Eastern Africa - Regional Coordinator job at Cooperazione Internazionale
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1085 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Eastern Africa - Regional Coordinator

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Cooperazione Internazionale

Deadline of this Job:
28 March 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Kenya , Nairobi , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Cooperazione Internazionale jobs in Kenya

Institutional relationships

• Develops and enhances relations with different (national and international) stakeholders: donors, Institutions, authorities, national and international NGOs, local counterparts, in order to guarantee a possible and better management of current activities;
• Together with the Headquarter, coordinates the development of the relationship with stakeholders in Italy and in Europe.
Strategy and programming / Planning
• Develops and proposes to Direction the interventions’ priorities in order to reach goals of the Organization in the geographical area, collaborates together with Head of Missions for the preparation and periodical update of respective documents of Strategic Planning and Operational Plans;
• Does continuous monitoring/supervision of implementation of the strategies and the operational plans in the Country Coordinations.
Projects’/programs’ monitoring and management
• Supervises the process, the script and the preparation of documents which are necessary to present new projects, with the support of the headquarter office;
• Ensures the supervision of narrative and financial reports, to send all the official documentation of projects (contracts, official correspondence, reports, narrative and financial, partnerships agreements etc.) and preparation of monitoring documentation requested by the main office for directional donors.
Administrative and financial management
• Is responsible, with the support of field offices under its responsibility, of the budget analysis' both forecast and final balance, and financial and economical trends of the country of its competence (preparation of annual budget and revisions).
Human resources management
• In collaboration with HR office and Head of Missions abroad, guarantees the selection and the negotiation of expat staff in order to establish terms of contract (TDR, plan of mission in the headquarter and in the country, contractual amount, security benefits and other kind of benefits);
• Controls the proper flow of relative documents regarding the human resources management of expatriates between headquarter office and countries of interests: activates and concludes the process of negotiation, supervises the process of the preparation, signs and submits of the contract;
• Supervises the Countries Coordinations in the management of local staff and expatriates and the proper application of security procedures.
• Controls the security situation inside the country of interest in close contact with Head of Missions and in collaboration with the headquarter office (Security Focal Point and Director), makes necessary decisions in case of crisis situation;
• Ensures the contact with the UN agencies, who are aware about the security inside the country of interest.
Institutional communication
• In collaboration with the Headquarter office for Communication, coordinates the visibility and the communication activities in the Countries of interest;
• Monitors the application of guidelines and procedures of security in the countries of competences.
Procedures and internal relationships (Main Office - Countries)
• Together with Headquarter Offices, guarantees the preparation and update of country rules and procedures of security in harmony to the internal procedures of COOPI;
• Ensures the respect of the procedures of donors and contractual limitations as well as contractual procedures of COOPI.


• University degree, or other relevant academic background with particular focus in International Relations, Cooperation and Development, Humanitarian Management and Emergency;
• At least 10 years working experience, as Head of Mission / Coordinator and Programs manager;
• Previous experience in HR Management;
• Excellent knowledge and use of the English and Italian language, both written and spoken;
• Previous experiences in project writing and management;
• Good report writing skills;
• Good administrative skills.

Soft skills
• Proactive attitude in terms of planning and coordination with different bodies, Institutions and local authorities;
• Excellent leadership skills, aimed at managing and motivating a multicultural team;
• Positive ability to bear stressful and complicated situations;
• Diplomatic and confidentiality skills;
• Target oriented and problem solving aptitude;
• Stress management.
• Previous experience in COOPI overseas;
• Previous experience in Eastern Africa Countries.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 120

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
Interested and qualified? Go to Cooperazione Internazionale on www.coopi.org to apply

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 28 March 2022
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 23-03-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 23-03-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 23-03-2065
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