact of the performance management programme;
  4. Preparing pay change advice;
  5. Preparing monthly, quarterly, half year and annual human resource reports;
  6. Keeping records and follow up on all staff relating to capacity building and staff development; and
  7. Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the management.

Person Specifications 

For appointment to the grade of Human Resource and Administration Officer, an officer must have: -

  1. Bachelors’ degree in Social Sciences (Human Resource Management, Sociology, Development Studies, Education, Economics, Public administration Business Administration, Commerce) or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
  2. A member of IHRM;
  3. Proficiency in computer applications; and
  4. Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.


Public Communication Officer


Job Specifications

The Public Communication Officer is responsible to the Senior Public Communication Officer for:

  1. Assisting in the preparation of the strategic corporate and public relations plans;
  2. Generating digital content;
  3. Writing, editing and proof-reading detailed communication for targeted audiences;
  4. Designing authority’s communication publication;
  5. Assisting in photography and videography of the Authority’s activities;
  6. Assisting in managing Authority’s website and social media platforms;
  7. Liaising with the advertisers on marketing communications initiatives in the promotion of a positive image of the Authority;
  8. Facilitating the marketing campaigns; and
  9. Perform any other duty as may be assigned by the management. 

Person Specifications

For appointment to the grade of Public Communication Officer, a person must have: -

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, Public Relations, or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
  2. A member of PRSK;
  3. Proficiency in computer applications;
  4. Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution


Senior Driver


Job Specifications

The Senior Driver is responsible to the Senior Administration Officer for: -

  1. Chauffeuring the assigned vehicle;
  2. Carrying out minor mechanical repairs;
  3. Recognizing and reporting malfunctioning of the vehicles;
  4. Ensuring security of the vehicles on and off the road;
  5. Ensuring safety of passengers and/or goods in the vehicle;
  6. Maintaining cleanliness of the vehicle assigned to him;
  7. Ensuring that the work tickets are well maintained;
  8. Ensuring possession of all the requisite documents and tools for any specific journey; and
  9. Any other duties as assigned by the management.

Person Specifications 

For appointment to the grade of Senior Driver, a person must have:

  1. Minimum KCSE Mean Grade C- or equivalent qualification;
  2. A good command of both oral and written English and Kiswahili languages;
  3. Possession of a clean and valid Driving Licence;
  4. A valid Certificate of Good Conduct;
  5. A Government suitability test for drivers;
  6. Computer knowledge; and
  7. Fulfilling the requirements of chapter six of the constitution.


  1. KCSE Mean Grade D+
  2. A good command of both oral and written English and Kiswahili languages;
  3. Possession of a clean and valid Driving Licence;
  4. A valid Certificate of Good Conduct;
  5. A Government suitability test for drivers;
  6. Professional Craft and certificate courses
  7. Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution


  1. At least four years’ cumulative work experience
  2. A good command of both oral and written English and Kiswahili languages;
  3. Possession of a clean and valid Driving Licence;
  4. A valid Certificate of Good Conduct;
  5. A Government suitability test for drivers;
  6. Fulfil the requirements of chapter six of the constitution.



Job Specifications

The Driver is responsible to the Senior Administration Officer for: -

  1. Chauffeuring the assigned vehicle;
  2. Carrying out minor mechanical repairs;
  3. Ensuring that the work ticket is well maintained;
  4. Recognizing and reporting malfunctioning of the vehicles;
  5. Ensuring security of the vehicles on and off the road;
  6. Ensuring safety of passengers and/or goods in the vehicle;
  7. Maintaining cleanliness of the vehicle assigned to him;
  8. Ensuring possession of all the requisite documents and tools for any specific journey; and
  9. Any other duties as assigned by the management. 

Person Specifications 

This is the entry grade for drivers. For appointment to the grade of Driver, a person must have: -

  1. KCSE Mean Grade D+ or equivalent qualification;
  2. A good command of both oral and written English and Kiswahili languages;
  3. Possession of a clean and valid Driving Licence;
  4. A Government suitability test for drivers;
  5. A valid Certificate of Good Conduct; and
  6. Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates are advised to access the detailed descriptions of the job requirements, the application guidelines and job application form on Authority’s website

Suitably qualified candidates should apply in confidence using the Job Application Form indicating the job reference number on the Job Application Form and on the envelope. Applicants should attach a covering letter, a detailed curriculum vitae, copies of academic and professional certificates, testimonials and National Identity Card.

All applications should be addressed to and received by the undersigned in hard copy not later than 21st February, 2023 at 5.00 p.m. East African Time.

Executive Director
Anti-Counterfeit Authority
3rd Floor, National Water Plaza
Dunga Road, Industrial Area
P.O. Box 47771-00100


Important Information to Note

  1. Any form of canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.
  2. ACA Does not charge any fees in the recruitment process.
  3. Anti-Counterfeit Authority is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and gender equality. Women, youth, minorities, marginalized and persons with disability are encouraged to apply.
  4. Late applications and soft copy applications shall NOT be considered.
  5. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
  6. Shortlisted candidates will be expected to prove their compliance with Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 by obtaining and presenting the following clearance certificates:
  7. Higher Education Loans Board (HELB);
  8. Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA);
  9. Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI);
  10. Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC); and
  11. Credit Reference Bureau (CRB).

Job Info
Job Category: Several Jobs in one Advert jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 21 February 2023
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 08-02-2023
No of Jobs: 15
Start Publishing: 08-02-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 08-02-2065
Apply Now
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