Child Protection Project Evaluation Job at Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (CISP) - Career Opportunity in Kenya
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Vacancy title:
Child Protection Project Evaluation

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (CISP)

Deadline of this Job:
24 September 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Kenya , Nakuru , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, September 07, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Job title: Child Protection Project Evaluation
Organization: CISP
Closing date: 24 Sep 2021
Terms of Reference For Mid-Term And Endline Evaluation
Programme Title: Safe Communities for safe Children and Adolescents in Kenya
Location: Kakamega County (Matungu and Mumias West sub-counties) and Nakuru County (Naivasha and Gilgil sub-counties)
Duration: 50 days for both mid-term evaluation (30 days) and endline (20 days)
Reports to: CISP Project Manager-Child Protection (Administratively) and Technically to CISP MEAL Manager

CISP – Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (International Committee for the Development of Peoples) is a rights-based international NGO established in 1983 in Rome. CISP implements humanitarian, rehabilitation and development projects through its cooperation with public and private local actors in over 30 countries globally. Since 1997 CISP has been working in Kenya to carry out projects in areas of development by supporting national and county authorities to provide quality, equitable, transparent and accountable services in various sectors. Over the past 23 years CISP Kenya has expanded its activities across more than 12 Counties in both rural and urban areas in various sectors of intervention, including Agriculture and Food Security, Conservation, Livelihoods, Health and Nutrition, Protection (children, refugees, GBV), Education (early childhood, university), Governance, and Arts and Culture.
CISP is currently implementing a 3-year project titled "Safe Communities for safe Children and Adolescents in Kenya" in Kakamega and Nakuru Counties, with support from AICS (Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo/Italian Agency for Development Cooperation). The project is tackling the root causes of child abuse, violence and exploitation and will strengthen the child protection system in Naivasha and Gilgil sub-counties in Nakuru County and Matungu West and Mumias in Kakamega county in Kenya. The project started in October 2019 and is expected to end in December 2022.
The general objective of this project is to contribute to strengthening the child protection system in Kenya that prevents and responds to violence, abuse, exploitation and harmful cultural practices on children and adolescents while promoting their physical, mental and social well-being. This is being achieved through a strategy based on CISP and its partners' expertise, UN INSPIRE and the Gok policies and priorities. The strategy includes four main components:
• Prevention of child abuse, exploitation and violence through innovative and proven successful Social and Behavior Change approaches discouraging negative beliefs and behaviours that contribute to the violation of child rights and increasing the capacity of the target communities to protect their children.
• Child Participation and Empowerment, through Child Rights clubs, teenage mothers' support groups, talk boxes in schools, and the utilisation of Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) and art for social change methodologies.
• Child Protection System strengthening to enhance the quality, coordination and inclusiveness of integrated services by providing technical and material support to the Department of Children Services and other key stakeholders in the referral system.
• Participatory Research and Advocacy to analyse specific gaps in child protection and support advocacy actions at national and county level.
The project involves six partners, namely;
• CISP as the lead agency
• MARPA (Matungu Rural Poverty Alleviation)
• KNOTE (Kenya National Outreach Counselling and Training Program)
• Kenyatta University
• Trim (Translate into Meaning)
• ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanità/ Italian National Institute of Health)
• And a strong collaboration with the Department of Children Services, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education of Kakamega and Nakuru Counties, Kenya.
Objective of the Assignment:
CISP is seeking a consultant/s with the following objective: to verify the relevance of the strategy proposed/implemented with respect to the problems identified, the coherence of the implemented action to the set objectives and results, the effectiveness and efficiency of the action, the impact and sustainability of the project in the long term. The measurement of the impact will be based on the objective and result indicators set and agreed with the donor. Furthermore, the evaluations will aim to:
At Mid-term:
• Assess the Relevance, Coherence, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability of the project and its implemented activities.
• Identify best practices and propose corrective measures and/or alternative solutions for the follow-up of project execution.
• Establish a critical balance for the execution of activities by relating forecasts and achievements.
• Analyse and improve the quality of project planning and management.
• Provide information about how the project activities can be better aligned with policies and guidelines
At Endline:
• Assess the Relevance, Coherence, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability of the project.
• Analyse based on permanently collected data the main impact of the project and its evolution over time.
• Ensure sound administrative and financial management.
• Evaluate the outcomes and impact achieved so far (intended or unintended) by the project
• Provide information about how the project activities can be better aligned with policies and guidelines.
• Identify best practices that came out of the project and propose practices that can be scaled up in future programming.

Scope of Services:
The consultancy will deliver the services for two timelines of this assignment; Mid-term in 2021 (at month 21 of the project) and endline in 2022 (at the end of the project). The main expected outcomes from this assignment in both timelines in Kakamega (Mumias west and Matungu sub-counties) and Nakuru (Naivasha and Gilgil sub-counties) are detailed in the linked document.
Consultancy timeframe:
The consultancy assignment is expected to take a maximum of 50 days (to be agreed by the parties), with preference made for a service provider that can optimise the timing to reduce the total number of days by finding synergies between the partners in Kakamega and Nakuru counties. Before commencing the tasks, the Service Provider should develop and share plans and with CISP, which will coordinate the feedback of partners and key stakeholders, including KNOTE, MARPA and Department of children for any comment/inputs in order to validate and authorize the plan.
Consultancy delivery methodology:
The consultancy will be conducted through analysis of documents and desk review/study, field missions for data collection, participatory discussions, consultative meetings and regular debriefings, both on the field and remotely (to technical teams not based in the field). The partition between field missions and remote work shall depend on the nature of activities and health situation and indicated in the technical proposal (that might change due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other force majeure events).
The Service Provider will make its own logistic arrangements and cover all relevant expenses associated with the service, including data collection in the field and training and meeting logistic expenses. CISP, and it’s partners will assist in the provision of requisite background information and, where possible, will link up the Service Provider with field-based personnel. CISP and partners will facilitate contact with key stakeholders, including national and county focal points from relevant departments and target community groups.
Contract Award Criteria:
The contract will be awarded based on the following evaluation process in chronological order:
1. Preliminary Evaluation: Applications will be assessed against the application instructions (see below, chapter 8 "Service Provider Profile"). Non-compliance or lack of meeting any of the minimum requirements will result in automatic disqualification of the application. Applicants that comply with all the minimum requirements will pass on to the Technical Evaluation stage.
2. Technical Evaluation: Applications that pass the preliminary evaluation will be assessed only on their Technical Proposal. Only applications that obtain a score of 35 out of 50 or higher on the Technical Evaluation will proceed to the Financial Evaluation.
3. Financial Evaluation: Applications that proceed to the Financial Evaluation stage will be assessed on their Financial Proposal against the application instructions. Non-compliance or lack of meeting any of the minimum requirements for the Financial Proposal will result in automatic disqualification of the application. Applications that pass the stage will be compared by the total cost of the bid—the lowest bidder will be awarded the contract.
Parties will agree on a payment schedule with the successful bidder based on the achievement of set milestones.
Service Provider Profile:
The profile of the Service Provider must meet the following minimum requirements:
• The lead consultant or at least one team member has a minimum of a master's degree in community development, social work, or related field.
• The lead consultant or the firm has a minimum of 5 years experience in undertaking similar assignments.
• Demonstrated knowledge and experience in relevant child protection by the lead consultant or a team member.
• Demonstrated experience in using participatory data collection methodologies by the lead consultant or a team member.
• Proven knowledge of the Child protection context in Kenya and globally and experience in working with governments.
• Demonstrated experience in collaborating with international NGOs on development projects.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8


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Job application procedure
Applications should be submitted on or before 17:00 EAT September 24th 2021 via email as follows:
CC: and
Note: Interested applicants to write a request for more information on the project via the above email address.
All applications must include all of the following:
1. Cover letter (maximum 1 page)
2. Technical proposal (max 10 pages): The technical proposal should include:
• Profile of the Service provider with particular emphasis on previous experience in this kind of work in Kenya and in other countries if applicable and of working with Children departments or equivalent and of collaborating in development cooperation projects or equivalent.
• Description of the proposed approach with clear justifications, understanding of the TOR and the tasks to be accomplished, highlighting the bidder has enough experienced and qualified personnel to perform all aspects of the assignment and deliver the services.
• Proposed workplan for the assignments.
• Description of how COVID regulations, restrictions and guidelines will be considered and adhered to during the assignment.
• The workplans for Mid-term and Endline should be presented separately.
3. Financial proposal (max 3 pages): The financial proposal should include:
• Financial proposal for the Mid-term evaluation
• Financial proposal for the End line evaluation
The Financial Proposals should be clear and effective to achieve output-based deliverables and key performance measures, while demonstrating Value for Money. The Financial Proposals for both tasks should be inclusive of all costs required to render the services, should be VAT included, and achieve the deliverables of this TOR, including but not limited to: consultancy fees, data collection fees, accommodation and living costs, visas if applicable, insurances if applicable, air and ground transport, stationeries and supplies, and communication costs of the consultants. The costs assigned with each output should be sufficiently detailed and any financial risks must be highlighted. The
currency used for the Financial Proposal shall be in Kenya Shillings for locally incurred costs and should include all relevant taxes. The financial proposals for Mid-term and endline should be presented separately.
4. Supporting Documents:
• At least two samples of previous work for similar assignments.
• Curriculum Vitaes of all consultant(s) involved in the service provision.
• At least 2 Letters of recommendation from Companies/Organisations served in the past three years.
• Tax Compliance Certificate.
• Proof of Registration to the respective national chamber of commerce or equivalent.
• Business Registration Certificate.
• Commitment letter for availability for both assignments
Prospective bidders requiring any clarification on Technical and Financial proposal matters may submit questions to CISP via the email addresses indicated above no later than September 17th, 2021, which will be responded to by CISP if received before the deadline.
At the discretion of CISP, applicants may be invited to supply additional information on the contents of your proposal during the Evaluation and award process; this will be communicated via email should the need arise.

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Job Info
Job Category: Administrative jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 17 September 2021
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 07-09-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 07-09-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 07-09-2065
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