OTI Senior Regional Advisor - Southern and Eastern Africa job at US Agency for International Development
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979 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
OTI Senior Regional Advisor - Southern and Eastern Africa

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

US Agency for International Development

Deadline of this Job:
01 August 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Kenya , Nairobi , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, July 06, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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US Agency for International Development jobs in Kenya

Duties And Responsibilities:
• Ensure effective and well-managed OTI country programs by performing independent analysis of program operations, and helping to mentor, train, and advise the Country Representative, Deputy Country Representative, and other members of in-country Senior Management Teams (including implementing partner staff where appropriate) on OTI’s business model, programming methodology, applicable historical references, and observed personal and corporate lessons;
• Advise at strategic, programmatic and activity levels to ensure the overall success of OTI programs in the region;
• Provide high-level support to U.S. Embassies and USAID Missions for the design and execution of programs that follow OTI’s quick-impact programming model;
• Monitor regional developments related to CPS and OTI’s mission and mandate. Provide ongoing analysis and regular reporting to the Regional Team Leader on current political developments, security concerns and other pertinent information from the region for informed decision-making;
• Provide high-level advisory support and participation in policy development, strategy sessions, or special projects and initiatives for the Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization (CPS), regional bureaus, and/or other USAID offices;
• Frequent travel to current or potential OTI field locations and Washington, DC to conduct new country assessments, provide strategy guidance, and/or assist in the design of new or existing programs. Travel will also be required to attend relevant regional conferences and workshops;
• As requested, support management of ongoing OTI programs in the region on a temporary duty (TDY) or remote basis, including but not limited to serving as Acting Country Representative or Acting Deputy Country Representative;
• Actively manage learning and training in CPS/OTI by linking, contributing to, and refining observed lessons and best practices from the field, program, and personnel requirements to OTI’s knowledge management team;
• Serve as OTI’s representative, regional expert and liaison for new country start-ups, strategic analysis and dialogue with senior U.S. Government officials and representatives throughout the region;
• Provide strategic advice to the OTI Regional Team Leader about the direction and implementation of country programs, and the performance of in-country staff. Guide the Regional Team Leader and relevant country teams to devise strategies for the improvement and success of OTI programs; and,
• Serve on temporary details within OTI, other USAID bureaus/offices, or other U.S. Government (USG) agencies under this scope of work for a period not to exceed six (6) months. Duties performed while on detail must be directly related to the scope of work. Contracting Officer (CO) approval is required for the temporary detail. Any extension past the six (6) months requires CO approval.

Minimum Qualifications:
• At a minimum, the offeror must have:
• A Master’s Degree with nine (9) years of work experience;
• OR
• A Bachelor’s Degree with eleven (11) years of work experience;
• OR
• An Associate’s Degree with twelve (12) years of work experience;
• OR
• A High School diploma/equivalent with thirteen (13) years of work experience;
• Nine (9) years of project management experience with a U.S. Government foreign affairs agency, domestic or international assistance organization, or non-governmental organization in community development, economic development, mediation/arbitration, conflict resolution, democracy and governance, international law, political analysis, and/or human rights activities;
• Six (6) years of overseas field experience (in person or virtual). A virtual temporary duty (TDY) is defined as work that would have been conducted in an overseas location if not for the COVID pandemic;
• Six (6) years of supervisory experience with at least one direct report.
• Please direct questions about this position or the offer process to the OTI Recruitment Team at otijobs@usaid.gov.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 156

Level of Education:
High School

Job application procedure
How to apply
• Click HERE to apply

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Job Info
Job Category: Administrative jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 01 August 2022
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 06-07-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 06-07-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 06-07-2065
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