Deputy Chief of Party job at LVCT Health
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Vacancy title:
Deputy Chief of Party

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Healthcare ]

Jobs at:

LVCT Health

Deadline of this Job:
13 July 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Kenya , Mombasa , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, July 05, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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LVCT Health jobs in Kenya

Key Responsibilities
Technical support - 30%
• Responsible for technical direction for the USAID Stawisha Pwani programare as including HIV, GBV, RMNCAH and Health Systems Strengthening. He/she will work closely with the donor, NASCOP, LVCT HQ team to ensure that the programs are implemented as per required standards
• Be knowledgeable about all USAID Stawisha Pwani program areas and keep abreast of latest developments in the program areas at national and local level and facilitate transfer of the knowledge to USAID Stawisha Pwani technical teams
• Ensure all projects achieve donor targets in a timely manner and consistently
• Support the Technical and Operations staff providing oversight, management and technical direction for implementation of activities that will lead to the achievement of the 95:95:95 cascade of HIV care targets for pediatrics, adolescents and adults in supported sites and counties
• Develop and implement a peer review process, including sharing lessons learned and best practices adopted, to continually bridge performance gaps in the foundation.
• Ensure high quality standards are maintained in program implementation and reporting consistently
Project management - 25%
• Coordinate the STAs and technical officers across all the counties to deliver ontheprogram priorities
• Responsible for development and tracking of annual and quarterly work plansandimplementation budgets as per the donor allocations and the targets fromthe donor
• Develop and implement a project management structure that facilitates and encouragescontinuous learning, data use for decision making and teamwork
• Facilitate weekly, monthly and quarterly meetings within and across teams for planningand progress review with clear action points and responsibilities
• Ensure regular and structured follow through of action points
• Oversee and coordinate project implementation to ensure the various technical teamswork closely in an integrated manner.
• Provide day to day approval for travel and other logistical support for all activities beingimplemented by direct reporting officers.
• Support HR to ensure staff have completed the mandatory courses in withUSAIDrequirements
• Line management and motivation for direct reports
• Performance appraisal for direct reports and ensuring appraisals are done regularlyandon time across the department
• Mentorship and capacity building for STAs and that the same is cascaded to all technical staff in the project.
• Approval of staffing for programs and regions especially HRH staff working incountyfacilities, working closely with technical teams, admin and HR staff in the project.
Monitoring, evaluation and reporting – 25%
• Work with STAs to ensure training /capacity building and mentoring of the regional staffs (USAID Stawisha Pwani and MOH) on M&E tools and M&E systems throughCMEsand coaching and support roll out of interventions in accordance with standardtrainingmaterials and guidance.
• Work closely with the MEAL specialist and the STAs to ensure monthly andquarterlydata is compiled on a timely basis and narratives developed to explain any targetsfalling below donor expectations
• Work closely with the MEAL specialist and the STAs to ensure quality projects quarterlyreports are prepared and submitted for review and submission to the donor onatimelybasis
• Work closely with the MEAL specialist and the STAs to ensure Project complies withadhoc data requests from the donor are prepared and submitted for review and submission to the donor on a timely basis.
• Support the MEAL team to conduct quarterly data verification and data quality audit exercises by ensuring the technical teams work alongside the MEAL team and own their data
• Ensure the project carries out monthly data review meetings with counties andsub- counties to track progress and agree on action points
• Work with MEAL to prepare presentations for monthly and quarterly USAIDmeetings, building capacity of technical teams to present their work
• Coordinate quarterly review meetings involving USAID, Counties and USAIDStawishaPwani technical teams ensuring counties own and present their work.
• Ensure monthly project county-level meetings (M3) and project-wide (M4) meetingsarecarried out effectively and meaningfully to ensure continuous performanceimprovement
• Ensure USAID Stawisha Pwani technical staff participate in the institutional monthlyperformance review meetings (M5) and subsequent institutional level technical reviewmeetings to facilitate learning from other projects.
• Working with communications, encourage and provide technical support to theprojectstaff to document best practices, success stories and human interest stories fromtheproject for reporting and project visibility
Partnerships, Linkages, networking and integration – 10%
• Working with the COP, ensure vibrant liaison committees within each county betweenUSAID Stawisha Pwani and the county to enable joint but county led planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and development of corrective actionplans
• Raise USAID Stawisha Pwani visibility and presence in supported counties throughensuring adequate representation in the various County/Sub-County level TWGs bythetechnical teams as appropriate
• Ensure the USAID Stawisha Pwani technical teams work closely with other partners, implementers and stakeholders working in the areas supported by the regional projectsto ensure integration, overall coordination, synergy and streamlined support
• Ensure partner teams within the consortium work in an integrated and harmoniousmanner
• Ensure Local Implementing Partners receive adequate technical support fromtheUSPtechnical teams.
• Liaise with technical teams from other implementing partners in the region, specificallyUSAID Tujitegemee, AHF and others for program harmonization and integration.
• Identify private sector partnerships that would benefit USAID Stawisha pwani programimplementation. Ensure private sector and Faith Based Organizations facilities that offerHIV services receive the necessary technical support from the project.
Supervision and feedback- 10%
• Ensure 100% implementation of USAID Stawisha Pwani tier systemof technical supportto county health facilities.
• Conduct regular site visits to project sites to gain intimate knowledge of theprojectsuccesses, gaps, challenges and opportunities.
• Support officers to develop and implement their monthly/quarterly site supportschedules according to the USAID Stawisha Pwani tier system.
• Establish and implement mechanism for tracking the site visits, findings and their actionplans across all teams and counties
• Coordinate SIMS and other supervision visits by USAID, MOH or project teams ensuringareas of improvement are noted and action points put in place and tracked.
• Ensure regular feedback across project sub purposes to develop harmony andseamlessintegration among technical staff on successes, challenges and lessons learnedinimplementation
Qualifications and Experience
• Minimum Master’s degree in social sciences, public health, medicine, businessadministration, or related qualifications.
• At least eight years of experience in a senior role managing and implementing complexpublic health programs of similar scope and size in a development context
• Experience implementing comprehensive PEPFAR programs
• At least five years of demonstrated experience in managing and supervising a technical team and in a similar project design.
•At least five years demonstrated experience at mid or senior level in the followingareas: HIV and AIDS in Kenya and demonstrate experience in two of the followingareas: quality improvement/quality assurance; community health, human resources for healthdevelopment; M&E; and operations research.
• Demonstrated ability to build and maintain relationships, create synergies andworkeffectively with USAID, government representatives, NGOs, for-profit privatesector Page5of 5entities, local community organizations, donors and other stakeholders, particularlyatthe sub-national level.
• Professional-level proficiency in oral and written fluency in the English language.
• Strong management skills, leadership qualities, professional reputation, ability tocreatesynergies where applicable, interpersonal skills, and written and oral presentationskillsto fulfill. Required Competencies The ideal candidate will either be proficient or advanced in the following set of competencies, specific to this position’s level of Executive Management:
• Collaboration: ability to develop networks, build alliances, and collaborateacrossboundaries to build strategic relationships and achieve common goals.
• Creativity/innovation: ability to develop new insights into situations, questionconventional approaches, encourage new ideas and innovations, and designandimplement new or cutting-edge programs/processes.
• Influencing/negotiating: ability to persuade others, build consensus throughgiveandtake, and gain cooperation from others to obtain information and accomplishgoals.
• Managing people: ability to build and manage a workforce basedontheorganization's goals, budget, considerations, and staff needs.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 96

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree

Job application procedure
Interested and qualified candidates are invited to submit their applications and CV along with a cover letter expressing interest and indicating Salary history and  .

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 13 July 2022
Duty Station: Mombasa
Posted: 05-07-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 05-07-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 05-07-2065
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