Training On Supervisory Skills Development job at Handicap International Federation (HIF
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Vacancy title:
Training On Supervisory Skills Development

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Consulting , Category: Consultant ]

Jobs at:

Handicap International Federation (HIF

Deadline of this Job:
26 November 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Kenya , Nairobi , East Africa

Date Posted: Thursday, November 18, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Description Of The Expected Service **
The contracted firm shall be expected to build the staff skills and understanding in the following topics:-
1. The Role of a Supervisor
2. Effective communication
3. Interpersonal skills and team building
4. Work planning and organization
5. Decision making and problem solving
6. Leading and controlling
7. Emotional intelligence
8. Time management
9. Coaching and mentoring

3. Scope And Target
The consultancy will be conducted through desk review to enable the consultant gain better understanding of HIF’s requirements of a supervisor.
The trainees approximately 20 ( twenty) in number and shall include both first time and experienced supervisors .
4. Consultant’s Profile
· Experience in adult education;
· At least 5 years proven experience in conducting similar training for non-governmental organization employees;
· Excellent proficiency in English, oral and written;
· Good facilitation skills and ability to accommodate different view of participants, understanding and experience.
5. Duration And Place Of Performance Of The Service
The maximum time frame for this assignment will be five days from 6th December to 10th December, 2021 inclusive.
The training shall be conducted in Kakuma and Dadaab field station.
NB: Mandatory COVID testing required upon entry to and exit from the field stations
6. Work Plan
Ø Based on the proposed assignment time line, the consultant shall provide a comprehensive training schedule . The allocation of the training days will be agreed upon on the basis of the agreed training plan and shall include the following :-.
Ø Teaching methods:
Active teaching methods will be used including role-plays, demonstrations, games, questioning, etc. in combination with presentations and written exercises.
Ø Learning materials:
Handouts will be provided to the trainees as well as materials needed for learning activities.
Ø Workshop assessment methods:
Trainees will be asked to evaluate the training by filling a questionnaire before and after the training.
Ø The work plan should also provide a clear schedule including execution: time necessary to achieve the training objective and how the consultant intends to approach the activities listed above to the service’s completion
Ø The plan should also indicate the level of completion of the service, including criteria and indicators for checking that it is proceeding as planned.
7. Report
A preliminary report is to be submitted for review and a final draft report incorporating all comments. A hard and soft copy of the final report are to be submitted to HI.
The report will be in english and consist of the following:
i. Introduction
ii. Findings and recommendations
iii. Annexes of materials developed
The final training report should be completed by 31st December, 2021.
8. Contact Person
Ø During the performance of the service, the consultant will be required to work in liaison with Handicap International Federation team, and notably with the Caroline Aseto – Regional HR Manager
9. Budget Codes
10. Appendices
Willingness to adhere to Handicap International's Federation institutional policies (Prevention and fight against corruption, Code of Conduct : Integrity, Prevention of Abuse and Safeguarding, Child Protection, Protection of Beneficiaries against sexual abuse and harassment). Available on the website:
11. Evaluation
Application documents submitted will be evaluated in three (stages);
1. General Mandatory Evaluation Criteria
For firms or institutions
Consultancy for Training on Supervisory Skills Development
1 Certificate of Registration
2 Trade license Certificate/ Business Permit
3 PIN/VAT Registration Certificate
4 Current Tax Compliance Certificate
5 Personal Accident Cover
For Individuals
Consultancy for Training on Supervisory Skills Development
1 National ID
2 Relevant certifications
3 PIN/VAT Registration Certificate
4 Current Tax Compliance Certificate
5 Personal Accident Cover
1. Technical Capacity Evaluation
a) Profile and experience of the company:
i. The firm should have proven expertise and experience in undertaking the service delivery. Attach three reference letters
ii. Provide list of assignments undertaken similar scope of work within the last 2 years along with names of clients (including contact person, email contacts, Postal address and telephone numbers – this must include the three referees provided above)
b) Professional/technical capacity/ capability
i. The proposed staff should have relevant experience and professional qualifications in the relevant field
1. Financial Evaluation
At the Financial stage, the Lowest Competitive Evaluated bidder and within budget estimates will be considered for the award of the contract.
Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure
Potential service providers who meet these requirements and are available within the time period indicated should submit an application letter and curriculum vitae indicating their relevant qualifications, skills and experience, their understanding of the TOR, detailed budget as well as three recommendation letters by the current and previous institutions where similar services are/were provided.
The deadline for submission of expression of interest (technical and financial budget proposal) is 26th November, 2021.
Interested and eligible bidders are requested to send soft copies of application and company profile documents listed below to the following email address: 
(Please indicate REF: KEN/NAIR/2021/NAIR-314 Consultancy - Training on Supervisory Skills Development)

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 26 November 2021  
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 18-11-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 18-11-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 18-11-2061
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