Latest Recruitment at Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examinations Board (KASNEB)
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KASNEB was established by the Government of Kenya on 24 July 1969. The Accountants Act, Cap 531 of the Laws of Kenya, which was enacted in July 1977, gave KASNEB retroactive recognition since its inception in 1969. 

Director, Corporate Services

G rade KASNEB 2
C orporation/O rganization KASNEB
D irectorate C orporate S ervices D irectorate
D epartm ent N /A
D ivision N /A
S ection / U nit N /A
Location / W ork S tation KASNEB H eadquarters
R eporting R elationship
R eports to S ecretary/C hief E xecutive O fficer
Job Purpose

The job holder is responsible for providing strategic leadership and advice to ensure optim al utilization and m anagem ent of KASNEB’s resources in the functional areas of Finance; Human Resource Management; Administration and Property Managem ent; and Marketing and Communication.

Key Responsibilities

  1. Coordinate the developm ent, review ing and im plem entation of adm inistrative policies, strategies and program m es within KASNEB;
  2. (ii) O versee the im plem entation and updating of all necessary accounting practices;
  3. (iii) A nalyze and m ake recom m endations related to all m ajor financial and business decisions;
  4. (iv) O verseeing the forecasting and planning of Finance, H um an R esource M anagem ent &
  5. A dm inistration and P roperty M anagem ent, M arketing and C om m unication needs in order to
  6. achieve strategic objectives of the directorate;
  7. Overseeing the im plem entation of Finance, H um an R esource M anagem ent regulations and circulars as issued from tim e to tim e by the G overnm ent;
  8. Overseeing preparation, im plem entation and m onitoring of the B udget; M anaging of KASNEB’s financial investm ent and assets;
  9. Overseeing the overall adm inistration, planning, coordination and execution of all m arketing and com m unications functions;
  10. Ensuring the preparation and interpretation of financial statem ents, m anagem ent accounts and reports;
  11. Coordinating general adm inistrative services of KASNEB and ensuring prudent utilisation of resources;
  12. Providing leadership in the H um an R esource M anagem ent including succession managem ent and A dm inistration and P roperty m anagem ent function of KASNEB;
  13. Spearheading change m anagem ent program m es in KASNEB;
  14. Ensuring Compliance w ith S tatutory obligations.
  15. Supervision, m entoring and coaching of D irectorate staff.

P erson S pecifications

The job holder is required to have:

  1. Masters degree in any of the follow ing: B usiness A dm inistration, A ccounting, Finance, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Strategic Management, Public Relations, Public Administration or any other equivalent from a recognized institution.
  2. (ii) B achelors degree in any of the follow ing: C om m erce, B usiness A dm inistration, H um an
  3. R esource M anagem ent, Finance, A ccounting, M arketing, C om m unication, P ublic
  4. A dm inistration, Public Relations, or any other equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
  5. Fifteen (15) Years cum ulative relevant w ork experience, five (5) of w hich should have been at senior management level in a reputable institution.
  6. Leadership course lasting not less than four (4) w eeks from a recognized institution.
  7. Mem bership to a relevant professional body.
  8. Shown merit and ability as reflected in w ork perform ance and results
  9. Proficiency in com puter applications.
  10. A bility to work with and supervise multigenerational staff; and
  11. Fulfil the requirem ents of Chapter S ix of the constitution.


Deputy Director, Corporate Research, Innovation and Consultancy

Grade KASNEB 3
Corporation/O rganization KASNEB
Directorate S trategy and P lanning
Department N /A
Division Corporate Research, Innovation and Consultancy
Location/Work Station KASNEB Headquarters

Job Purpose

The purpose of this job is to co-ordinate Corporate Research, Innovation and Consultancy pursuant to the objectives of the Board.

K ey Responsibilities

  1. Coordinating research and innovation across the organisation.
  2. Managing the register of research activity across the organisation.
  3. Developing and prom oting research and innovation interests through national and international netw orks as required.
  4. Developing a research and innovation strategy in consultation w ith D irectorates and Divisions.
  5. Creating linkages and partnerships w ith stakeholders.
  6. Coordinating partnerships and collaborations.
  7. Dissem inating research findings to relevant partners.
  8. Show casing innovations undertaken by KASNEB.
  9. Coordinating Innovation and P rotection of Intellectual P roperty R ights.
  10. Coordinating studies and B usiness R esearch relating to the exam inations of KASNEB.
  11. Coordinating key projects/activities for the B oard.
  12. Managing the R esource C entre w ith all relevant artefacts and documentation.
  13. Managing know ledge and inform ation.
  14. Coordinating know ledge sharing and m anagem ent initiatives in the B oard.
  15. Developing and im plem enting the R esearch and C onsultancy P olicy and Framework.

Person Specifications

The job holder is required to have:

  1. Master’s degree in E conom ics, B usiness A dm inistration, P ublic P olicy, S tatistics, Mathematics, Strategic Management, Public Administration, Project planning and Managem ent or related disciplines from a recognised institution.
  2. Bachelor’s degree in E conom ics, B usiness A dm inistration, P ublic P olicy, S tatistics, Mathem atics, S trategic M anagem ent, P ublic A dm inistration, P roject planning and
  3. Managem ent or related disciplines from a recognised institution.
  4. Managem ent C ourse lasting not less than four (4) w eeks from a recognised institution.
  5. Internal quality audit certification from a recognized professional body.
  6. A minimum period of tw elve (12) years relevant w ork experience five (5) of w hich should have been in m anagem ent level;
  7. Proficiency in com puter applications; and
  8. Fulfill the requirem ents of C hapter S ix of the C onstitution.

Deputy Director, Information Communication Technology

Grade Job Level 3
Corporation/O rganization KASNEB
Directorate E xam inations A dm inistration and P rocessing
Division Inform ation C om m unication Technology
Location / Work Station KASNEB Headquarters
Reporting Relationship
Reports to D irector, Examinations Administration and Processing

Job Purpose

The purpose of this job is to provide strategic leadership and advice, coordination of the efficient, effective delivery of IC T services in support of the mandate of KASNEB

K ey R esponsibilities

  1. Developing, im plem enting and m aintaining of system s
  2. Carrying out system s analysis, design and program m er specifications in liaison w ith users;
  3. Ensuring adherence to established IC T standards;
  4. Compiling overall system s documentation;
  5. Supervising installation certification, repairs and m aintenance of Inform ation Com m unication Technology equipm ent, sm art city solutions and associated peripherals;
  6. Recom m ending and supervising H ardw are/S oftw are specifications for Inform ation Com m unication Technology equipm ent;
  7. A dm inistering and m aintaining w eb-based system s and database server’s configuration;
  8. (Docum enting KASNEB netw ork configurations and passw ords of critical system s;
  9. IC T R isk m anagem ent and B usiness continuity;
  10. Maintaining S ystem s security and D atabases;
  11. Enforcing im plem entation of IC T policies and procedures;
  12. Assisting in IC T P lanning, B udgeting and R eporting; and Managem ent of outsourced IC T services and service providers

Person Specifications

The Job holder is required to have:

  1. M asters D egree in any of the follow ing disciplines: - Inform ation Technology, C om puter Science, B usiness IT, S oftw are E ngineering, IC T P roject M anagem ent, C om puter Engineering or any other relevant and equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution;
  2. Bachelors D egree in any of the follow ing: Inform ation Technology, C om puter S cience, Business IT, Software Engineering, IC T P roject M anagem ent, C om puter E ngineering or their equivalent from a recognized Institution;
  3. Twelve (12) years’ experience in relevant w ork and at least five (5) years in a supervisory role;
  4. Professional certification such as C C N P , C D CP, C C N A C loud, C C N A Industrial/IoT, C C NA, M C S E , M CS A , M C S D , N + , A + O C A , C IS S P , Linux+ ,N etw ork+ , M icrosoft C ertified IT P rofessional (M C ITP ), Certified Inform ation C om m unication Technologist (C IC T) or their equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
  5. Member of an IC T professional body;
  6. Leadership C ourse lasting not less than four (4) w eeks from a recognized institution;
  7. Fulfilled the requirem ents of C hapter S ix of the C onstitution;
  8. Demonstrated m erit and ability as reflected in w ork perform ance and results.


Legal Officer

Level 6
Corporation/O rganization KASNEB
Directorate Corporation S ecretary and Legal Services Directorate
Departm ent N /A
Division Office of B oard S ecretarial and Legal S ervices
Section / Unit N /A
Location / Work S tation KANEB Headquarters
R eporting Relationship
Reports to Principal Legal Officer

Job Purpose

The job holder is responsible for preparing legal reports on m atters involving the organisation for presentation to the KASNEB Board or Senior M anagem ent and ensures flow of Board secretariat services, legal, compliance and governance advisory.

K ey R esponsibilities

  1. Advising on legal m atters affecting or that m ay affect K A S N EB.
  2. Draft professional legal advice for the office for any legal action to be initiated and/or defending the interests of the B oard;
  3. Preparing legal briefs for the initiation of legal action;
  4. Assist in preparing and interpreting legal opinions and offering guidance on legal requirem ents;
  5. Assist and supervise training of Legal A ssistants, interns and other staff w hen necessary ;
  6. Maintain and ensure proper m anagem ent of the records of the legal division are up to date and produce quarterly reports on the sam e;
  7. Assist in ensuring that key issues and needs of B oard are represented in policy fora in
  8. international regional and national conferences/m eetings/w orkshops; 
  9. Assist to prosecute for and represent the B oard in law courts and quasi-judicial tribunals;
  10. Preparation and filing of pleadings for and on behalf of the B oard;
  11. Assist in drafting and review ing of legal instrum ents and policy docum ents on behalf of the B oard;
  12. Assist in advising on negotiations and taking part in com m ercial transactions;
  13. Assist in drafting of contracts and M O U s;
  14. Assist in engaging and liaising w ith stakeholders on behalf of the B oard;
  15. Assist in legal research and assignm ents;

P erson S pecifications

The Job holder is required to have:

  1. Bachelors of Law degree from a recognized institution;
  2. Postgraduate Diplom a in Law from the K enya S chool of Law ;
  3. Adm itted as an A dvocate of the High Court;
  4. Hold a valid practicing certificate;
  5. Member of the Law Society of K enya;
  6. Proficiency in computer applications; and
  7. Fulfill the requirem ents of Chapter Six of the C onstitution


Strategy and Planning Officer

G rade KASNEB /Level 6
C orporation/O rganization KASNEB
Directorate S trategy and P lanning
Departm ent N /A
Division Planning and Perform ance Managem ent
Section / Unit N /A
Location / Work S tation KASNEB Headquarters
Reporting Relationship
Reports to Deputy Director, Planning and Performance Managem ent

Job Purpose

The purpose of this job is to ensure effective and efficient monitoring, evaluation and reporting of the strategic plans, perform ance contracts and policies.

Key Responsibilities

  1. Participating in review ing of B oard internal policies, regulations, guidelines;
  2. Executing activities as per organization strategic plan and perform ance contract under the
  3. guidance of P rincipal S trategy and P lanning O fficer;
  4. Participating in developing/review ing of the B oard’s S trategic P lan under the guidance of the P rincipal S trategy and Planning O fficer;
  5. Participating in corporate perform ance m anagem ent processes for all directorates and divisions of the Board;
  6. Participating in m onitoring im plem entation of the B oard’s S trategic P lan;
  7. A ssisting in carrying out corporate m onitoring and evaluation;
  8. Assisting in preparation of quarterly, sem i-annual and annual organisational perform ance reports;
  9. Com plying w ith B oard’s internal policies, regulations, guidelines and strategies; and
  10. Participating in preparation, im plem entation, m onitoring and evaluation of the B oard’s w ork plans and P erform ance C ontract (P C ).

P erson S pecifications
The Job holder is required to have:

  1. Bachelors degree in E conom ics, B usiness A dm inistration, P ublic P olicy; S tatistics, Mathem atics, Strategic Managem ent, P ublic A dm inistration, P roject planning and M anagem ent or related disciplines;
  2. Proficiency in com puter applications; and
  3. Fulfill the requirem ents of C hapter S ix of the C onstitution.


Information Communication Technology Assistant (ICTA)

Grade Job Level 8
Corporation/O rganization KASNEB
Directorate Exam inations Adm inistration and Processing
Division Inform ation Com m unication Technology
Location / W ork S tation KASNEB Headquarters
Reporting R elationship
Reports to Inform ation C om m unication Technology O fficer

Job Purpose

The purpose of this job is implementation of systems, applications and providing user support.

K ey R esponsibilities

  1. Testing sim ple com puter program s according to instructions and specifications;
  2. Installing and configuring com puter system s;
  3. Providing user support;
  4. Repairing and m aintaining IC T equipm ent and associated peripherals;
  5. Monitoring the perform ance of IC T equipm ent
  6. Providing support for application system s;
  7. Identifying and reporting any faults for necessary action; and
  8. Maintaining up to date equipm ent register.

Person Specifications

The Job holder is required to have:

  1. Diploma/Higher diplom a in any of the follow ing fields: C om puter S cience, Inform ation Technology, Diplom a in Information Communication Technology (D IC T) or other relevant and equivalent qualifications from a recognized Institution;
  2. Fulfilled the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution;
  3. Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.


Safety and Security Assistant

Grade KASNEB 8
Corpo ration/Organization KASNEB
Directorate Corporate Services
Division A dm inistration and P roperty M anagem ent
Location / Work Station KASNEB H eadquarters
R eporting R elationship
R eports to S enior S afety and S ecurity A ssistant

Job Purpose

The S afety and S ecurity A ssistant w ill be responsible for assisting the im plem entation of KASNEB security procedures and operational plan

K ey R esponsibilities

  1. Coordinating of security activities in KASNEB
  2. Supporting im plem entation of security m easures to safeguard KASNEB assets against theft, pilferage, dam age and terrorism .
  3. Liaising w ith the S enior S afety and S ecurity O fficer on all security m atters and surveillance  within KASNEB.
  4. Supervising the deploym ent of outsourced security guards and ensuring quality of services are rendered to KASNEB.
  5. Liaising w ith law enforcem ent agencies on security m atters
  6. Regularly m onitoring security situation, highlighting and escalating any potential security hazard or recurring incidences.
  7. Drafting of security reports.
  8. Carrying out physical inspection of KASNEB prem ises in relation to safety and security.
  9. Security surveillance and preparation of reports.
  10. Ensuring risk m anagem ent in the area of operation.
  11. Ensuring the im plem entation of the IS O Q uality M anagem ent S ystem in the area of operation
  12. Supporting the assessm ent of security conditions at KASNEB Tow ers including collecting, interpreting and analysing routine security inform ation.

P erson S pecifications

The Job holder is required to have:

  1. Diplom a in S ecurity M anagem ent from a recognised institution
  2. Certificate in security surveillance, intelligence and investigations
  3. Certificate in first aid
  4. Proficiency in com puter applications
  5. Fulfill the requirem ents of C hapter S ix of the C onstitution.

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should send their applications via the follow ing em ail address ( enclosing detailed curriculum vitae, certified copies of transcripts, academ ic and professional certificates, national Identity card, testim onials, nam es and addresses of three referees so as to reach the undersigned not later than W ednesday, 7 September 2022.

The application letter should indicate the “JO B TITLE A N D REFERENCE NUMBER” of the position applied for and be addressed to: Secretary/Chief E xecutive O fficer Kasneb P.O.B ox 41362 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya

K asneb is an equal opportunity em ployer. P ersons w ith disabilities are encouraged to apply and are required to subm it a copy of a valid NCPWD Membership Card.

Job Info
Job Category: Several Jobs in one Advert jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 07 September 2022
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 24-08-2022
No of Jobs: 7
Start Publishing: 24-08-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 24-08-2065
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