Partnership Portfolio Manager job at Child Fund International
994 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Partnership Portfolio Manager

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Child Fund International

Deadline of this Job:
01 July 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Kenya , Nairobi , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, June 21, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Child Fund International jobs in Kenya

• Partnership Portfolio Management:

• Achieves the development and maintenance of a strong partnership portfolio with an effective mix of different partner types that can maximize the impact delivered by ChildFund’ s program strategies, models, and specific interventions.
• Expands the partner portfolio to include organizations of various forms that are competent for undertaking work related to program and sponsorship implementation, advocacy, research, resource mobilization, technical support etc.
• Maintains an up-to-date database of all ChildFund partners and undertakes annual reviews, reflections and sharing.

Partnership Life Cycle Management:
• Responsible for the effective management of the Partnership life cycle encompassing selection of partners; development of relationships, including conducting due diligence of new partners; partner assessments and partner reviews, implementation of high quality, appropriate program interventions; monitoring of ongoing work; and transition or closure of formal relations.
• Coordinates LPs in the development, review and approval of Annual Operation Plans and Budgets, LP quarterly reviews and reporting. Support the development and delivery of the country strategic plan and ensure alignment with LPs and other stakeholder holder priorities with ChildFund vision, mission, values, and strategic priorities.

Partner Capacity Enhancement:
• Ensures strong partnership portfolio by conducting a partner assessment and then supporting partners in developing and implementing action plans directed at enhancing the capacities of their own organization, as well as identifying their potential role in the overall portfolio.
• Ensures annual LP capacity strengthening plan is developed, resourced, implemented and evaluated based on partners capacity assessments and ChildFund partnership standards.

Partner Performance:
• Accountable for the management of partner performance on agreed program activities, evaluating their alignment with approved proposals, budgets and technical quality standards.
• Ensures local partners (LPs) adhere to provisions of signed Letter of Agreement (LOA), finance, program and sponsorship standards and related policies, procedures, and guidelines.
• Responsible for LPs timely and quality preparation and implementation of Local Partner’s Annual Operational Plans and Budgets (AOPBs) and Balance Score Card action plans that relate to ChildFund global strategic priorities and country strategic plan.

Representation, Advocacy and Networking:
• Builds and manages relationships with national and county governments, foundations development organizations, corporations, and the public to increase ChildFund’s visibility, profile and credibility.
• Identifies and pursues opportunities for new collaborations and/or partnerships.
• Grant Acquisition, Resource Development and Management:

• Oversees timely and high-quality compliance with donor reporting requirements by LPs, including through the Donor Agreement and Report Tracking System (DARTS).
• Oversees full utilization of donor contributions, review donor-funded programme implementation bottlenecks, challenges and opportunities and suggest solutions to improve results-based implementation and reporting in collaboration with GAAM.
• Manages LPs’ fundraising cycle including concept note/proposal development processes in collaboration with GAAM and program teams to ensure that they are properly coordinated and consistent with internal program priorities, cross cutting issues and donor priorities and requirements.
• Identifies priority partners for grant and other resource mobilization opportunities, coordinates development of teaming and sub-award agreements, and supports GAAM in managing partner performance on grants.
• Coordinates capacity building and support to Local Partners in identifying funding opportunities and development of funding proposals.
• Collaborates with GAAM in the development of partnerships and resource mobilization strategy, tools and procedures.
• Coordinates with GAAM to ensure timely preparation and completion of donor reports, proposals, presentations, briefing papers and the LPs’ sitreps, amongst others.

Knowledge management and learning:
• Coordinates with the Monitoring, Evaluation, Knowledge Management and Learning Manager to develop learning and knowledge products, as it relates to partnership portfolio management, that meet standards and enables organization-wide learning and sharing.
• Supports Partners to ensure documentation of approaches, project and program designs, lessons, case studies and other knowledge products.
• Seeks and leverages existing knowledge products in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Coordinates LP semi-annual program reflection meetings and annual progress quality reviews (PQRs) meetings and sharing of lessons and best practices for planning. Ensures all LP Audit actions are addressed and closed on time.

Child Safeguarding:
• Remains alert and responsive to any child safeguarding risks.
• Acquires relevant knowledge and skills to promote strong safeguarding practices, understands the child safeguarding policy and procedures, and conducts him/ herself in a manner consistent with the Child Safeguarding Policy.
• Assists partners adopt and rollout out their own Child Safeguarding policies and processes.

• 5+ years specialized experience managing partnerships and development programs to support community development, preferably in a technical area, community development and/or child-focused programming.
• Excellent and proven experience in strategic planning and ability to effectively articulate strategy to internal and external stakeholders.
• Excellent planning, organizational, communication, and decision-making skills.
• Excellent demonstrated analytical skills in the field of external and public relations, networking, negotiating, and understanding of different stakeholders.
• Demonstrated ability to build and maintain effective personal and organizational relationships and team work.
• Demonstrated experience managing capacity (organizational development- including strategy, structure, people, training programs and leadership and management) programs for NGOs and other partners.
• Outstanding written and oral communication skills.
• Demonstrated high-level interpersonal and cross-cultural skills including the ability to build collaborative relationships internally and externally with sensitivity to cultural, ethnic, social and political issues.
• Demonstrated technical expertise in project, budget and resource management, and managing a diverse team in a complex work setting.
• Computer proficiency in general office software (i.e. Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook);
• Demonstrated ability to delegate effectively amongst teams and show commitment to the long-term development of team members through coaching, mentoring and creation of development opportunities.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure

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Job Info
Job Category: NGO - Non Government Organisations jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 1 july 2022
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 21-06-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 21-06-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 21-06-2065
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