Project Management Specialist (Pediatrics) job at US Agency for International Development
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Vacancy title:
Project Management Specialist (Pediatrics)

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

US Agency for International Development

Deadline of this Job:
22 December 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Kenya , Nairobi , East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, December 10, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Project Management Specialist (Pediatrics)
Major Duties and Responsibilities

1. Technical Assistance and Leadership 50%
• The USAID Project Management Specialist (Pediatrics) provides a high-level technical guidance and recommendations in pediatrics and newborn health initiatives, to the Mission and the Ministry of Health, including counterparts and senior level officials; contributes to the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of pediatrics and newborn health programs/projects/ activities and interventions.
• The Specialist serves as a technical subject matter expert through active engagement with technical counterparts in the Ministry of Health, and other subnational and national stakeholders, to advance USAID and USG strategic objectives related to key pediatric and newborn health interventions.
• The Specialist participates in Technical Advisory committees - with MOH, academia, private sector, professional associations which have an oversight for newborn health and the Kenya Pediatric Association. The Specialist represents USAID/KEA at designated national, regional, and international meetings, those relating to pediatrics and newborn health, including regular participation in national-level pediatric technical working groups and related committees.
• The Specialist develops and maintains relationships with relevant government officials and provides technical assistance to MOH in the development of policies, strategies, and guidelines related to newborn care and treatment. The Specialist works closely with national and sub-national/County and local government officials in order to enhance success of pediatrics service delivery and newborn interventions and advance USAID and USG strategic objectives.
• The Specialist collaborates with the Health Policy and Financing Team on advocacy and technical input as it relates to maternal and newborn health as part of USAID’s technical assistance activities related to national and county budgets. S/he contributes to the Family Health Center of Excellence activities related to oversight of the portfolio budget, ensuring costs remain within budget planning levels, and that efficiency is maximized.
• The Specialist works closely with other units within the Health Population and Nutrition Office, and across the USAID Mission, to optimize opportunities for cross-sectoral integration, and the leveraging of resources across the different program components.
2. Program/Project Management and Monitoring 30%
• The Specialist serves as an Agreement Officer’s Representative (AOR)/COR for a bilateral mechanism under the new Integrated Family Health and HIV Program. As AOR/COR or activity manager, oversee the development and implementation of annual work plans, schedules for budget allocation, obligation, and expenditure, portfolio reviews, evaluation planning and implementation, audits, development and outreach communications, and closeouts.
• The Specialist serves as an Activity Manager for contracts or cooperative agreements, bilateral or centrally procured research and innovation activities, as part of the collaboration, learning and adjusting (CLA) component of the health program; provides overall management, technical guidance and leadership to implementing partners carrying out newborn health activities within the HPN’s portfolio. As such, the incumbent is responsible for technical, programmatic, and financial management of these activities, including developing, monitoring, and analyzing budget planning, obligations, and pipelines.
• The Specialist is responsible for management of pediatric and newborn health programming activities including planning, monitoring, reporting, and evaluation. The Specialist fully participates in designing new activities, takes the prime responsibility for identifying new potential USAID-supported activities for pediatric and newborn health approaches/models, designing strategies in conjunction with partners, obtaining approval by all concerned parties, and coordinating targeted efforts.
• The Specialist reviews and approves annual work plans, monitoring and evaluation plans, quarterly reports and other key documents of designated USAID-supported projects. Monitors program resources allocated for pediatric and newborn health activities to ensure that they are being used rationally and that there are no cost overruns.
• The Specialist serves as an AMT member of various activities within HPN. In this team the incumbent contributes to the oversight the newborn health activities in the integrated portfolio, reviewing workplans and quarterly reports, conducting site visits contributing to reports and program assessments.
• The Specialist works closely with other staff in the HPN Office and across the Mission to optimize opportunities for cross-sectoral integration and leveraging of resources across the different program components, extending these efforts to the USG interagency and other development partners whenever possible. The incumbent serves as a member of PEPFAR Inter-agency Technical Team (ITT) - fostering integration for PMTCT and Pediatric HIV program components. The Specialist also coordinated newborn health activities with the President’s Malaria Initiative Team (PMI).
• The Specialist conducts site visits to USAID supported programs to assess the quality of services, provide expert advice on implementation and other relevant areas, and guide implementing partners on newly emerging and highly efficacious approaches to pediatric and newborn health program implementation.
• Participates in HPN data quality assessments to ensure the quality and reliability of program data.
• The Specialist monitors and makes recommendations to resolve implementation obstacles to ensure judicious use of USG funds and effective implementation of pediatric and newborn health interventions.
• The Specialist contributes to and participates in newborn health-related program evaluations to document and scale up proven best practices, identify and address challenges, improve program performance, and ensure continuous learning.
3. Program Planning And Reporting 20%
• The Specialist fully participates and actively engages in planning processes within HPN and in the preparation of key annual and mid-term planning and reporting documents, including the Country Operational Plan (COP), Operational Plan, Malaria Operational Plan (MOP), Congressional Budget Justifications, Technical Notifications, Quarterly, and Semi-Annual and Annual Progress Reports, and providing input for the design and development of newborn health activities.
• The Specialist supports the annual budget preparation process, providing technical assistance to USG financial teams and technical working groups in completing the required reports and tools that may be provided for use in the planning processes. Participates actively in inter-agency processes for determining targets, unit costs and budgets for use in the annual planning for USG pediatric and newborn health interventions.
• The Specialist prepares technical analyses, evaluates sectoral issues, and provides input to Mission activities with respect to pediatric and newborn health initiatives. Prepares written reports that reflect a sound understanding of the assigned area of responsibility and document a wide variety of sources and points of view that have been consulted in undertaking analyses and in drawing conclusions.
• Responds to a wide range of work-related requirements as a member of the HPN Team, including responding to program and strategy requests for information from USAID Washington. The incumbent will ensure that all program documentation meets both USG requirements and audit inspection standards. Ensures that documentation of USAID activities is prepared with input from other USG Team members and implementing partners; and is submitted in a timely fashion to USAID/W.
Position Elements:
• Supervision Received: The USAID Project Management Specialist (Pediatrics) works under the very general supervision of the Family Health COE Director, and the closer but general supervision of the MCH/RH Team Leader. The supervisor makes assignments in terms of overall objectives and resources available. Completed work is reviewed in terms of achievement of program/project/activity goals, effectiveness in meeting host-country and USAID objectives, and integration with other initiatives in the HPN Office and Mission portfolio. The Specialist will be expected to exercise considerable autonomy and best judgment in discharging the duties of the assignment.
• Supervision Exercised: Continuing supervision of other Health Office and/or Mission staff is not contemplated.
• Available Guidelines: Available guidelines include USG program/project/activity guidance, rules, and requirements; USAID Mission Orders, Mission strategy, and other relevant reports; the Automated Directives System (ADS); USAID Mandatory and Standard Provisions, and the FAR and AIDAR; and, Emergency Plan guidelines, Country Operational Plans, the Mission and Host Government Five-Year Strategic Plans, and other published and unpublished guidelines. Guidance and Directives are also provided by the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC), which directs the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), its Interagency Care and Treatment Technical Working Groups, and from relevant MOH documents relating to pediatric care and newborn health. The incumbent is required to understand Mission and Agency-specific policies and procedures that govern project activity management in addition to administrative operating procedures, policies and formats established by the Department of State. Guidelines are often general in nature and not specific to the situation at hand, requiring considerable interpretation.
• Exercise Of Judgment: Substantial judgment (discretion) is used daily in providing technical opinion and guidance to USG, USAID, and host-government colleagues, to IPs, and in representing USAID in stakeholder forums. Management decisions over certain IPs are at the discretion of the Specialist. Independent judgment is required for developing, implementing, and managing assigned programs/projects/activities, for reporting, and for other assignments. Substantial judgment is required in analyzing and determining whether or not to recommend approval of proposed programs/projects/ activities, in choosing among alternative proposals, and in evaluating data for reliability.
• Authority To Make Commitments: The Specialist exercises the authority given to CORs/AORs and activity managers and may make administrative arrangements consistent with ADS guidance and Mission and Health Office policy. The Specialist takes action and establishes priorities based on available guidelines and professional judgment. Guidance is sought when needed, and superiors informed of activity and project status. Within the scope of the authority delegated, the Specialist may indicate to ranking counterpart and IP officials that they will make a recommendation to USAID on a specific activity, issue, or problem. The Specialist has no independent authority to commit the USG to the expenditure of funds, but may negotiate ad referendum for the supervisor.
• Nature, Level and Purpose of Contacts: The Specialist has a full range of contacts within the Mission, at all levels, and maintains contact with IPs implementing USAID-funded programs/projects/activities in the sector. Within the Embassy, contacts are with counterpart staffs, and with senior staff as needed. Host-government, local, and other, contacts vary widely with the type of activity being implemented, and may be at any level – including Ministerial, Deputy Minister, etc. Frequent and substantive personal contacts with senior-level officials of the host government, and with the private sector, are for the purpose of explaining and defending USAID policies, objectives, and procedures, and to transmit and interpret host-government and private-sector attitudes and concerns to senior USAID officials. In addition, the Specialist provides technical assistance and guidance on pediatric care and newborn health best practices to USG staff, and host government and NGO partners.
• Time Expected to Reach Full Performance Level: One year.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure
Step 1: Register in MyJobsInKenya at
Step 2: Current USG Employees: Attach an updated curriculum vitae/resume (no more than five pages), a copy of your most recent Performance Evaluation Report, and copies of all relevant certificates. Scan and attach all the documents and upload to MyJobsInKenya.
External Applicants/Not Current USG Employees: Attach an updated curriculum vitae/resume (no more than five pages) and copies of all relevant certificates. Scan and attach all the documents and upload to MyJobsInKenya .
Note to Applicants:
1. Applications must be received by the closing date and time specified in Section I, item 3, and submitted through as stated in Section IV.
2. Submissions will only be accepted through Late and Incomplete applications (those that do not contain the applicant’s most current and up to date detailed CV and relevant education certificates) will not be considered for the position. The closing date for receipt of applications is indicated above.
3. USAID provides equal opportunity and equitable treatment for employment of all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status or sexual orientation.
4. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Any form of canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 22 December 2021
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 10-12-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 10-12-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 10-12-2065
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