Tender for Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Auditorium Seats at Kenya School of Monetary Studies (ksms) Tendering at Central Bank of Kenya
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721 Days Ago
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1. The Central Bank of Kenya invites sealed tenders for supply, delivery, and installation of Auditorium seats at Kenya School of Monetary Studies (KSMS) for Central Bank of Kenya.
2. Tendering will be conducted under open National Tender using a standardized tender document. Tendering is open to all qualified and interested Tenderers.
3. Qualified and interested tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tender Documents during office hours 09: 00AM to4:00PM at the address: The Director, General Services Department,
Tel: +254 20 2861000/2860000, 5th Floor, Central Bank of Kenya, Haile Selassie Avenue, Nairobi, Email: supplies@centralbank.go.ke during normal working hours.
4. A complete set of tender document containing detailed information may be downloaded from the PPIP website: www.tenders.go.ke   OR Central Bank of Kenya website: www.centralbank.go.ke  at no cost. Bidders who download the tender document are advised to forward their particulars immediately using the Email: supplies@centralbank.go.ke. to facilitate any further clarification or addendum.
5. All Tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security of Kshs.50,000.00, valid for 240 days from the date of tender opening in the format provided in this tender document.
6. The Tenderer shall chronologically serialize all pages of the tender documents submitted.
7. Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with tender reference number and be deposited in the Green Tender Box No. 3 at the main entrance, ground floor of Central Bank of Kenya along Haile Selassie Avenue, so as to be received on or before 1 st February, 2023 at 10.30 A.M. Electronic Tenders will not be permitted.
8. Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above or any dead line date and time specified later. Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the Tenderers' designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below.
9. Late tenders will be rejected.
10. The addresses referred to above are:

a)Address for obtaining further information and for purchasing tender documents
Central Bank of Kenya
The Director, General Services Department Central Bank of Kenya, Head Office in Nairobi on Haile
Selassie Avenue 5th Floor,
P. O. Box 60000 – 00200, Nairobi
Tel. No. 020 2860000, E-mail address: supplies@centralbank.go.ke.

b) Address for Submission of Tenders.
Central Bank of Kenya, Head Office in Nairobi, Ground floor
Haile Selassie Avenue
Green Tender Box No. 3 at the main entrance, ground floor
P. O. Box 60000 – 00200, Nairobi

c) Address for Opening of Tenders.
Central Bank of Kenya, Head Office in Nairobi, Mezzanine Conference Room

Deputy Director
Head of Procurement
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 31 January 2023
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 18-01-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 18-01-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 18-01-2066
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