Eoi To Serve As implementing Partners (sub-delegates) tendering at The Regional migration Fund
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Call for Expressions of lnterest for Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to serve as Implementing Partners (Sub-delegates) to the Regional Migration Fund

Catalytic Infrastructure Projects and Accompanying Measures In Moyale (Ethiopia) and Hoya •(Kenya)

Reference: RMF 2022 Call 02 - Lot 1// Call 02 -Lot 2

The Regional Migration Fund (RMF) was established by IGAD, with funding from the German Government via its development bank (KfW), In order to address the challenges of and promote the potential opportunities linked to migration. The Fund strives to create economic opportunities and Improve living conditions for migrants, refugees,and host communities by developing economic and social infrastructure in economic potential border areas along migration routes and in protracted refugee settlements and host communities within the Greater Horn of Africa (GHoA) region,leading to strengtheneo social cohesion between different communities.

More specifically,RMF has two investment windows


Measures within Investment Window 1(IW1) enhance the economic potential of border areas along migration routes through Increased employment and livelihoods for migrants and the population of host communities,In particular for young people.


Measures within Investment Window 2 (IW2) enhance the socio-economicInclusion of refugees and the population of host communities in protracted displacement situations.

Following a participatory approach involving the local communities, the RMF Identified a number of infrastructure measures with high impact under Investment Window 1(IW-1) focused onimproving tbe livelfhood and the socio-economic inclusion of migrants and host communities in the border region between Moyale (Kenya) and Moyale (Ethiopia).The infrastructure-related measures, grouped under 2 distinct lots.are listed in the table below

No       Proposed Measures under Lot 1- Ethiopia       Lot/Country

  1. CEIP-5 - Establishment of water source in Lagsure, Moyale-Oromia 1- Ethiopia
  2. CEIP-12 - Establishment of Water Source in El Kaluu.Moyale-Somali 1- Ethiopia
  3. CEIP-14 - Rehabilitation of livestock market in Moyale-Somali                  - Ethiopia
  4. CEIP-15 - Rehabilitation of livestock market in Moyale-Oromia         .. 1- Ethiopia
  5. CEIP-17 - Construction of abattoir Moyale-Somali                                 1-  Ethiopia
  6. CEIP-18 - Construction of abattoirs in Moyale-Oromia                           1- Ethiopia
  7. CEIP-20.2 - Construction of Boda-Boda office in Moyale-Somali            1- Ethiopia
  8. CEIP-20.3 - Construction of Boda-Boda office in Moyale-Oromia         1- Ethiopia    -
  9. CEIP-20.5 - Construction of Boda-Boda Shelter in Moyale-Somall        1- Ethiopia
  10. CEIP-20.6 - Construction of Boda-Boda Shelter in Moyale-Oromia  1- Ethiopia

                                                                Estimated budget for Lot 1EUR 2.430.000

No                           Proposed Measures under Lot 2 • Kenya                       Lot/Country

2-1        CEIP-2 - Rehabilitation of Odda-Moyale water supply in Moyale-Kenya              2 - Kenya

2.2  CEIP-13 - Rehabilitation of livestock market in Moyale-Kenya                2 - Kenya

2.3   CEIP-16 - Rehabilitation of abattoir in Moyale-Kenya                              2 - Kenya


2. 4 CEIP-19 - Establishment of IGAD RMF Peace and Development             2 - Kenya Centre in Moyale-Kenya

2.5  CEIP-20.l- Construction of Boda-Boda office in Moyale-Kenya              2 - Kenya

2. 6  CEIP-20.4 - Construction of Boda-Boda Shelter in Moyale-Kenya         2 - Kenya

Estimated budget for Lot 2 EUR 1.200.000

The RMF is seeking Implementing Partners (called forcontractual reasons Sub-delegatees)toimplement the above listedInfrastructure measures,as well to develop andimplement appropriate accompanying measures which will be linked to the infrastructure and support economic development and social cohesion in the targeted locations.

It will be the responsibility of the selected Sub-delegatee to manage the implementation of the infrastructure and accompanying measures including procuring the required services (for example the engineering and construction firms), monitoringimplementation.assuring quality, managing P,roject finances, and ensuring compliance with ESHS standards.

IGAD is inviting interested organizations legally constituted as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) registered under relevant laws in the relevant project areas (Moyale - Ethiopia and/or Moyale - Kenya) to submit Expressions of Interest. NGOs may constitute joint ventures to enhance theil"c1'1ances of qualification. Applicants wnich are found to be qualified will then be invited to submit a Project Proposal with full technical and financial offers.

To receive the Expression of Interest package of documents with detailed instructions. email Mahiri.Ouattara@igad>.int copying Nadira.Chakib@igad.int with the subject line "Expression of Interest for RMF -IWl Call 02 - Request for Information."

Complete Expressions of Interest must be submitted by email to Mahiri.Ouattara@igad>.int copying Nadira.Chakib@igad.int, withthe followingsubject line "Expression ofInterest for RMF -IW1 - RMF Call 02".These Expressions of Interest, complying with all requirements, must be submitted to the above email addresses no later than 18.01.2023 at 23:59 EAT.

Job Info
Job Category: Accounting/ Finance jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 18 January 2023
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 02-01-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 02-01-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 02-01-2065
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