Regional Gender Advisor, Consultant Level II job at World Food Programme (WFP)
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Vacancy title:
Regional Gender Advisor, Consultant Level II

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Consultant ]

Jobs at:

World Food Programme (WFP)

Deadline of this Job:
15 July 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Kenya , Nairobi , East Africa

Date Posted: Saturday, July 02, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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World Food Programme (WFP) jobs in Kenya

Regional Gender Advisor, Consultant Level II

The Regional Gender Advisor (RGA) is tasked with supporting COs to articulate their gender work within the CSPs, as well as enabling progressive dialogues (internally and externally) to redress gender equalities in a sustainable and appropriate manner. The RGA is to support all Country Offices in the collection, analysis and use of quantitative and qualitative sex, age and disability disaggregated data into useable information, informing strategic humanitarian and development activities. WFP RBN provides programmatic oversight and support to all country offices in the implementation of their gender action plans and their efforts to mainstream gender-sensitive approaches in all CSP and specialized activities. The Bureau is also a front-line provider of support in enabling country offices to meet their commitments under the WFP Gender policy, including the application of the gender and age marker at both the design and monitoring phases of their programme activities. Sitting within the Food Systems, Climate and Livelihoods team, the RGA will be working within a food systems and framework, conscious of the gendered impacts of climate change on livelihoods, food and nutrition security for the women, men, boys and girls WFP serves.

Key Accountabilities/Responsibilities
• Advise, guide and steer RBN and CO on the implementation of the corporate Gender Policy mainstreaming gender equality, women’s empowerment within WFP operations and programmatic interventions at the regional level and at Country Office level;
• Support robust mainstreaming of gender into WFP programming and operations, including systematic gender analysis, and provide policy advice on specific gender issues that impact on WFP operations in a variety of country, community and local contexts
• Work with senior management in the RB and the COs to ensure strong institutional commitment and leadership (through active and visible champions) for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) programme and process objectives
• Manage the effective application and use of the Gender and Age Marker by supporting country office teams are equipped to sustainably report on gender equality outcomes, mainstreamed gender equality objectives/goals in all WFP strategies, projects and programmes;
• Support the establishment, coordinate the work and strengthen the technical capacity of the internal gender infrastructure including Regional Bureau Gender Results Team and the regional and country office Gender Results Network;
• Strengthen strategic partnerships on gender and support mobilization of resources required to implement the WFP gender policy and gender regional strategy effectively;
• Develop and implement gender training across the region including on gender transformative programming, gender analysis, Gender Based Violence, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and other related subjects;
• Strengthen WFP workforce and partners’ gender awareness and gender programming capacities and improve their ability for gender mainstreaming in project design and throughout the programming cycle.

Deliverables At The End Of The Contract
• Capacity building provided to the country office staff on gender transformative approaches and women’s empowerment.
• The finalization of the Country Gender Action Plans. (Minimum 5)
• Technical, policy and programmatic support provided on the integration of gender perspectives in the overall strategic planning and programming of WFP projects/programmes.
• Strengthened coordination mechanisms for gender mainstreaming and programming developed between gender advisors and gender results networks.
• Facilitated WFP engagement in interagency working groups and networks.
• Support provided to country offices in mainstreaming gender into needs assessment frameworks including adaptation of tools, collection, analysis and reporting processes

Standard Minimum Qualifications
• Education: Advanced university degree in one of the following disciplines: gender, social sciences, international development, development economics or another related field like international relations, human rights, political science, or humanitarian studies.
• Language: Working knowledge (proficiency/Level C) of English is required. Beginner level French or Arabic is a strong advantage.

Desired Experiences For Entry Into The Role
• At least 7+ years of relevant work experience in the field of gender in the field of food and nutrition security utilizing a climate and food system lens.

Knowledge & Skills:
• In-depth knowledge of gender in humanitarian and development settings, especially in the areas of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, Gender-Based Violence, humanitarian policy issues, and its linkage with food security, nutrition and climate change.
• Solid analytical, writing skills, and communication skills (including developing advocacy messages)
• Sound knowledge and skills in training and facilitation
• Knowledge of UN system policies and functions of gender-mandated agencies
• Flexibility to travel on short notice and in challenging and difficult environments.
• Team spirit and excellent interpersonal relations

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure
Interested and qualified? Go to World Food Programme (WFP) on to apply

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 15 July 2022
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 02-07-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 02-07-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 02-07-2065
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