Consultancy for Performance Evaluation of BCDG Network job at Micro Enterprises Support Programme Trust
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Consultancy for Performance Evaluation of BCDG Network job at Micro Enterprises Support Programme Trust

The evaluation will be provide the Network secretariat and key stakeholders with an opportunity to reflect on its past performance and where applicable the impact BDCG Network’s so far in terms of: 1)whether the network and its activities met the members’ expectations and needs, 2) whether the current activities are still relevant or needs to be reviewed, 3)significant factors affecting members’ involvement into network activities/ initiatives either positively & negatively and 4) what could be done differently to bring vibrance and impact of the network 5)what alternative governance structure could be put in place for sustainability of the network 6) document of case study of a similar network that is working successfully in Kenya and/or in the region. In addition, it will provide a perfect opportunity to capture and document learnings.

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Micro Enterprises Support Programme Trust jobs in Kenya

Key Evaluation Questions
Performance of BDCG
• To what extent the Network has delivered on its mandate and objectives
• To what extent has the Network directly impacted the member institutions
• To what extent has the Network met the needs and expectations of its members, donors and practitioners
• To what extent has the BDCG Network contributed to capacity development of its member staff
• What are the key recommendations that have arisen out of this evaluation that, if implemented will improve future operations and management of the network?

Governance Structure of BDCG
• Have there been a change in the context that BDCG network has been operating in since its inception – activities and management?
• How has any of these changes or no changes affected (positively/negatively) the network activities and membership?
• Is the current management/governance structure of the network sufficient to enable it meet its mandate and objectives?
• What areas of the current governance structure would need to be reviewed/redesigned for its effective operations and member involvement?

Activities/Operations of the BDCG
• To what extent has BDCG network activities achieved in enhancing learning and sharing of experiences amongst development partners?
• Is the current financing model for network activities sufficient to sustain its operations and vibrancy? If not, what other options exist that can support this?
• What other activities could the network undertake to create more value to the members, while supporting the constant changes in the MSD development?

Membership of the BDCG
• Has the partnership been appropriate and effective to drive implementation of BDCG Network initiatives/ projects?
• How are members recruited to the network? Is the current recruitment strategy sufficient?
• How are the new members inducted to understand their role and participation in the network

Impact on the development agenda East Africa
• To what extent has the BDCG Network influenced the Market Systems Development approach and agenda in East Africa through active coordination and information sharing
• To what extent has the BDCG Network performed in eliminating duplication of effort in similar intervention from member institutions
• What are the key lessons learnt, innovations and scalable good practises identified and /or implemented over the years?
• Who will be involved in the evaluation
• The scope for this assignment will cover institutions members and individual who participated in the network since inception including both active and non-active members, and where possible, involve MSD practitioners who have not been involved in the Network but could potentially be a key player in the network.

The Consultant will utilise the OECD/DAC criteria in assessing the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability of the network as well the provide recommendation based on the key evaluation questions. The consultant will design a detailed methodology, tools and work schedule of the activities with clear timeline and deliverables which will be reviewed in consultation with the appointed evaluation Team.

Evaluation Process
• Review of the relevant documents related to the network initiatives and projects.
• Prepare an inception report which will include a detailed evaluation methodology, sampling approach, evaluation tools and a work schedule with clear timelines.
• Coordinate actual data collection process which will mainly involve interview with network members (old and new individual/organization) and non-members practicing MSD in their program implementation approach.
• Data Analysis, presentation and Report writing
• Review of draft report by network secretariat
• Presenting the key findings and recommendations to network members
• Share/submit the finalized report

• An Inception Report: should be a maximum of 15 pages, produced within 2 working days detailing the methodology; the schedule of activities and the tools for data collection and analysis.
• Draft evaluation Report: This should be logically structured, containing evidence-based findings, conclusions, lessons and recommendations, and should be free of information that is not relevant to the overall analysis.
• A full and final typed data set for both the quantitative and qualitative data collection
• Final detailed evaluation report: - The report should respond in detail to the specific tasks described above and should be a maximum 30 pages including annexes (including the TORs, data collection and analysis tools, List of participants, and any other document relevant to this evaluation study).
• A summarised PowerPoint presentation for sharing with partners and other stakeholders

The assignment will begin with an inception meeting and conclude with a debriefing meeting with representatives from the BDCG network and MESPT team as the secretariat. In overall the exercise is expected to take a maximum 10 working days from the date of signing the contract.

The consultant will report to MESPT MEAL Manager. The evaluation will be carried out with logistical support and services of the MESPT.

The consultant should have at least the following qualifications:
• University education (Bachelor/Master’s degree) in Agricultural Economics, Agri-business management, Agricultural Education and Extension, Strategic Planning and management, Development studies, or related social science.
• A minimum of 10 years of professional experience in facilitating Market Systems Development, value chain development, integrated Food Security and Sustainable Agricultural development programming for international development initiatives preferably in Africa.
• Proven experience in training on Market Systems Development, value chain development
• Proof of previous experience facilitating the BDS conference, or similar regional or international conference(s) will be an added advantage.
• Knowledge and experience of the DANIDA System will be an added advantage
• Demonstrated experience working with private sector player
• Excellent communication and report writing skills.
• A fluent speaker of English and Swahili
• Demonstrated ability to deliver quality results within strict deadlines.

• This is a fixed price consultancy with an all-inclusive remuneration of Ksh 250,000/= including disbursements and relevant taxes i.e., VAT, WHT etc

How to apply
Potential bidders are therefore required to respond to the TOR with both technical and financial proposal not more than ten (10) pages detailing how they will carry out this assignment. They should attach their:
1) previous relevant experience in the specified field especially with international non-government organizations.
2) 3 referees and their contacts for the last 3 similar assignment undertaken in the recent past,
3) the schedule of the activities with clear timeline and deliverables.
The financial proposal should be explicitly detailed the implementation fees, and all the necessary logistical support (up to and including validation workshops) while taking into consideration the applicable tax implications. The technical and financial proposal should be e-mailed to on or before 14th December 2022 by 5 PM EAT
Clarifications to be sent
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 14 December 2022
Duty Station: Several locations
Posted: 08-12-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 08-12-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 08-12-2066
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