Fish Crew Training Job at Kenya Fisheries Service - Career Opportunity in Kenya
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Vacancy title:
Fish Crew Training

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Public Administration, and Government , Category: Teachers & Education ]

Jobs at:

Kenya Fisheries Service

Deadline of this Job:
20 October 2020  

Duty Station:
Within Kenya , Nairobi , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Background information:
The Government recognizes that the State Department for Fisheries, Aquaculture and the Blue Economy holds a vital key in the implementation of the "Big Four initiatives and other national priorities in order to improve the quality of lives of Kenyans and make Kenya globally competitive.
The State Department has the mandate to coordinate the development of policy, legal regulatory and institutional framework for fisheries resources; aquaculture development of the blue economy, spatial planning, and integrated coastal zone management In liaison with the Kenya Fisheries Service (KeFS), the state Department is in the process of developing a local fishing fleet to enhance the exploitation of fisheries resources in the blue space and therefore requires trained crew who can be deployed in locally and foreign owned fishing vessels licensed to fish in Kenya's Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) or be available for any such fisheries jobs available internationally.
The state Department wishes to recruit over one thousand (1000) young persons across the country for fishing crew training at the Marine facilities in Mombasa for three weeks and also get at sea fishing experience on board a deep sea fishing vessel. .

Participants will benefit from the training in the following ways.
• Build capacity to undertake responsible fishing:
• Distinguish between various approaches and applications of deep sea fishing practices and technologies including fishing Bears
• Develop competence in handling disasters at sea,
• Enhancing employability in deep sea fishing industry

Job Skills: Not Specified

Who Should Apply Applicants should meet the following conditions
• Male Kenyan Adults
• Age of 35 years and below
• Holder of KCSE certificate or an equivalent qualification
• Physically fit to undergo through strenuous deep sea fishing experience
• Provide proof of physical fitness from a recognized medical facility in Kenya

Job Education Requirements: Not Specified

Training schedule
• A one week theoretical training at a venue in Mombasa
• A three weeks on board fishing vessels practical training
• A two weeks STCWF course at Bandari Maritime Academy

Work Hours: 8


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Job application procedure
Applications should be made by downloading and filling the prescribed Kenya Fisheries service Application form available on the Kenya Fisheries Services website
Duly filled form submitted to the local County Commissioner's office by the case of business on 20th October 2020. Late applications will not be accepted.
Daniel Mungai
Director General

All Jobs


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Job Info
Job Category: Education/ Academic/ Teaching jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 20 October 2020
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 13-10-2020
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 13-10-2020
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 13-10-2065
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