Perimeter Wall Electric Fence Installation
For Tdb Group, Nairobi Office Building (TDB TOWER)
The TDB Group's new office building in Nairobi is located at Plot LR No. 1/184 Lenana Road, Kilimani, Nairobi, Kenya. The building is composed of the below-indicated facilities:
Three Basement Parking areas and a Plaza that includes Security Boxes and Guard Houses.
19 Floor Levels that include a Reception Area at the Ground Level, an Auditorium and Conferencing Facilities on the 1* Level, a Gym and Records Management Archive on the 2nd Level, Sky Gardens on the 3,d and 11* Levels, Meeting Pods on the 4'h, 12,h and 13th Levels, Offices on the 9,h. 10th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th floor Levels.
Installation of an electric fence along the perimeter wall approximately 250 meters all around with applicable accessories.
- Site Visit
Bidders must conduct a Site Visit before submitting their Proposals through the enquiries emails provided below. Once TDB receives the list of interested Bidders, an email will be shared with Bidders indicating the Date and Time of the Visit. After the site visit, Bidders are to submit an applicable methodology as part of their Technical Proposal including installation timelines, testing and commissioning including applicable service level agreements. Both Technical and Financial Proposals are to be submitted zipped separately.
Repairs & Reinstatement Of Tdb Rented Offices
Established in 1985. the Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank (TDB) is a multilateral, treaty-based development financial institution, with assets of USS 7 billion. The Bank's mandate is to finance and foster trade, regional economic integration, and sustainable development through trade finance, project and infrastructure finance, asset management, and business advisory services.
TDB is planning to vacate their current rented offices from 197 Lcnana Place. Laiboni Centre and Zep-Re Building and move to its newly constructed office and therefore wish to reinstate the rented offices to their original conditions as per lease requirements with various landlords.
Repairs and reinstatement work will include, but not limited to:-
- Silk white painting in the entire offices
- Carpet shampooing and cleaning
- Repairs to both electrical and plumbing facilities
- Lock replacements where applicable, and
- Removal of debris
The size the offices are:-
- 197 Lenana Place (1", 3"*, 41’’ and 5"' Floors) • 21.815 square feet
- Zep-Re Building Ground Floor - 1.950 square feet
- Laiboni Centre (2M and 5” Floors) -7.250 square feet
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