Call for Bids at Rural Agency for Community Development and Assistance
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Readvertisement request for proposal consultancy for endline assessment for faniskisha kukabili janga improving first responder sector in kenya

Synopsis of the Request for Proposal (Individual Consultant / Registered firm)

Solicitation Reference No.


Title of Solicitation


Issuing Office & Address


Point of contact for clarifications, questions and amendments

RACIDA General Procurement,

Email Address for submission of Proposals/ Quotes

Racida General Procurement,

Solicitation Issue Date

28th March 2023 East African Time.

Initial Deadline for Submission of Proposals

7th April 2023 Deadline for Submission of Proposals

Anticipated Award Type


Submission and Evaluation Criteria

Bidder must provide the below listed information.

Mandatory Eligibility Requirement

  • Must be an Individual/ Registered firm consultant
  • Must submit CV of Key Personnel
  • If applying as a firm, the consultant must provide a certificate of Incorporation/ Business Registration
  • The firm/consultant shall not be sanctioned or blacklisted by any government or institution
  • KRA certificates for all personnel to be engaged must be shared

Technical Evaluation Criteria

  1. Consultant Academic and Professional Qualification-20%
  2. Consultant’s Prior Work Experience- 35%
  3. Methodology/Approach- 35%
  4. Language and analytical skills -10%

NB. The minimum technical score shall be 75%. Only the best candidate shall be engaged for financial negotiations.

Terms of Reference

  1. Background and Rationale

Kenya is subject to recurrent, cyclical, and erratic disasters characterized as natural (climatological, hydrological, biological, and the like) or man-made (technological, social, chemical, and the like). When disasters occur in Kenya, local actors are the first to respond. However, these local actors are undermined by gaps and shortcomings within the Kenya Disaster Response System.

As such, the BMZ, the Johanniter, and three local NGO first responders – The Rural Agency for Community Development and Assistance (RACIDA), St. Johns Ambulance of Kenya, and Merti-Integrated Development Programme (MID-P) – commissioned a systemic analysis of Kenya’s Disaster Response System to identify key areas for investment and capacity building. The analysis revealed several categories of barriers that hinder effective service delivery by first responders in Kenya, which relate to policy, legal and institutional frameworks, structures and systems, resources and community/public awareness.

Based on these gaps, the consortium was established to strengthen the capacity of the three national first responders (RACIDA, St. Johns Ambulance of Kenya, and MID-P) to accomplish the following: a) increase their technical capacity; b) improve their in-country fundraising capacity for timely intervention; c) increase their public recognition and accountability; d) share and develop the "Knowledge Products" of first responders, i.e. share and document best practices to better learn from successes and failures. The consortium was to coordinate their activities with other actors such as the police, the County Steering Committees, the Northern Frontier Alliance in ASAL, etc. to avoid duplication, exploit synergies and ensure the transmission of relevant information.

The direct beneficiaries of the project are staff of the three consortium members, i.e. RACIDA, St. John Ambulance and MID-P whose technical, advocacy and fundraising capacities will be strengthened, as well as selected members of the County/National ASAL Forums and the County Steering Group.

  1. Endline Survey Objectives
  2. Measure to what extent the joint programme has contributed to solve the needs and problems identified in the design phase.
  3. To measure joint programme’s degree of implementation, efficiency and quality delivered on outputs and outcomes, against what was originally planned or subsequently officially revised.
  4. Measure to what extent the joint programme has attained the results originally foreseen in their project document, M&E frameworks, etc.
  5. To measure the impact of the joint programme on the achievement of the First Responder Project.
  6. To identify and document substantive lessons learnt and good practices within the First responders Project.

The Specific Objectives and indicators are detailed below:

Project Goal


Indicators (possibly plus quantity structure)

Output value

(quantitative & qualitative)

Target value (target)

(Quantitative & qualitative)

Increased effectiveness and efficiency of the 3 partners in dealing with small and medium disasters in the selected counties by 2023.

908 Responses (St. John 899, RACIDA 6, MIDP 3)

  • 20% increase in the number of First Responses, carried out by the 3 partners with funds from their fundraising efforts or from the County's emergency funds.
  • 20% increase in the level of stakeholder satisfaction with the First Response provided by the 3 organisations in selected counties.
  • 10 % increase in funds raised by each organisation for small and medium-scale disaster response by 2023.



Indicators (possibly plus quantity structure)

Output value

(quantitative & qualitative)

Target value (target)

(Quantitative & qualitative)

Output 1. 1. Strengthen the technical first response capacity (advocacy, lobbying and M&E) of the 3 partners by 2023.

30% technical capacity of the 3 organisations to respond to small and medium disasters

Determined at Endline.

  • 50% increase in the technical capacity of the staff of the 3 organisations to respond to small and medium-sized disasters.
  • A lobbying, advocacy and campaign strategy from the 3 partners is in place

Output 1.2 Improve county policies, funding mechanisms and coordination structures through county partners in selected counties by 2023.

There is no separate funding mechanism for First Response in any of the counties.

A total of 14 coordination mechanisms for all 3 partners

  • A separate funding mechanism for first response has been established in at least 2 counties.
  • At least 2 new first response coordination mechanisms have been established in the counties.

Output 1.3 Community members' awareness of their role in the first response system and the mandate of first responders in selected counties has increased by 2023.

15% Knowledge of the First Response System and First Responders among community members in selected counties.

The number of social audits is 0

  • 20% increase in knowledge of the first response system and first responders among community members in selected counties.
  • 2 Social audits on small and medium scale disaster operations were conducted in selected counties.

Output 1.4 The capacity of in-country resource mobilisation partners for first response in selected counties is improved by 2023.

None of the 3 partners has its own fundraising department.

  • By the end of the project, there is an established fundraising department per partner.

The Endline assessment will seek to collect Endline data on the indicators which will determine the level of achievement reached for each of the above-mentioned indicators and the specific goal of the project, as defined in the project proposal (this will be made available to consultant).

  1. Key Questions to be addressed by the Survey
  • How much funding has each organization mobilized to respond to small and medium-scale disasters since the First Responders Project started, and what is the proportional contribution of this funding to each organization’s total annual budget?
  • How satisfied are stakeholders (Beneficiaries, Government representatives etc) with each organization’s responses to small and medium-scale disasters?
  • What is the advocacy and lobbying experience of each organization?
  • What is the level of knowledge about the First Response System and First Responders among community members in selected counties?
  • What are the sources of funding available for first responders to respond to small and medium-scale disasters?
  • What first response coordination mechanisms exist in these counties, and how are they used?
  • How many partners have an established fundraising department courtesy to FRP?

Endline Target Audience

The population of interest for this Endline study are people and stakeholders ((Beneficiaries, Government representatives etc) living in and representing the targeted areas, the three partner organizations, and interagency emergency response coordination mechanisms, such as the ASAL Network. This includes community members and other stakeholders form Mandera, Isiolo, Embu, Kiambu and Nairobi counties.

Data Collection Methods

The Endline study will employ a mixed method approach to ensure comprehensive and robust quantitative and qualitative data is gathered not only to provide Endline data for the project’s logical framework but also to provide a comprehensive background context on the current effectiveness and relevance of first responder activities; an overview of each first responder partner organizations’ experience in fundraising, rapid response, and advocacy; and stakeholder perceptions and knowledge of the First Responder System and first responders.

In order to meet these objectives, the methodology will consist of the following elements:

Methods: Literature review, quantitative community member perception surveys, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews.

Data sources: Direct and Indirect Beneficiaries, Consortium members, Government Representatives, Community elder etc.

Literature Review

The secondary data review will look at existing literature relating to the Kenya First Responder System, capacity-building of first responders in similar settings, and first responder systems and networks. Reviewed literature will include academic works, grey literature produced by NGOs, Government Agencies, UN Agencies, government research institutions, and a review of project reports, evaluations, and documents produced by each organization. The literature review will be presented as a stand-alone section of the final report and will also feed into the methodology.

Quantitative Data Collection:

The assessment will include a randomized quantitative perception survey. The survey will collect data on the perception and knowledge of the Kenya First Responder System and the stakeholders of first response, including first responder partners.

All data collected will be disaggregated by Location, sex, age, and disability.

Sampling Framework

A sample of respondents, stratified by gender, will be randomly selected in each target area for the quantitative survey. The sample will be statistically representative of the populations living in each target area based on the acceptable statistical sampling techniques. This should be in line with various contextual factors and proposed project site.

Sampling Approach

To identify survey respondents, the survey will use a random sampling approach. This approach will employ randomized GIS sampling, which takes satellite imagery of the regions targeted. Data collectors will go to each GPS point and conduct an interview with the closest household to the point. In order to ensure gender representation, participants will be classified as either male or female, according to the sampling framework above. If there is more than one adult within the household of that specific gender, the data collectors will introduce the assessment and ask household members who they think among them can provide information given the nature of the assessment.

Qualitative Data Collection

In addition to quantitative data collection, the Endline study will also include a qualitative data collection component to generate more in-depth understanding of community dynamics, provide direct data for qualitative indicators, and triangulate and explain quantitative findings. Two key methods will be used for qualitative data collection:

  1. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs):

FGDs will gather qualitative data to triangulate, explain, and expand upon the quantitative data gathered, explore in further detail the challenges and success of the First Responder System, and elucidate the barriers being faced by each stakeholder in enabling efficacious disaster response.

Participants will be purposefully selected by data collectors in the field based on selection criteria for each sample group. Each focus group will consist of eight to 10 participants. To account for the sensitive nature of the information which might be discussed during the FGDs, female facilitators will be involved in conducting the female FGDs and male facilitators involved in male FGDs.

  1. Key Informant Interviews (KIIs):

KIIs will be conducted with each relevant project stakeholder group, including government officials, partner staff at field and HQ levels, affected communities, and representatives of interagency first response coordination mechanisms, among others. KIIs will be conducted using both closed and open-ended questions.

Survey Administration

The survey will be administered using ODK/Kobo Tool Box. A number of checks will be put in place to ensure the quality and accuracy of data collected. These include but are not limited to the following:

  • A thorough testing process for the data collection tool in line with standard operating procedures for tool development and testing. This involves multiple layers of testing to ensure that the tool functions fully.
  • A pilot phase in the field during which the tool is thoroughly checked and tested prior to final use.
  • Daily checks of data collected to ensure that it is comprehensive and does not contain any mistakes.
  • Daily debriefs with data collection team to ensure that any problems encountered during data collection are identified and resolved.
  • Regular spot checks on the field during data collection to ensure data collectors are properly administering survey questionnaire.
  • A final, thorough, data cleaning process which will include verification of any potentially inaccurate data and re-visits to the field if necessary. A log of data cleaning will be kept to ensure that all steps in the process can be replicated.

Survey Quality & Ethical Standards

The consultant shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Survey is designed and conducted to respect and protect the rights and welfare of the people and communities involved and to ensure that the Survey is technically accurate and reliable, is conducted in a transparent and impartial manner, and contributes to organizational learning and accountability. Therefore, the Survey team shall be required to adhere to the Survey standards and applicable practices as recommended by RACIDA.

Utility: Surveys must be useful and used.

Feasibility: Surveys must be realistic, diplomatic, and managed in a sensible, cost effectivemanner.

Ethics & Legality: Surveys must be conducted in an ethical and legal manner, with particularregard for the welfare of those involved in and affected by the Survey.

Impartiality & Independence; Surveys should be impartial, providing a comprehensive andunbiased assessment that takes into account the views of all stakeholders. Transparency: Survey activities should reflect an attitude of openness and transparency.

Accuracy: Surveys should be technical accurate, providing sufficient information about thedata collection, analysis, and interpretation methods so that its worth or merit can be determined.

Participation: Stakeholders should be consulted and meaningfully involved in the Surveyprocess when feasible and appropriate.

Collaboration: Collaboration between key operating partners in the Survey process improvesthe legitimacy and utility of the Survey.

It is also expected that the Survey will respect the six pillars of data quality accuracy, completeness, consistency, timeliness, validity, and uniqueness

Future Use of the Data

All data collected will be the sole property of RACIDA, Johanniter, and BMZ. The consultant must not use the data for their own research purposes, the data should not be used by others without the written consent of RACIDA, the Johanniter, and BMZ.

  1. Obligations of Key Participants in the Consultancy

Obligations of the Consultant

  • Provide guidance, technical input, support and leadership to the technical team throughout the Endline exercise.
  • Inform the Program Manager and M&E Officer in a timely fashion on the progress made and any challenges encountered.
  • Conduct the consultancy as per the TOR, and contract, and if modifications are necessary, bring them to the attention of the Program Manager before making any changes.
  • Report on a timely basis as per the TOR and contract agreement.
  • Declare any possible conflict of interest before signing the contract
  • Share draft report and discuss the feedback and general findings with the Consortium team.
  • Cater for his/her transport to the site or within his/her bid can indicate the Consortium to provide i.e transport to the communities and exclude costing on the same within the bid.
  • Organize for his/her own accommodation and cater for other expenses they may likely to incur during the assignment.

Obligations of the Consortium Members

  • Make sure the Consultant is provided with the necessary and required resources i.e. the project documents- proposal, reports and any other that the consultant may need.
  • Brief the consultant upon his/her appointment/start of contract
  • Arrange appointments for the consultant and the team as necessary
  • Give logistical information and support (if part of the contract) and attend to any concerns that may arise during the Endline exercise
  • Guiding the consultant in accessing beneficiaries and other local stakeholders
  • Monitor the daily work of the consultant and bring to the attention of the consultant/RACIDA any concerns that may arise
  • Provide technical oversight in the review of all deliverables
  • Provide timely comments on the draft report
  1. Qualifications and Experience of Consultant

The independent consultant/consultancy firm must demonstrate experience and expertise as follows:

  • Master’s Degree in Economics, statistics, social sciences, community development, Public Policy, agriculture/livestock, M&E or another related field.
  • A minimum of 5 years conducting assessments and submitting high quality reports
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting high quality Endline assessments for related projects in the past three years (sample reports are required ruing the bid analysis).
  • Previous consultancy experience working with German Government funded projects.
  • Experience conducting field assessments and working in the targeted areas.
  • Sectoral experience and contextual knowledge of Mandera, Isiolo, Embu, Kiambu and Nairobi.
  • An understanding of the political, social and cultural context in Kenya is essential.
  1. Process:

The Endline evaluation study shall be conducted in April 2023. RACIDA will carry out the selection of the research assistants and the consultant shall be responsible for the undertaking of the training and data collection.

The tentative proposed timeframe includes:

  • 1-day Inception meeting
  • 2-day secondary data collection and review of desk documents.
  • 2 days tools development.
  • 1-day training of enumerators
  • 7 days primary data collection
  • 3 days data analysis.
  • 2 days report writing and submission of draft 1.
  • 2 days final report submission.

The consultant should submit the final report within 20 days after signing the contract.

The evaluation shall be undertaken within the following phases.

  • An inception meeting with the consultant with the RACIDA and partners to familiarize the parties with each other.
  • Submission of inception report
  • Tools development; the consultant shall prepare the necessary tools for the evaluation and submit them to RACIDA/JUH and partners for review.
  • Secondary data collection of relevant data through physical or online reviewing of the respective resources by the consultant
  • Primary data collection by the data collection team through field visits to Mandera, Isiolo, Embu, Kiambu and Nairobi counties.
  • Analysis of data and report writing by the consultant.
  • Submission of the draft report to RACIDA/JUH and partner by the consultant for reviews and feedback.
  • Final report submission to RACIDA/JUH and partner by the consultant.
  1. Outputs and Deliverables

The consultant shall:

  • Submit an inception report, including the data collection and analysis approach, data collection tools and a detailed work plan.
  • Develop a first draft of the Endline report and share with Johanniter for review with partners.
  • Develop and share the final report with RACIDA/Johanniter including the findings, recommendations. The report will be prepared in English.
  • Provide the electronic version of the draft report, the electronic version of the final report and annexes in Word Format and four binded hard copies to RACIDA/JUH.
  1. Management of the Endline Study
  • RACIDA shall prepare a contract that the consultant shall sign to commit him/her; the consultant shall be answerable to the Partner/JUH team.
  • The consultant shall be responsible for execution of the data collection analysis, report generation and submission.
  • The consultant in collaboration with the partner will constitute a data collection team.
  • The consultant hall be responsible for the day-to-day management and remuneration and all other costs associated with the exercise. This shall not be included in consultant’s bid.
  • The partner shall provide that the logistical arrangements related to the evaluation be availed. These include; one vehicle for transport in the field. The Partner in accompanying role will facilitate access to any required government officials requested by the consultant.
  • The consultant shall have the overall responsibility for the operational and administrative management of the evaluation.
  1. Quantity structure
  2. An inception meeting (physical/ online) with the consultant with the Partner/JUH team to familiarize the parties with each other before the signing of the contract.
  3. Tools development and submission of inception report. The consultant shall prepare the necessary and submit them to the Partner/JUH /partner for review.
  4. Secondary data collection of relevant data through physical or online reviewing of the respective resources by the consultant.
  5. Primary data collection by the evaluation team through physical field visit and coordination of the enumerators.
  6. Analysis of data and report writing by the consultant.
  7. Submission of the draft report to JUH/ partner by the consultant.
  8. PowerPoint presentation highlighting key points from the Endline survey – presentation to be part of the final documents submitted to the Partner and JUH
  9. Final report submission to JUH/partner by the consultant.

Documents available upon request

  • Introductory project documents
  • Structure of the Endline study report

How to apply

Application requirement

Written response to this TOR in terms of proposal detailing understanding of the task, proposed methodologies of the Survey, expected activities and deliverables, and financial bid.

Detailed CVs of all professional(s) who will work on the Survey.

Professional references: Please provide at least 3 references from your previous clients and full contact details of the referees.

Bidders’ submissions of technical and financial proposal should be submitted via email with the subject line ToR/RN01015-05.017/ENDLINEASSESSMENT/2023”

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Friday, April 07 2023
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 29-03-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 29-03-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 29-03-2065
Apply Now
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