Consultancy :- Midterm Evaluation For Gender Sensitive Governance And Development In Kenya at World Health Organization
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984 Days Ago
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Project Background
In Kenya, women make up 51% of the total population1, youth make up 25% of the population2 and persons with disabilities 15%. Despite the fact that women represent 51% of the Kenyan population, their representation in post primary education, wage employment, enterprise ownership and decision-making process is limited. In view of this HI in collaboration with the National Gender and Equality Commission is implementing a three-year project to empower Civil Society Organizations to promote gender sensitive governance and development in Kenya. The project is expected to have a positive long-term impact on access by vulnerable persons, including women and persons with disabilities, to improved service delivery, socio and political participation, and improved capacities for the CSOs and OPDs to advocate and voice issues relating to their constituents. Economically, the action envisages a spur in economic growth by supporting the vulnerable section of the population especially women with and without disabilities to have more access to inclusive credit services. The action also seeks to influence policy both at the local and national level.
Action Purpose: Empowerment of Civil Society Organizations to promote gender sensitive governance and development in Kenya
Expected Impact: To contribute to the reduction in inequalities and all forms of discrimination of vulnerable and marginalized groups with a specific focus on women and girls with and without disabilities in 10 counties in Kenya.
Specific objective: To empower Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), state and non-state actors to address inequalities and discrimination of women and girls with and without disabilities in economic, political and social participation and decision making in 10 counties of Kenya.
2. Justification for consultancy HI is seeking the services of a consultant to conduct a midterm evaluation for the project in order to provide quantitative and qualitative values that will be used to monitor and assess project outcomes and impact. The survey data will establish values (statistics) for the different indicators (situation before and current) which will be used to compare with the situation after the implementation of the project. The midterm evaluation will provide disaggregated data and evidence-based synthesis of gender inequalities and forms of discrimination of vulnerable and marginalized groups as outlined in the project goals and objectives. The collected data and summary statistics will provide a basis for attributing change to the project. The results and report of the baseline study will be useful for the project team, Civil Society organizations, community members and other stakeholders

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3. Scope of Baseline survey
Data will be collected from the 10 counties targeted in this action. They are Turkana, Samburu, Vihiga, Kilifi, Wajir, West Pokot, Nyandarua, Tharaka Nithi, Laikipia, and Isiolo. The study will use both quantitative and qualitative methods. Where applicable, data will be disaggregated by Age, Gender and Disability (including type of disability)
Overall Goal: The goal of the baseline study is to collect and analyze data to give values of the project which will then be monitored to show progress on the outcome indicators as the project is implemented.
Specific Goals:
• Evaluate current values for each of the project indicators in the various counties.
• Highlight the CSOs’ capacities to address the needs of vulnerable and marginalized groups to claim their rights
• Highlight the capacities of state and non-state actors to lobby and implement gender inclusive legal and policy frameworks
• Based on capacity assessment of state and non-state actors, make recommendations on priority areas for project intervention.
• Assess the capacities of the target beneficiaries to participate in decision making through stronger CSO led partnerships and alliances
• Examine the capacities of CSOs in addressing Gender Based Violence and harmful practices
• Identify the knowledge gap of the CSO members with regards to project related policies.

4. Approach and Methodology The baseline survey will use mixed-methods approach in data collection depending on the baseline objectives and goals. Data collection tools for each data collection method will be developed incorporating internationally recommended tools such as the Washington Group of Questions and others tools designed for collection of data on vulnerable members of the society. This survey needs to adopt the Washington Group of Questions tool so as to ensure the data for persons with disabilities are captured properly. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of the target groups in relation to gender, age and disability will form part of the evaluations. Opinions, experiences and behaviors of the beneficiaries will be gathered during the evaluation. This will be useful in ascertaining the changes in attitude of the target population to the project.
Focus Group Discussions and Key informant interviews will be used to capture data on perceptions, opinions, experiences and behaviors of the beneficiaries. The collected data will be analyzed and useful in ascertaining the changes in knowledge, attitude and practices of the target population during and after project implementation. The data collection and analysis process will take into consideration the following approaches and guiding principles:
• Desk review
• Quantitative methods to be administered to sampled beneficiaries
• Qualitative methods of data collected from interviews, focus group discussions etc.
• Primary data and data analysis process will be disaggregated by the disability, gender and age parameters.
• Beneficiary friendly approaches and tools as per the age, gender and disability policy provisions.

5. Duration/ Activities calendar (proposed schedule)

• Start date: 11th July 2022
• End date: 19th August 2022
• Consultant will be based in Nairobi with travel to the the ten project implementation counties.

6. Professional Qualifications
The consultant should have:

• A Master’s degree in statistics, Social, Sciences, Monitoring and Evaluation, Gender disability, or any relevant field
• Previous experience in the design and implementation of project evaluations, conducting surveys
• Great interpersonal skills
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills • Strong analytical and reporting skills • Strong attention to detail

7. Deliverables and Schedule
The consultant will deliver the following at the end of the exercise:
• An inception report which will give details of the work-plan, methodology, ethical considerations and data collections tools to be developed in consultation with HI.
• Training of data enumerators • Guidelines in data collection, data cleaning process and data entry for data enumerators.
• Data analysis and draft report: quantitative and qualitative data analyzed and triangulated.
• Final Report Developed and Presented
• PowerPoint presentation with key findings
• Content (plan), language, format, methodology and quantity shall be discussed and agreed on with the qualifying candidate

8. Budget and Payment The consultant should include in the financial proposal a budget detailing costs associated to each baseline activity and proposed payment plan. Structure of the Proposal and Submission Guidelines. The technical and financial proposal should include the consultant’s understanding of the project and project goals, the baseline TOR, proposed methodology and approaches, tentative work plan, budget by activity, consultants’ resumes including references and their availability to carry out the baseline survey.

9. Work Plan
• Based on the proposed schedule included in these Terms of Reference, the consultant should establish a work plan for the completion of the service
• The work plan should give a clear description of how the consultant intends to approach the activities necessary to the service’s completion
• The plan should indicate the rate of progress and/or level of completion of the service, including criteria and indicators for checking that it is proceeding as planned.

Interested parties must submit the following documentation:
1. A comprehensive Curriculum Vitae which includes a statement about the expert’s past experience and three contactable references (certified copies of qualifications may be requested from successful applicants);
2. Cover letter detailing the firms/Individual suitability for the assignment and current contact information.
3. Detailed proposal including technical and financial and detail profiles/CVs of key person(s) to be involved at all stages.
4. A detailed implementation plan/ technical proposal in accordance with the scope of work, expected outputs and deliverables provided for herein;
5. Business registration documents and KRA tax compliance certificate. The submitted plan will be evaluated in terms of the quality of complete coverage of all aspects of the terms of reference, timeliness in relation to the development of the curriculum contents, analysis and production of a draft report as well as compliance with qualifications as provided for herein.

10. Contact Person During the performance of the service, the consultant will be required to work in liaison with Kenya Handicap International’s Project Manager, Brenda Gathenya, who will be his/her contact person.

11. Appendices Willingness to adhere to Handicap International's Federation institutional policies (Prevention and fight against corruption, Code of Conduct: Integrity, Prevention of Abuse and Safeguarding, Child Protection, Protection of Beneficiaries against sexual abuse and harassment). Available on the website:

12. Evaluation Application documents submitted will be evaluated in three (stages);
1. General Mandatory Evaluation Criteria For firms or institutions Consultancy for Midterm Evaluation -Certificate of Registration -Trade license Certificate/ Business Permit -PIN/VAT Registration Certificate -Current Tax Compliance Certificate - Personal Accident Cover
For individuals Consultancy for Midterm Evaluation -National ID -Relevant Certification -PIN/VAT Registration Certificate -Current Tax Compliance Certificate -Personal Accident Cover
2. Technical Capacity Evaluation
a) Profile and experience of the individual/company: i) The individual/firm should have proven expertise and experience in undertaking the service delivery. Attach three reference letters ii) Provide list of assignments undertaken similar scope of work within the last 2 years along with names of clients (including contact person, email contacts, Postal address and telephone numbers – this must include the three referees provided above) b) Professional/technical capacity/ capability The proposed staff should have relevant experience and professional qualifications in the relevant field
3. Financial Evaluation At the Financial stage, the Lowest Competitive Evaluated bidder and within budget estimates will be considered for the award of the contract.

How to apply
Potential service providers who meet these requirements and are available within the time period indicated should submit an application letter and relevant documents listed above. The deadline for submission of expression of interest (technical and financial budget proposal) is 8th July, 2022, 5 pm.
Interested and eligible bidders are requested to send soft copies of application and company profile documents listed above to the following email address: (Please indicate REF: Midterm Survey Consultant)

Note: This consultancy is open to both national and international applicants. Individuals, group of individuals as well as consultancy firms having the requisite skills/experience are eligible to apply.
Persons with disabilities, Women and the youth and other vulnerable populations are encouraged to apply.
Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 08 July 2022
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 01-07-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 01-07-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 01-07-2066
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