Terms of reference for consultancy to undertake proofreading , editing , design and layout of EOA-I policy briefs job at BvAT
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Vacancy title:
Terms of reference for consultancy to undertake proofreading , editing , design and layout of EOA-I policy briefs

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Consulting , Category: Consultant ]

Jobs at:


Deadline of this Job:
16 December 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Kenya , Nairobi , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, December 15, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Objectives of the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative (EOA–I)
• To increase documentation of information and knowledge (evidence) on organic agricultural products along the complete value chain and support relevant actors to translate it into practices and wide application (scaling up).
• To systematically inform producers about the EOA approaches and good practices and motivate their uptake through strengthening access to advisory and support services.
• To substantially increase the share of quality organic products at the local, national, regional, and global markets.
• To strengthen inclusive stakeholder engagement in the development of organic commodity value chains by strengthening national, regional, and continental multi–stakeholder platforms to advocate for changes in public policy, plans and practices.

Purpose of the assignment
To engage dynamic and highly skilled experts to support in the proof reading, editing and design and layout of an assortment of Policy Briefs developed under the EOA–I at the regional and country levels for advocacy and policy influencing priorities for Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative.
The following Policy Briefs will form this assignment:
• 5 regional policy briefs with 6 pages each.
• 5 country specific policy briefs with 4 pages each.
• A policy brief focussing on ‘return on agricultural investment’ with 5 pages.

Tasks for the Consultants
• Review existing study reports, noting relevant information, proofread and revise the 11 policy briefs. (Consultant will receive background materials).
• Propose and agree on the policy briefs structure and format with EOA–I team (content presentation, best use of case studies, style, visual elements, etc.)
• Draft, edit and finalize the policy briefs – including charts and graphs, as needed – of not more than 10 pages for each policy brief, ensuring accuracy and currency of all content.
• Adjust the layout and number of pages as necessary without reducing the font size.
• Work with the graphic designer to oversee the layout and design in readiness for publishing.
• Provide a final PDF (print and online version) and artwork.

The consultancy will be conducted between December 2021 and February 2022 with the submission of the final edited policy briefs ready to publish.
Qualifications and Competences
• Proven track record in graphic design;
• Excellent attention to detail;
• Creativity and innovation to produce high quality products;
• High proficiency in the use of design applications; Adobe Illustrator, InDesign; Photoshop;
• Strong interpersonal skills, able to communicate and work with diverse people.

Expected deliverables
The key deliverable for this assignment will be 11 proofread, edited, and designed policy briefs with print and online versions.
Additionally, the consultant will deliver the following during the period of the consultancy:
• Inception report and workplan.
• A meeting with EOA–I team to set off the task with consolidated ideas.
Reporting and coordination
The consultant will report to the BvAT Executive Director or his designee

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 36

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
Electronic Copies Shall Be Sent To Info@Eoai–Africa.Org With The Subject Heading: Consultancy For Proofreading, Editing & Designing Policy Briefs Of The Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative In Africa. Application Must Be Received By 16th December 2021.

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 16 December 2021  
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 15-12-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 16-12-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 15-12-2061
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