Endline Evaluation for Elimination of Sexual Exploitation of Children in Busia County Project
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Job Summary

The main objective of the evaluation is to assess the level of achievement against the set objectives, document what worked and what did not work in tackling SEC, and provide recommendations on best practices in the prevention of SEC.

  • Minimum Qualification: Bachelor
  • Experience Level: Mid level
  • Experience Length: 5 years

Job Description/Requirements

  1. Intervention Details


Elimination of Sexual Exploitation of children in Busia County



To prevent and respond to Sexual Exploitation of Children in Busia County.


Project Objective/s/results

The Overall objective is to endeavour to prevent and respond to Sexual Exploitation of Children in Busia County.


Specific results:

  1. Enhanced knowledge, awareness and evidence based programming on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Busia County

  2. Strengthened systems and structures that effectively respond to Sexual Exploitation of Children in Busia County

  3. Improved service provision that adequately identify, refer and rescue victims of Sexual Exploitation of Children in Busia County

  4. Enhanced monitoring, coordination and partnership that effectively tackle Sexual Exploitation of Children in Busia County


Matayos & Budalangi (target sub-counties), Busia County


Project Duration

1 September 2019 - 31 August 2021


Target Beneficiaries

  • Children 50 victims of SEC identified and supported. 500 children vulnerable to SEC (in and out of school) \identified and prevented from getting into exploitation through child prostitution. A further 5,000 children targeted indirectly with education on SEC to make the right decision, free from SEC.

  • Families and communities: 500 families whose children are victims and /or vulnerable to SEC directly targeted while a total of 5,000 families and community members indirectly reached with knowledge on SEC.

  • Private sector: At least 100 private sector representatives (fishermen, boda boda riders, hotels, and the media) targeted and sensitized on SEC.

  • Government: At least 50 government officials, including headteachers, teachers, school’s Boards of Management (BOMs), education officers, children officers, health officers trained on SEC.

  • Law enforcement: At least 30 law enforcement officers, including the chiefs, assistant chiefs, village elders, police officers sensitized on SEC.

  • CSOs: 20 CSOs including faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, and non-governmental organizations have their capacities and knowledge on SEC enhanced

Implementing partner (s)

Terre des Hommes Netherlands Kenya Country Office (TdH-NL, KCO), African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect- (ANPPCAN) Regional Office.


1. Introduction

Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH-NL) is child rights organisation dedicated to stopping child exploitation. In East Africa, Terre des Hommes Netherlands works in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. We support child victims of exploitation with education, psychosocial support, legal assistance, shelter, job opportunities, and medical care; while at the same time targeting highly vulnerable children, who are at risk of being exploited, in our prevention activities. We launch public and media campaigns to create awareness on our focus issues and carry out local research into the extent and nature of abuse and exploitation of children.

Our Vision: Terre des Hommes Netherlands works towards a world where all children have a decent life and can grow up to be independent adults. A world in which children are no longer exploited. We will continue our work until this is accomplished.

Our Mission: Terre des Hommes Netherlands prevents child exploitation, removes children from exploitative situations, and ensures these children can develop themselves in a safe environment.


TdH-NL in East Africa works within four child protection themes: the Sexual Exploitation of Children (SEC), the Worst Forms of Child Labour (WFCL), Child Trafficking, and Unsafe Migration(CTM), and Child Abuse (CA) specifically focusing on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights. Through collaboration with local civil society organizations (CSOs), TdH-NL implements development, humanitarian/relief, and advocacy interventions in various parts of Kenya, supported by its own TdH-NL funding and from various institutional donors and foundations.


Our programmatic strategy is to partner with civil society organisations (CSOs). We have a network of partnerships with CSOs in EA, totaling over 30 CSOs. We also focus on capacity building and advocacy/lobbying, centered on the most vulnerable children in their immediate environment.

To effectively combat child exploitation, TdH-NL has an integrated approach which is reflected in the organisation’s Theory of Change. Identification of key actors in bringing desired change is done through a rigorous analysis of long-term causes and medium-term barriers for change, as well as the potential to bring about change. Generally, these actors consist of the children themselves, their families and communities, the private sector, government, law enforcement agencies, and CSO. Actors are identified for each programme, per context.


TdH-NL’s working structure is based on the assumption that a strong and united civil society, engaged in social change and capable of meaningful interaction with duty bearers and beneficiaries, can help the programme realise its objectives. Strengthening of civil society is thus an overall, underlying condition for the successful and sustainable implementation of change in the communities TdH-NL works in.

In Kenya, TdH-NL collaborates with Kenyan CSOs and networks in the execution of projects which aim to prevent child exploitation and provide assistance to exploited children. TdH-NL programmes are implemented in Nairobi, Nakuru, Coastal, Western and Northern regions of Kenya.


1. Background

The project was designed by TdH-NL and ANPPCAN to address Sexual Exploitation of Children(SEC) in the County of Busia for a period of 2 years with the objective of preventing and responding to SEC through awareness creation and strengthening existing child protection systems and structures. The SEC project focused on four strategies: prevention, provision, promotion and prosecution, and entailed interactive education sessions with children through clubs, parents, caregivers, and communities on SEC and positive parenting skills; Service provision for children victims of SEC through rescue, provision of temporary shelter to the victims of SEC, psychosocial support for children, parents and caregivers; education support to the children, strengthening of existing referral pathways through working closely with other CSOs to prevent and respond to SEC situation; case conferencing for efficient and effective services for children and their caregivers; building the capacity of government officials on SEC, evidence recovery all pointed towards child-safe justice and the legal provisions for child victims of SEC.


1. Evaluation Purpose

This evaluation is designed to provide documented evidence of changes brought about by the project, extract key lessons and promising practices which can be adopted for programming in SEC prevention. s. It will serve as an important accountability purpose for TdH-NL by identifying the extent to which the project objectives were achieved. It will further serve to document what worked and what did not work with regard to efforts to prevent sexual exploitation of children. Being an end-of-project evaluation, it will help to document the gains made against the preceding evaluations. Both TdH-NL and its implementing partner (ANPPCAN), will be the prime users of the evaluation. Moreover, the key learning/findings will be used by other CSOs, Government, both national and County, and development partners.


1. Evaluation Objectives

The main objective of the evaluation is to assess the level of achievement against the set objectives, document what worked and what did not work in tackling SEC, and provide recommendations on best practices in the prevention of SEC. It will examine the extent to which the project has delivered meaningful results for project beneficiaries and identify key areas that can be replicated in similar interventions. Further, the evaluation will also focus on the project design, implementation process, performance of the project, organisational management systems, and how these have impacted on implementation of the project.


1.The Specific Objectives

  1. To examine the extent to which the project objectives have been achieved. Assess how the project contributed to the impact including key enabling and/or constraining factors that led to project achievements

  2. To determine how the project benefited the beneficiaries. (include the two most significant change stories/case studies) Assess how it addressed barriers in the prevention of SEC.

  3. To examine the unintended/unplanned effects of the project among the target beneficiaries, local communities and wider context

  4. To assess the sustainability of project outcomes beyond the project period, including identification of project components, strategies, and activities that can be replicated in similar projects

  5. To document what worked, what did not work, key lessons learned and recommendations for future implementation on SEC programming in Kenya and in projects designed under similar contexts

  6. Evaluate relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of SEC project

  7. Evaluation Scope and Duration

The scope of the evaluation includes a review and assessment of all activities carried out under the TdH-NL and its partner’s agreement from inception until the end of the project period. The evaluation should assess the project’s achievements in reaching its targets and objectives outlined in the relevant project documents as will be provided by TdH-NL. It should assess project design, implementation, effectiveness, lessons learned, replicability, and provide recommendations for future projects. The proposed evaluation time frame is 28 days between 2/8/2021 and 30/8/ 2021. This will be done in accordance with the Development Assistance Committee (DAC-OECD) evaluation criteria.


1. Evaluation criteria & Questions

The evaluation will seek to answer key questions as per the evaluation criterion:Effectiveness, Relevance, Efficiency, Sustainability, Coherence, and Impact, as well as Child Participation.


Proposed Evaluation Questions per criteria:


How relevant were the objectives and activities, implemented by the project, in addressing the needs of the target population


How has the project changed the operating environment within the intervention areas since inception in relation to Sexual Exploitation of Children (SEC). How did the SEC project contribute to these changes?


How has the collaboration between TdH - NL, local partner (ANPPCAN), CSOs, and government line ministries contributed to the appropriate response of specific needs and priorities of the beneficiaries? To what extent was the project able to adapt and provide an appropriate response to context changes and emerging local needs, and the priorities of beneficiaries?


Efficiency questions will be considered in light of the partnership between TdH-NL and partners (ANPPCAN), as well as the level of collaboration with other CSOs, government, Law enforcement, and the private sector in the delivery of services for children during the project implementation period.


The evaluation should assess whether the project has taken steps to ensure the continuation of project activities after the completion of the program


The evaluation should equally assess how the project aligned with the actions of other actors within the CP space.

Child Participation

Children being the key stakeholder, how was their involvement in decision making as well as project delivery?


Knowledge Generation

What are the key lessons and best practices that need to be shared with practitioners implementing SEC interventions in Kenya? Identify lessons per criteria.


1. Evaluation Methodology and Approach

Methodology and Approach

In collaboration with the M&E team, a detailed methodology plan will be developed during the inception phase. The focus will be on the finalisation and operationalisation of methods and tools to measure project progress.This phase will include a review and update of data collection tools and methods which include:

  1. Proposed methodology for any child-targeted data collection ( and ensuring it is designed with child safeguarding as a key consideration).

  2. Designing data collection and reporting tools for assessment of changes for all targeted stakeholders. The evaluation tools will be developed to ensure they provide a comparative assessment of project outcomes at the start(baseline) and endline.

  3. Proposed detailed way of measuring the contribution/attribution of activities.

  4. Proposed most suitable approach on how the evaluators will ensure adherence to the covid 19 government directives throughout the evaluation

To sufficiently address the specific objectives, it is proposed that the methodology to be used should allow the involvement of children, local communities, families, law enforcement, CSOs, government (local and national), private sector, and project implementers in key evaluation tasks. Existing project documents, progress reports, and other relevant documents will be shared by the teams of TdH-NL and Partner (ANPPCAN). The evaluator is expected to conduct the evaluation in a rigorous manner to produce information that is valid and reliable based on quality data and analysis. As a result during the inception phase, the evaluator will produce an agreed detailed action plan and elucidate the data collection, process, and analysis methods for the evaluation as well as data dissemination plans.


1. Deliverables

In accordance with the timetable, the evaluator (s) will produce:

  • A draft inception report which responds to the scope of work with a methodology, survey instruments,detailed work plan and budget.

  • A field work implementation plan (to be submitted before field work begins). This field work plan should be presented to the TdH-NL Country office/ Region for comments, and revised as necessary prior to commencing field work.

  • A final End-Term Evaluation report incorporating feedback from TdH-NL. The Revised Report will synthesise all data, MsC stories, identify conclusions, and make recommendations (Taking into account ALL comments and additions from TdH-NL following submission of the Draft Report).

  • Oral Presentation/Meeting and debrief with project staff: The consultant will make a presentation to TdH-NL and its partners of the findings of the evaluation, including lessons for project improvement. The debriefing meeting will be an opportunity to clarify outstanding aspects of the evaluation before finalisation of the end line report.

  • The Final Report: The consultant will be expected to produce a final report, with comments from the debriefing taken into account. While the substantive content of the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the report shall be determined by the evaluator, the report is subject to final approval by TdH-NL in terms of whether or not the report meets the conditions of the ToR and expected standards.

  • The consultant will be required to submit all data sets used for analysis, any scripts or instructions on data management as well as transcripts of all qualitative information gathered during data collection, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and list of people interviewed /met as appendices to the final report.

  • Dissemination Workshop: After the evaluation report is finalised, TdH-NL will organise a dissemination workshop with its key stakeholders. The consultant is expected to co-facilitate the workshop and present the results of the evaluation.

TdH-NL will oversee the process and maintain responsibility for accountability and guidance throughout all phases of execution, and approval of all deliverables. The project partner ANPPCAN will offer day-to-day support to the evaluator in terms of organising meetings with the target groups as requested by the evaluator

1. Evaluator(s) Competencies, Experience, and Skill requirements

The evaluator(s) engaged to undertake the assignment must fulfill the following requirements:

The team for this assignment will consist of the consultant(s) who will have overall responsibility for designing, implementing, and coordinating the entire endline survey process guided by the ToR.


The knowledge, skills, and expertise required areas are as outlined below:

  • The lead consultant or coordinator is required to have a Master Degree in Social Sciences, Community Development, or other related fields.

  • Sound understanding of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Code of Conduct, and UN Global Compact.

  • A minimum of five years of experience working in the field on children's issues and child protection programmes.

  • Has an excellent understanding of issues related to Sexual Exploitation of Children in East Africa and Kenya specifically.

  • A strong commitment to and proven experience in utilising child participatory methodologies.

  • Knowledgeable in and committed to a Rights-Based Approach to development.

  • Has proven experience in conducting evaluations and research using various methodologies such as in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussions, etc.

  • Experience in working with NGOs, CBOs, and beneficiary communities.

  • Has excellent communication skills in writing and spoken English and Kiswahili.

  • Excellent interpersonal and teamwork skills.

  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills.

  • Is familiar with social and cultural norms, and attitudes especially in relation to child trafficking, sexual exploitation, and abuse, child labour.

  • Child Safeguarding Measures

In line with the UNCRC, Terre des Hommes Netherlands strives to keep children safe in all its undertakings. A screening and reference check of the successful candidate will be conducted during the selection process to confirm suitability of working with children. The successful applicant will be required to read, understand, and commit to abide by TdH-NL’s Child Safeguarding Policies and Guidelines. The institution/firm or individual consultant will sign the policies to indicate an understanding of, and commitment to follow the policy requirements. The methodologies used in this study must abide by the universally accepted standards for involving children in research. Special considerations will have to be taken in involving children who are survivors of sexual exploitation, ensuring the risk of retraumatization is sufficiently mitigated.

  1. Ethical Considerations

All participants involved in the assessment are expected to be treated with dignity and respect, and participation in the study will be voluntary. Confidentiality and the right to privacy should be ensured. Consent will be obtained from all participants prior to their participation. Interviewing children will only be done for children above 12 years, with the consent of their parents/caregivers and if they themselves are comfortable participating and providing information. Where a child has been a victim of exploitation and abuse and shows signs of distress, a clear referral for counselling and psychosocial support should be done.

Consultants working for Terre des Hommes Netherlands are required to sign and abide by the organisation’s Child Safeguarding Policy and expected to uphold the core values of the organisation at all times during their period of assignment.

  1. Covid 19 Considerations

The survey will be conducted in strict compliance with the Government Covid 19 protocols to ensure safety of project beneficiaries, staff and all stakeholders involved. In the technical proposal, the applicant must demonstrate how this will be achieved.

How to apply

Qualified and interested applicants to submit Technical and Financial proposals electronically in PDF formats, addressed to “The Selection Committee”, with subject line clearly marked Endline Evaluation for SEC Busia Project via email on or before 27/7/2021 at 1700 hrs (EAT) to: recruitment.africa@tdh.nl  with the aim to select the evaluator by 30/7/2021 and start the assignment by 5/8/2021.


All applications should include the following:

  1. Technical proposal (max. 8 pages) outlining their motivation for the application, the methodological approach on how to conduct the assignment, and the resources required

  2. A proposed activities schedule/ work plan with a time frame.

  3. Financial proposal in KES detailing evaluators’ itemized fees, data collection, logistical and administrative costs.

  4. A copy of the CV of the evaluator(s) who will undertake the endline evaluation.

  5. Copies of similar evaluation reports conducted by the applicant where possible and or a recommendation letter from an NGO’s who the consultant has worked with before.

  6. Kindly also note that due to the expected large responses only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Job Info
Job Category: NGO - Non Government Organisations jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 27 July 2021
Duty Station: Busia
Posted: 21-07-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 21-07-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 21-07-2065
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