Terms Of Reference For An Implementing Partner For The Poultry Value Chain In Turkana County tendering at International Labour Organization
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Terms Of Reference For An Implementing Partner For The Poultry Value Chain In Turkana County tendering at International Labour Organization

PROSPECTS Kenya works under three main pillars as shown below:
The first pillar, Education and Learning focuses on increasing the number of forcibly displaced persons, children on the move and host communities with quality education and training. The second pillar on Employment with Dignity seeks to increase the number of forcibly displaced persons, children on the move (i.e., youth) and host communities with enhanced livelihoods and/or employment in decent work through improvements in labour market governance supporting the transition to and entry into employment and formalisation. The third pillar on Protection and Inclusion aims at increasing protection, social protection and inclusion for forcibly displaced persons, children on the move and host communities through the strengthening of legal, policy and enabling environment for protection, social protection and inclusion.

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International Labour Organization jobs in Kenya

PROSPECTS programme in Kenya facilitated a socio-economic assessment of refugees and host communities in Turkana Country. This was followed by a labour market assessment, cooperatives assessment, an Approach to Inclusive Market Systems (AIMS) assessment and finally conducted a value chain analysis of selected value chains with the potential to improve the livelihoods of refugees and host communities in Turkana County.
AIMS adopts a systemic approach that focuses not only on the demand and supply side interventions in a given value chain, but also addresses the supporting functions including rules and regulations that influence how a market function. The approach has key three elements namely, relevance to target group, opportunity for inclusive growth and feasibility to stimulate change.
A value chain analysis was conducted in Turkana County which identified 4 value chains where refugees and host communities could set up enterprises that can positively impact on their livelihoods.

The 4 value chains were: -
Trade and

Poultry value chain constraints and root causes
A deeper analysis of the poultry value chain in Turkana County revealed that the main participants in this value chain are women, youth and refugees. The poultry value chain development is affected by a number of constraints to production, productivity and competitiveness of the sector.

The constraints include:
• Low levels of commercialization characterized by indigenous production systems,
• Small flock size at household level due to subsistence level production
• Lack of access to quality inputs
• Poor marketing practices that impede the growth of the sector.
• High prevalence of diseases and poor health management leading to high flock mortality
• Underdeveloped cooperative societies
• Low entrepreneurial skills among the stakeholders
• Limited access to finance

The root causes of the above constraints are:
• Limited access to quality inputs
• Poor poultry farming practices and high disease incidents affecting production
• Low entrepreneurship skills and personal finance management by the producers
• Limited access to markets and finance to support production
• Farmer cooperatives affected by governance challenges

2.2 Call for proposals
ILO, seeks to implement a market-based approach to strengthen the poultry value chain, working with different market players, including private sector, NGOs, cooperatives, government and development actors, to design and pilot test an inclusive, efficient, effective and sustainable business model that will promote livelihoods of refugees and host communities in target area working with mainly women and youth. ILO will support the poultry value chain in Turkana County.
In view of the aforementioned, ILO seeks to identify an implementing partner that will be responsible for co designing and implementing the following outcomes and outputs.

2.2.1 Outcomes
• Increased access to one day old chicks and quality inputs for poultry production
• Improved poultry rearing practices
• Improved business and personal finance management practices
• Enhanced linkages to markets and finance
• Better managed cooperative societies

2.2.2 Outputs
• Identify 4 cooperative societies or farmer associations that can be developed into cooperative societies to work in the poultry value chains. The cooperative society memberships should comprise of mainly women and youth. The cooperative societies should be ready to work with both host communities and refugees. The total number of intended beneficiaries to be served is at least 800.
• Identify -vet dealers and a poultry feed processor that will be linked to the farmer cooperatives to supply them with quality poultry feeds and inputs. Also explore together with private sector innovative ways of producing poultry feed locally in Turkana.
• Work with the Turkana County Veterinary department staff to train farmers on Good Animal husbandry Practices (GAPs), train and monitor the Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWs), address animal health issues such as disease surveillance, control and vaccinations
• Train at least selected 20 local CAHWs from the communities that can monitor and manage poultry vaccinations and treatment of the simple animal diseases.
• Link the farmers to ILO trained trainers in GET Ahead and SIYB for them to access entrepreneurship and financial education training to improve on their business practices.
• Link farmers to ILO trained financial education trainers to train them in personal finance management.
• Identify and work with market actors for poultry products. Link the farmers to local or national abattoirs to market their poultry products which include the eggs and poultry meat.
• Link farmers and other value chain actors to financial service providers for them to access financial services for their activities
• k) Train the farmers in cooperative development and support the selected cooperatives to better serve their members.

2.2.3 Deliverables
The implementing partner will provide the following:
• Inception report
• Monthly reports on the progress in implementation
• Final report on the project documenting the detailed project progress and lessons learnt from the project.

ILO will monitor implementation of the activities and hold monthly or adhoc meetings with the implementing partner to review plans and provide technical support.

3.1 Eligibility  
The potential implementing partner should have the following:
• Legally registered in Kenya and having the staff, systems, processes and tools to effectively deliver on the assignment
• The organization can be an NGO, Cooperative, CSO or a not-for-profit Company
• Presence in Turkana County will be an added advantage or ability to set up operations in Turkana County
• Having been in operation for more than 3 years with documented operational and financial performance
• Experience in value chain development especially in facilitating interventions in agricultural value chain development
• Demonstrate how they have worked with different stakeholders in delivering value chain development interventions in rural areas

3.2 Management arrangements
The assignment will be handled by the implementing partner in close collaboration with ILO, other stakeholders and PROSPECTS partners in the target area.
The implementing partner will perform the assignment under the supervision of National Programme Officer Enterprises and the overall guidance of the PROSPECTS Kenya Chief Technical Advisor. The Implementing partner will also receive technical guidance from the ILO technical specialist on Enterprises and Market Systems Development based in Nairobi and SME Unit Technical Specialists based in Geneva.

3.3 Application
Interested organisations should submit technical and financial proposals to support the development of the poultry value chain in Turkana County district based on the guidance below:

The proposals should include:
A 10 page (max) Technical Proposal based on their understanding of the poultry value chain outlining opportunities, challenges, the key activities and how they will deliver on the assignment in Turkana County.
• Should state their experience, strengths and comparative advantages in market systems development especially highlight work done in related agricultural value chain development together with their role in the delivery of the proposed interventions whether they will implement or facilitate in the delivery of services in line with all the above TORs to the refugees and host communities and the different value chain actors that they will collaborate with in the delivery of the assignment.
• Should highlight the target group and the results that they intend to achieve in the poultry value chain over a period of 8 months.
• Outline their key staff that will be involved in the delivery of the assignment, their education, experience and roles.
• Highlight the potential risks that they are likely to face in the delivery of this assignment and propose mitigation measures for the identified risks.
• Provide a results framework with a goal/objective, outcomes, outputs, activities and expected performance indicators over the project period.
• Provide a workplan that they will follow in the delivery of the assignment
• Describe how they will conduct monitoring and evaluation of the activities together with documentation and dissemination of lessons learnt
• Describe how they will ensure sustainability of the interventions in the poultry value chain in Turkana County once the project is over
• Provide a budget based on their proposed activities, required resources, indicating the costs that they will incur in the delivery of their proposed activities in a concise financial proposal

3.4 Evaluation criteria
• Submission application with relevant support documents
• Understanding of the TOR, precise methodology and demonstrated value chain development experience
• Understanding of the target group, socio economic activities, gender dynamics, potential and roles in the project implementation
• Concise presentation of strategy, outcomes, outputs, activities and results, monitoring and evaluation framework
• Competent management (qualifications and experience)
• Clear articulation of the potential risks and strategies to mitigate them
• Clear exit strategy with sustainability embedded at the end of the project
85 Marks

• Concise presentation of outputs, activities and budgets for the activities
• Value for money proposal
• Clear separation of activities to be delivered by implementing partner and activities to be subcontracted/facilitated by partner
• Precise presentation of the administration costs and operational costs
• Proposed contribution by partner to the project (in kind or co-financing)
15 Marks

100 Marks
4.Initial Proposed Budget USD100,000

How to apply
Interested organizations should submit their technical and financial proposals together with summarised evidence of the work that they have done in agricultural value chain development to NBOprocurement@ilo.org not later than Sunday 5th February 2023. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted in 2 weeks after submitting.
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 05 February 2023
Duty Station: Turkana
Posted: 12-01-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 12-01-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 12-01-2067
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