Consultant – Monitoring And Evaluation Expert job at UN Office on Drugs and Crime
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Vacancy title:
Consultant – Monitoring And Evaluation Expert

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Consultant ]

Jobs at:

UN Office on Drugs and Crime

Deadline of this Job:
02 October 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Kenya , Nairobi , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Posting Title: Consultant – Monitoring And Evaluation Expert
Department/Office: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Duty Station: NAIROBI
Posting Period: 23 September 2021 - 02 October 2021
Job Opening Number: 21-United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime-164509-Consultant
Result of Service
• An inception report
• Draft monitoring and evaluation framework
• Report on the validation workshop
• Final validated monitoring and evaluation framework
• Report on training on monitoring and evaluation conducted
• Final report of the entire consultancy
Work Location - Home-based, with travel to and within Kenya
Expected duration - 50 Working Days between October and December 2021

Duties and Responsibilities
1.*Background of the assignment*
As the global guardian of the United Nations standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice, UNODC is mandated to support Member States in upholding the rule of law, promoting crime prevention and effective, fair, humane and accountable criminal justice systems. Within the framework of the UNODC Regional Programme for Eastern Africa (2016-2021), and in close cooperation with the Regional Section for Africa and the Middle East at UNODC headquarters, the Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme of ROEA seeks to implement these objectives through support to major justice reforms processes undertaken by East African States.
In line with this mandate the UNODC project ‘Strengthening the Administration of Justice and operationalizing alternatives to imprisonment in Kenya’ aims to support the Government of Kenya to strengthen efficiency in the delivery of judicial services, enhance coordination within the criminal justice sector and widen the use and application of alternatives to imprisonment. The project is designed to implement a part of the Programme for Legal Aid and Empowerment in Kenya (PLEAD). The Programme is funded by the European Union and targets the counties with the five largest urban centers of the country (Kisumu, Mombasa, Nairobi, Nakuru and Uasin Gishu) and seven counties of the most marginalized area within the country (Garissa, Isiolo, Lamu, Mandera, Marsabit, Tana River and Wajir).
The PLEAD component implemented by UNODC targets support to the following institutions in the justice chain (national partners):
1. The Judiciary;
2. The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP);
3. The Kenyan Probation and Aftercare Service (KPAS);
4. The Witness Protection Agency (WPA);
5. The National Council on the Administration of Justice (NCAJ).
ODPP is an independent office established by Article 157 of the Constitution 2010. With the enactment of the 2010 Constitution, it overtook prosecution powers previously held by police prosecutors and the Attorney General (State Law Office), respectively. ODPP has now presence in all of the 47 counties of Kenya as well as in those sub-counties where court stations exist – a total of 121 court stations. The Office is responsible for instituting and prosecuting criminal offences, including terrorism and other complex offences, advising investigative agencies on instituting criminal charges, directing and supervising criminal investigations, reviewing prosecutions to ensure that accused persons are prosecuted based on adequate evidence and face appropriate charges in the appropriate court as well as upholding, protecting and promoting human rights.
The ODPP launched its Excellence Charter in June 2021. The Charter captures the strategic vision of the Office for the next three years. It entails a blueprint for rapid and fundamental reform that will reshape the entire ODPP to create the trusted, vibrant 21st-century prosecutions service which the Kenyan citizens deserve. A key component in the realization of the potential of the Excellence Charter is a high quality and dynamic monitoring and evaluation framework.

2.Purpose of the assignment
The assignment entails the development of a dynamic and effective monitoring and evaluation framework for the ODPP Excellence Charter. This will allow continuous adaptation to change in circumstances, ensuring transparency and promoting accountability. The monitoring and evaluation framework will be used to assess and understand the impact of the initiatives implemented under the Excellence Charter. It will also establish baselines, measurable indicators and conceptualize the effectiveness of the Charter.
3.Specific tasks to be performed by the consultant
Under the overall supervision of the Regional Representative and direct supervision of the Head of the Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme UNODC ROEA, and within the framework of the UNODC Regional Programme for Eastern Africa (2016-2021), the consultant will perform the following tasks:
a) Development of an inception report
The consultant shall develop an inception report for approval by UNODC detailing the methodology for carrying out assignment, workplan and implementation schedule, including timelines and itineraries for travels if needed. It will give insights into methods and approaches which the consultant proposes to apply to complete the assignment.
As part of the process to develop the inception report, the consultant shall review the key normative, operational and organizational instruments applicable to the ODPP. The report shall describe the consultations conducted with the planning division of the ODPP as well as the ODPP Monitoring and Evaluation Committee and detail how collaborations with relevant key personnel and entities within ODPP will be used to enrich the process. Additionally, it shall describe any fieldwork proposed as well as the objectives of such work.
b) Development of a draft monitoring and evaluation framework
The consultant will develop a draft monitoring and evaluation framework for the ODPP Excellence Charter based on international best practices. The framework should include a log frame, baselines, annual targets, clearly defined performance indicators, a description of data collection strategies and methods (including the frequency of data collection). These features should form a clearly defined process that prescribes responsibilities and describes the division of labor for different actors and departments within ODPP. Furthermore, it should entail an evaluation strategy. The evaluation strategy should include the following criteria: relevance, efficiency, coherence, effectiveness, impact and sustainability, design, partnerships and cooperation, human rights and gender equality.
The draft framework should draw on existing data collection processes and, if necessary, propose complementary processes, including procedures and templates.
As part of the development of the draft monitoring and evaluation framework, the consultant will facilitate a three-day drafting workshop (to be held either in-person or online) with the ODPP Monitoring and Evaluation Committee and relevant experts from the ODPP. The consultant shall submit a succinct report on the outcomes of the workshop.
c) Delivery of a training on monitoring and evaluation
To ensure the sustainability and relevance of the final monitoring and evaluation framework, the consultant will facilitate a three-day training workshop (to be held either in-person or online) for key ODPP personnel. The first two days should be dedicated to promoting an understanding of monitoring and evaluation principles and methods. The final day should be assigned to reviewing the draft monitoring and evaluation framework and gathering views from the different practitioners, as well as familiarizing the participant with the draft and applying the lessons learned. The consultant shall submit a succinct report on the progress made and challenges faced during the workshop.
d) Facilitation of a validation workshop and development of a validated monitoring and evaluation framework
The consultant shall deliver a two-day internal validation workshop (to be held either in-person or online) with members of ODPP staff, which shall be dedicated to reviewing and improving the draft monitoring and evaluation framework. Following the validation workshop, the consultant shall, in consultations with the ODPP Monitoring and Evaluation Committee, incorporate the inputs received during the workshop and submit a final, comprehensive and validated monitoring and evaluation framework.

Qualifications/Special Skills
Academic Qualifications: An advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in management, public administration, political science or economics, social anthropology, education or other relevant discipline is required. A first-level university degree in similar fields in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.

• A minimum of 10 years of relevant work experience at international, regional and national level, preferably in a development context is required.
• Work experience in statistical analysis is desirable.
Language: English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this position, fluency in English is required. Knowledge of another United Nations official language is an advantage.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 120

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree


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Job application procedure
Click on the link  to apply on or before 02 October 2021.

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 02 October 2021
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 28-09-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 28-09-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 28-09-2065
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