Polish Center for International Aid
Polish Center for International Aid
Location : Email : info@pcpm.org.pl

The Kharkiv Oblast is one of three regions of Ukraine inhabited by the biggest population of internally displaced persons (IDP).

Nearly 100,000 immigrants from Donbas have found shelter in the city of Kharkiv alone, while just as many moved to smaller, neighboring municipalities. Those who were the neediest received material assistance and job opportunity. 75% of the refugees are women and children, as men were forced to stay in the east of the country in order to protect their houses and maintain their employment.

To prevent the educational system of the area from deteriorating due to the sudden increase in population, The PCPM in collaboration with The Solidarity Fund PL, have renovated schools, provided equipment and organized summer camps for the pupils.

PCPM has been implementing projects in the area of development aid in Ethiopia since 2012.

These challenges are further exacerbated by the lack of uniform training for fire brigade personnel in Kenya’s counties and Ethiopian cities. In 2017, PCPM specialists, many originating from the Polish State Fire Brigade Service, organized 54 firefighter trainings for over 400 Fire Brigade personnel in eight cities of Ethiopia (four in Amhara and four in SNNP) and six counties in Kenya.

In the latter country, PCPM trainings benefited over ⅓ of all firefighters in the country, many of whom now exercise and improve their professional skills at the Fire Brigade training center in Kiambu County. This facility, sponsored by Polish Aid, not only seeks to create a uniform firefighters’ training program in Kenya, but also facilitates exchange of professional knowledge between the Fire Brigade experts from Kenya, Europe, including Poland, and the USA.

Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email: info@pcpm.org.pl
Contact Phone:
Contact Fax: +48 22 833 60 22
Since : 01-01-1970
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