Vacancy title:
Vacancy In The Office Of The Speaker
Jobs at:
County Assembly Of KirinyagaDeadline of this Job:
31st December, 2019
Date Posted: Monday, December 16, 2019 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed
IT IS notified for the information of the general public that pursuant to Standing Order 4 and 13 of the County Assembly of Kirinyaga Standing Order, the Office of the Speaker of the County Assembly became vacant on Tuesday 30th of July 2019. Interested persons who qualify to be elected as Members of County Assembly but are not such members are therefore invited to submit their nomination papers for election to the Office of Speaker of County Assembly of Kirinyaga.
Nomination papers can be collected from the Office of the Clerk of the County Assembly at the County Assembly of Kirinyaga Offices, Kerugoya, during working hours from Monday, 16th December 2019. .
Job Responsibilities: Not Specified
Job Skills: Not Specified
Job Qualifications: Not Specified
Job Education Requirements: Not Specified
Job Experience Requirements: Not Specified
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Job application procedure
Completed nomination papers, together with the curriculum vitae of the candidate and relevant supporting documents should be submitted to the Office of the Clerk of the County Assembly at the County Assembly of Kirinyaga offices, Kerugoya not later than 31st December, 2019.
Dated 10th December, 2019
Kamau Aidi
Clerk of the County Assembly of Kirinyaga
All Jobs
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