Director General job at Africa Management Solutions Limited (Amsol)
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950 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Director General

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Consulting , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Africa Management Solutions Limited (Amsol)

Deadline of this Job:
19 August 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Kenya , Nairobi , East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, August 05, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about Africa Management Solutions Limited (Amsol)
Africa Management Solutions Limited (Amsol) jobs in Kenya

On behalf of our client, we are seeking to recruit a highly experienced, competent, motivated and self-driven leader, with excellent credentials and a strategic mind, to competitively fill the vacant position below:-
Director General Job Ref: 2022/DG07/01 1 position

Job Purpose
Responsible for day-to-day management of the Authority towards realization of its mandate of promoting and safeguarding competition in the national economy, prevention of abuse of buyer power and protection of consumers from unfair and misleading market conduct.

Key Responsibilities/ Duties / Tasks
I. Managerial / Supervisory Responsibilities:
1. Accounting Officer for the Authority.
2. Authorised Officer of the Authority.
3. Overseeing implementation of the Competition Act.
4. Leading the Authority’s overall resource mobilization initiatives.
5. Overseeing regulation of market conduct and market structure in the national economy.
6. Advising the government on the effect of its policies, procedures and programmes, legislation and proposals for legislation on competition and consumer welfare.
7. Advising the Government with regard to development of policies in emerging markets or sectors i.e. (digital economy and big data).
8. Overseeing competition regulatory impact assessment in line with the Statutory Instruments Act 2013 (SIA).
9. Advising and representing the Government in implementation of bilateral and multilateral competition provisions under COMESA, AfCFTA, EAC among others..
10. Identifying and fostering collaboration and cooperation with other global competition agencies and partners.
11. Recommending to the Board the long term strategy, business plans and annual operating budgets; their implementation and establishing proper internal monitoring and control systems and procedures.
12. Articulating the Authority strategy, policies and guidelines to the staff and other stakeholders.
13. Overseeing the impact assessment of the Authority decisions across the national economy.
14. Providing overall leadership in the analysis, investigations, research, negotiation and resolution of competition, consumer protection and abuse of buyer power related matters.
15. Providing day to day leadership to employees of the Authority.
16. Ensuring continuous improvements in the quality and value of services and products provided by the Authority.
17. Overseeing and ensuring implementation of corporate policies and programmes
18. Providing leadership in risk management and business continuity programmes within the Authority.
19. Implementating relevant national policies, economic agenda.

II. Operational Responsibilities / Tasks:
1. Overall responsible for the day to day management of the Authority.
2. Ensuring that all Board papers are accurately drafted, are relevant and availed to Board Members within the stipulated timelines.
3. Providing regular, complete and prompt communication to the Board on key technical, financial and administrative matters.
4. Responsible for stakeholder management and enhancement of corporate image of the Authority.
5. Ensuring that there is effective communication between the management and the Board as well as between different levels of management.
6. Promoting a conducive work environment for attracting, retaining, and motivating employees.
7. Fostering a corporate culture that promotes ethical practices and good corporate citizenship.
8. Serving as the principal spokesperson of the Authority.
9. Ensuring compliance with the laws of the country.
10. Overseeing development and implementation of a succession management plan within the Authority.

Job Competencies (Knowledge, Experience and Attributes / Skills)
Academic qualifications:

• Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Statistics, Law, Business related or other relevant Degree from a recognized institution
• Master’s Degree in Economics, Statistics, Law, Business related or other relevant Degree from a recognized institution
• Leadership Course lasting not less six (6) weeks from a recognized institution

Previous relevant work experience required:
• At least 15 years relevant work experience with ten (10) of which must have been in a senior management position.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 180

Job application procedure
All applicants MUST download and complete the Bio Data Form (in Microsoft Excel)  and attach the completed Excel file. Any HANDWRITTEN or SCANNED Bio Data form not submitted as an Excel file will be rejected.
Applicants should submit their completed application form and required attachments by email to: 
The subject of the email shall read “Director General Job Ref: 2022/DG07/01” and applications should be sent so as to be received on or before 5:00 pm (East African Time) on 19th August, 2022.
1. Interested candidates should provide all the details requested.
2. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.
3. Before appointment, the successful candidate shall be vetted and approved by Parliament and other relevant Government Agencies.
4. In addition, the successful candidate shall also be required to provide valid; Tax Compliance Certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority, Clearance from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, Clearance Certificate from The Higher Education Loans Board, Certificate of Good Conduct Directorate of Criminal Investigations and Clearance from an approved Credit Reference Bureau.
5. It is an offence to include incorrect or misleading information in the application.
Our client is “An ALL Inclusive Employer”
Canvassing of any form will lead to automatic disqualification.

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 19 August 2022
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 05-08-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 05-08-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 05-08-2065
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