Project Management Specialist (Anti-Corruption) job at US Agency for International Development
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Vacancy title:
Project Management Specialist (Anti-Corruption)

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

US Agency for International Development

Deadline of this Job:
22 December 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Kenya , Nairobi , East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, December 10, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Project Management Specialist (Anti-Corruption)
Major Duties And Responsibilities

A. Program Design And Management 50%
• The Specialist plays the lead role in designing and managing the Mission’s anti-corruption and accountability activities (contracts, cooperative agreements, grants to public international organizations, and government-to-government mechanisms). This is a continuous process that involves a high degree of responsibility across the entirety of USAID’s program design cycle, from conceptualizing and formulating programs, through procurement, implementation, and evaluation. USAID/KEA’s CDCS requires integration and coordination among technical offices that will require the Specialist to coordinate closely with other technical offices to ensure strategic coordination and unity of effort.
• The Specialist is the technical lead for designing and managing DGPS programs and activities focusing on addressing corruption and enhancing accountability in Kenya’s governance processes while supporting civic engagement to advance and bolster these efforts. S/he serves as the Contracting/Agreement Officers’ Representative (A/COR) of relevant programs, and as such, is expected to not only be responsible for overall management of programs, but to coordinate activities with other USAID technical offices, as well as other U.S. Government agencies at Post.
• As an A/COR, s/he is accountable for the program implementation tasks that include:
• Co-creation with various stakeholders and providing technical direction and guidance to implementing partners to improve program impact;
• Providing review and approvals on both programmatic and financial aspects of program implementation;
• Ensuring all required USAID documentation is prepared including specialized opinions and reports that inform USAID’s regular portfolio reviews and annual reporting;
• Conducting periodic reviews and evaluations pertaining to these activities, identifying emerging problems and determining the course of action.
• In designing, procuring and managing anti-corruption activities, the Specialist is expected to be a leader in pioneering the use of innovative approaches to maximize development impact. This requires a deep understanding of the field (including political sensitivities related to the political economy of corruption); having trusted relationships with non-state actors, including civil society organizations (CSO), media, faith-based organizations, private sector among others; having good working relationships with government institutions and agencies; having proactive engagement with other anti-corruption experts (both within and outside USAID), and keeping abreast of latest developments, studies, and academic research.
• As an experienced professional in the democracy and governance (DG) field, the incumbent will be expected to actively explore and identify new partnerships, particularly ones that empower citizens as change agents. This entails expanding outreach to and engagement with various Kenyan institutions and organizations at the national and county levels. The incumbent actively explores, identifies, and brings to the attention of the Office and Mission leadership local partners, and where applicable, will work with these partners to build their capacity to implement and manage USAID development activities.
• As the technical lead on anti-corruption, the incumbent is responsible for identifying and synthesizing best international and regional practices and lessons learned and to use this information to meaningfully contribute to improving knowledge management and learning within USAID/KEA.
• Strategic Advice / Portfolio Guidance 30%
• The Specialist is responsible for tracking legal, policy, political and economic trends, as they relate to corruption and efforts to curb it and provide strategic advice on the same. In interacting with USAID and USG decision-makers, s/he distills information and shapes it into succinct policy and/or programmatic recommendations.
• Given the cross-cutting nature of anti-corruption work, the incumbent seeks ways to promote the integration of anti-corruption and accountability activities into USAID programs in other sectors (health, education, environment, etc.). Part of the Specialist’s role involves active outreach and coordination with other technical offices and the U.S. Embassy to ensure unity of efforts around anti-corruption and accountability programs.
• During annual portfolio reviews, briefings for high-level visitors, and other performance reporting processes, the Specialist plays a role in presenting and explaining DGPS programs. In fulfilling this role, s/he must be able to convey the high-level strategic rationale behind anti-corruption programs, as well as detailed information about specific programmatic interventions, their successes and shortfalls.
• The incumbent contributes to the development of strategic documents including annual operational plans, annual performance reports, congressional budget justifications and other ad hoc reports as required.
• The Specialist develops and designs new program activities and reviews and advises on proposals from potential partners/contractors and documents recommendations for issuance of grants, contracts, and host government agreements.
• The incumbent engages with cross-mission teams on the assessment and design of government-to-government programs, including advising on governance related risks, and mitigation measures related to those risks.
• External Representation 20%
• On a wide variety of topics related to anti-corruption and accountability, the Specialist represents USAID to external audiences, to contribute thought leadership and ensure that USAID equities are represented in multi-lateral fora and partner working groups.
• The incumbent maintains direct and substantive contacts to advise and represent USG policy interests with host government officials at the national and county levels to enhance learning and ensure coordination of programmatic activities.
• In addition to government, the Specialist establishes and maintains effective working relations and coordination with other donors, civil society, private sector, media and academic/research bodies on matters related to anti-corruption and accountability initiatives. S/he will not only be fluent in the technical nuances of anti-corruption, accountability, and other DG sub-sectors, but will also be able to explain the role of USAID and its work to members of the general public, who may have little or no knowledge of USAID.
• S/he will add value to existing partnerships, and exercise initiative in establishing new ones, with international, regional and local partners in support anti-corruption interventions.
• The Specialist will collaborate with USAID/Washington's DRG Center, bilateral missions and other Agency affiliates in anti-corruption programming and learning.
Position Elements:
1. Supervision Received: The Specialist is supervised by the DGPS Deputy Office Director, or his/her designee. The incumbent’s work is governed by an annual work plan, jointly developed with his/her supervisor.
2. Supervision Exercised: The incumbent exercises no direct supervisory responsibility. However, s/he may be called upon to lead design, proposal review, presentation and /or evaluation teams aligned with anti-corruption themes.
3. Available Guidelines: As a key member of the DGPS team, the incumbent is expected to be knowledgeable of key applicable regulations and guidance, including the USAID Automated Directive Systems (ADS) (Series 200, Programming; Series 300, Acquisition and Assistance Planning; 540, USAID Development Experience Information; Series 600, Budget and Finance), Mission Orders, and guidance from USAID/Washington, especially as regards project design and management, and USAID reporting requirements. The incumbent is expected to correctly interpret the underlying intent of such guidelines that require updating.
4. Exercise of Judgment: Within applicable regulations and guidance provided by his/her supervisor, the Specialist exercises considerable judgement and initiative in monitoring office operations, and proposing improvements in standard operating procedures, office team structure, or other protocols.
5. Authority To Make Commitments: The incumbent exercises the authority given to A/CORs and may make administrative arrangements consistent with ADS guidance and Mission and Office policy. S/he takes action and establishes priorities based on available guidelines and professional judgment. Guidance is sought when needed, and superiors are apprised of activity and project status. Within the scope of the authority delegated, the incumbent may indicate to ranking counterpart and implementing partner (IP) officials that they will make a recommendation to USAID on a specific activity, issue, or problem(s). The incumbent cannot make financial commitments on behalf of the U.S. Government. The incumbent's recommendations, however, will lay the basis for making commitments.
6. Nature, Level, And Purpose of Contacts: The Specialist is in daily contact with the DGPS Director, and is frequently in contact with senior USG officials, including USAID/KEA Mission management, and visiting officials from Washington. S/he also initiates and maintains contacts with senior government officials, leaders and representatives in the Kenyan government, as well as among civil society members and development partners.
7. Time Expected to Reach Full Performance Level: One year.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure
Step 1: Register in MyJobsInKenya at www.myjobsinkenya.comStep 2: Qualified Current USG Employees: Attach an updated curriculum vitae/resume (no more than five pages), a copy of your most recent Performance Evaluation Report, and copies of all relevant certificates. Scan and attach all the documents and upload to MyJobsInKenya. OR
External Applicants/Not Current USG Employees: Attach an updated curriculum vitae/resume (no more than five pages) and copies of all relevant certificates. Scan and attach all the documents and upload to MyJobsInKenya .
Note to Applicants:
1. Applications must be received by the closing date and time specified in Section I, item 3, and submitted through as stated in Section IV.
2. Submissions will only be accepted through Late and Incomplete applications (those that do not contain the applicant’s most current and up to date detailed CV and relevant education certificates) will not be considered for the position. The closing date for receipt of applications is indicated above.
3. USAID provides equal opportunity and equitable treatment for employment of all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status or sexual orientation.
4. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Any form of canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 22 December 2021
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 10-12-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 10-12-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 10-12-2065
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