Production Of Krcs 2022 Institutional Video at Kenya Red Cross
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1021 Days Ago
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Document Release Date : 25th March, 2022

Last Date for Receipt of proposals : 8th June, 2022

Time : 11.00Hrs

Tender Number : PRF09296

Submission Email to

Tender Opening Venue and Time: Microsoft Teams at 1200 NOON link to be shared



Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) is a national humanitarian, voluntary organization, established in Kenya by an Act of Parliament (CAP 256 of the laws of Kenya) in 1965. KRCS is auxiliary to both the National and County government in the provision of humanitarian assistance. The auxiliary role legally mandates KRCS and public authorities to work together in the interests of vulnerable people in Kenya on humanitarian issues, while protecting the independence of KRCS and the seven fundamental principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent[1]. It is the only organization in the country established by an Act of parliament and mandated to complement the efforts of both the national and county governments.

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KRCS is a volunteer-based organization. We draw our strength from a strong network of over 200,000 members and volunteers with diverse skills and professions The Society implements programmes under emergency operations; disaster risk management; health, nutrition and Social Services; water, sanitation and Hygiene; and organisational development. It also runs the Centre for humanitarian affairs- a knowledge hub also involved in capacity building. Additionally, the Society has a number of business entities established to generate income for sustainability.

Drought response in 2021 dominated the Kenya Red Cross response with the Society leading efforts to draw attention to the drought and mobilise resources to support people in the 23 affected counties. The Society also continued support the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly conducting risk communication and community engagement activities to increase vaccination uptake. The Society also continued to implement its long-term development activities in disaster risk reduction and health. .

Objective of the Assignment

The Kenya Red Cross intends to produce a 15 minutes video to showcase its work during the year. The Society wishes to engage the services of an experienced video producer to work with the public relations department to compile footage from various activities, interview senior management, staff volunteers, and members of governance and edit a concise video to showcase the achievements of the Society.


  1. Identify interventions and achievements of 2021

Develop a storyline for the video

  1. Identify, collect and collate video footage and other material within the department
  2. Develop an appropriate shooting schedule for collection of additional materials from the field, interviews with beneficiaries, members/ volunteers, Kenya Red Cross top leadership, donors and partners.
  3. Edit, refine and conduct preview sessions with programme heads and senior leadership


  1. One 15 minutes long video documentary showcasing Kenya Red Cross work
  2. A 4 minutes’ shorter version for social media
  3. A 7 minutes documentary on the 2019/2020 floods response
  4. All raw material including all interviews conducted


The contractual period is for 20 working days


The consultant shall at all times liaise with the Public Relations and Communications Manager.


This consultancy will be supported by funds raised and are available under PR department account with additional contributions from all programmes.

Expected outputs

  • One 15 minutes long video documentary showcasing Kenya Red Cross work
  • A 4 minutes’ shorter version for social media
  • A 7 minutes documentary on the 2019/2020 floods response
  • All raw material including all interviews conducted
  • A report of the assignment

How to apply

Bids should reach on or before 8th June 2022 at 11.00 am. Bids received after the above-specified date and time shall not be considered.

Any bid received by KRCS after this deadline will be rejected.

Bidders should provide a technical and financial proposal in two separate folders clearly Marked “Technical Proposal + Name of consultant” and “Financial Proposal + Name of consultant” both of which should then be sent to with the subject reading “Tender Number PRF09296 - Call for Consultancy for production of KRCS institutional video 2022”

The Proposal should be addressed as indicated above to reach the undersigned by 8th June 2022 at 11.00 a.m. for the tender to be opened at 12.00 noon:

Any bid received by KRCS after this deadline will be rejected.

All those tenderers who download the document will be required to send a mail to for the purpose of receiving any amendments or additional information and log in details for the tender opening meeting.

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 08 June 2022
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 26-05-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 26-05-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 26-05-2065
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