Consultancy for Baseline Survey for Safe Community Linkages for Internet Child Safety (Safe CLICS) Project job at ChildFund International
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Consultancy for Baseline Survey for Safe Community Linkages for Internet Child Safety (Safe CLICS) Project job at ChildFund International


The current consultancy is to carry out a baseline assessment of the online safety project being implemented by ChildFund Kenya and its partners Childline Kenya and Lifeskills Promoters. To assess the implementation and contribution of the project, the evaluation will be comprised of an outcome study inclusive of baseline, mid-term and endline assessments. The purpose of this baseline assignment is to assess, measure, and determine the baseline values relating to the status of the existing frameworks and networks to address Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA) and all project indicators and to understand the starting point of key elements of the work against which later progress will be measured. This will enable project indicators at the output and outcome level to be measured and tracked.

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ChildFund International jobs in Kenya


The consultant will work in close partnership, coordination and consultation with ChildFund Kenya and its partners in Kenya (Childline Kenya and Lifeskills Promoters) to undertake the assignment. ChildFund technical advisors and the project team will provide logistical support (mobilization, provision of external/internal documents, reports) to the consultant undertaking the project’s baseline evaluation from the design and conduct of the data collection, as well as the generation of the final baseline report. The participatory evaluation will be undertaken in the 4 counties of Mombasa, Kilifi, Nairobi, and Kiambu and the consultant’s main roles will be to: · Draft a plan for the baseline outcome study including the overall methodology design, tools, and enumerator recruitment. · Support contextualization of study design and tools for the outcome study. · Manage and implement all aspects of enumerators’ training and field data collection for the outcome study. · Lead the technical coordination and facilitate the in-person data collection for qualitative data. · Enter the data (if paper-based data collection) for the outcome study; Mobile data collection is preferred. · Conduct analysis of data for the baseline outcome study. · Respond to report reviews and provide feedback on the analysis and subsequent reports drafted (baseline assessment report and final assessment findings).


In undertaking the assignment, the consultant is expected to provide technical and profession leadership accomplishing the exercise in three stages as detailed below:

A: Planning

Conduct a comprehensive literature review in line with the above objectives

Design and develop a Kenya Project Studies Plan. The evaluator will lead the development of the project studies plan (baseline & endline assessment) working in coordination with ChildFund Kenya, Childline and Lifeskills Promoters (LISP) staff to develop a detailed outcome study implementation plan for the baseline assessment, mid-term assessment and endline assessment, which will be inclusive of:

  • proposing the number of enumerators and developing/finalizing a ToR inclusive of competencies to use to identify enumerators.
  • identifying the timing needed to hire enumerators.
  • proposing the timeline (number of days per community, the time required per assessment activity per site, etc.) and logistics (transport, quality assurance mechanisms, ensuring data storage and security in the field) for field data collection.
  • identifying time and resources needed for developing the training agenda and modules for training enumerators on data collection tools and piloting tools.
  • identifying the time and resources required for finalizing assessment tools post-pilot and either printing or including in mobile data collection forms.
  • identifying the time required for creating the data entry forms; entering data, and cleaning data prior to sending it for data analysis.
  • Develop and refine research questions and draft an evaluation framework in consultation with ChildFund and its partners.
  • Finalize all outcome study enumerator training agendas and modules. The evaluator will develop and contextualize the enumerator training agenda and modules.
  • Prepare all outcome study training and field data collection logistics in coordination with ChildFund Kenya and its partners.

B: Action

Enumerator recruitment, payment, etc. The consultant shall be responsible for fully managing a baseline enumerators’ ToR and identifying enumerators with adequate competencies to fulfil the respective ToR.

Contextualize, translate, and finalize outcome study data collection tools in consultation with ChildFund Kenya, its partners (Childline & LISP) and ChildFund International.

Train enumerators on how to utilize the outcome study’s tools based on the training agenda and modules. Training will include piloting the data collection tools.

Identify and facilitate the enumerators’ entering the quantitative data collected for the outcome study using agreed-upon data entry forms.

Identify and facilitate the enumerators’ entering and translating the qualitative data for the outcome study collected using agreed-upon data entry forms. All data – both quantitative and qualitative – collected by the baseline study must be disaggregated by gender and beneficiary group.

C: Analysis

Clean qualitative and quantitative data sets entered for the baseline outcome study.

Conduct analyses of qualitative and/or quantitative data for the outcome study as per an agreement with ChildFund Kenya using the data analysis plan per the outcome study’s assessment.

Target group The target group will include pupils and students in 60 selected schools, government of Kenya officials at national and county government levels, the private sector, teachers and boards of management of 60 selected schools, parents/caregivers of children in the schools, staff of CSOs, and members of community support structures.

EVALUATION OUTPUTS AND DELIVERABLES The consultant will draft and share high-quality reports as follows:

  • A detailed inception report, including a detailed workplan, detailed methodology for both data collection and analysis, sample size calculations, draft data collection tools and outline of the baseline report.
  • 1st Draft baseline report. The first draft document will contain information as indicated in the scope above. Timely feedback on the 1st draft will be provided by the program team.
  • 2nd Draft baseline report. The revised documents will synthesize all information, conclusions and recommendations considering all comments and additions from ChildFund and its partners following the submission of the 1st draft document. In case the 2nd draft document is not satisfactory to both parties, communication and the work should continue till an approved 2nd draft.
  • Validation meeting. ChildFund will organize a feedback meeting. The consultant will make a presentation to the program team on the contents of the research and analysis produce benchmark measures against project indicators. The meeting will be an opportunity to clarify outstanding aspects of the study.
  • Submission of documents. All documents used in the preparation of this assignment such as interview guides, progress reports, data collection tools, draft project documents, templates, raw data collected, preliminary and intermediate designs, layouts, specification documents, inception report, data analysis plan etc. are expected to be submitted to ChildFund together with the 2nd draft document.
  • Proposed Time Frame The evaluation shall take place between September 26th and October 31st, 2022, for a period not exceeding 30 days, with the final report submitted no later than November 4th, 2022.


The projected timelines for the delivery of the assignment are as outlined below:

  • Evaluation Stage A Deliverables 3 days
  • Project Studies Implementation Plan (Estimated Timing: October 2022)
  • Conduct a comprehensive literature review in line with the above objectives.
  • Develop and finalize the country project studies plan based on a review of project documents and consultation with the Country Team.
  • Develop and refine research questions in consultation with ChildFund and its partners.
  • Evaluation Stage B Deliverables: Outcome Study’s Baseline Assessment Planning, Implementation and Reporting (Estimated Timing: October – November 2022)
  • Spreadsheet of enumerators hired characterizing their competencies against the ToR for enumerators (this is inclusive of timing for hiring and determining enumerators). 1/2 day
  • Final set of Training agenda and modules for the baseline assessment enumerators’ training that have been reviewed and finalized in consultation with ChildFund Kenya. 2 days
  • Set of draft contextualized and translated baseline assessment data collection tools to utilize for training enumerators established in coordination with ChildFund Kenya. 2 days
  • Training of Enumerators 3 days
  • Set of contextualized, translated, and finalized baseline assessment data collection tools. 1/2 days
  • Baseline Assessment field data collection 10 days
  • Complete set of entered, cleaned (and translated for qualitative data) raw qualitative and quantitative data as per the final baseline assessment data entry forms agreed with ChildFund Kenya. 2 days
  • Analysis of data 4 days
  • Production of draft reports and review of tracked changes and comments provided on the draft reports of the baseline assessment report and brief. 2 days
  • Make a presentation to the program team on the contents of the research during a validation meeting. Sharing of the final report. 1 day


The estimated number of days is exclusive of travel).


The consultant will report to the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager. The day-to-day management of the consultants is the responsibility of the MEL Officer in consultation with the Project Coordinator.

ChildFund Kenya will support the following:

  • Hold an inception meeting with the consultant to provide project background information and documents, review the research work plan and documentation shared by the consultant.
  • Provide day-to-day coordination of activities as the need arises,
  • Reviewing and providing feedback on the data collection tools
  • Identification and mobilization of the interviewees
  • Support meeting arrangements with the beneficiaries and stakeholders
  • Reviewing reports shared and providing the consultant with timely feedback
  • Facilitating a report validation meeting.
  • Being the link between the consultant, stakeholders and project implementation sites
  • Approving the final baseline report
  • Pay the agreed costs for the assignments and as per the deliverables completed.

Skills and Qualifications of the Consultant

  • A post-graduate degree in Behavioral/Social Sciences, Development Studies, Community Development, Project Planning and Management, Child Protection, social sciences, and other related studies.
  • Minimum of ten years of experience in conducting project studies: action research, participatory monitoring and evaluation of development programmes, process evaluation etc.
  • Experience conducting studies on Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA) is highly desirable.
  • Experience in working with marginalized communities including youth, women and persons with disabilities in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kilifi or working across multiple counties.
  • Fluent in English and Kiswahili.

Note: The contracted consultant may be considered for engagement for the rest of the project studies pending satisfactory performance at baseline.

Selection of Consultant Interested individuals and/or institutions are requested to provide, at a minimum:

  • Their CV and CVs of all team members (if individual or institution) highlighting relevant experience in conducting project studies (baseline, mid-term, process and endline)
  • Highlighting 5 or more years of experience evaluating projects (baseline, endline, mid-term, participatory research) on Child Protection, Education, child rights and protection, Online Safety for children
  • Daily rates
  • Past evaluation reports or other research reports authored by the individual or institution’s staff.
  • A technical & financial proposal showing a detailed breakdown of all the costs involved for the entire assignment including logistical costs that include enumerators’ professional fees and field costs (enumerators’ training, field data collection, transport, accommodation, workplan and meals) for the entire assignment, and
  • Reference contact information of at least 2 individuals or institutions that have conducted research with the individual or institution in the past.
  • Previous experience in working in Online Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and related Child Protection Programming areas in urban/peri-urban settings such as Nairobi, Nakuru, Mombasa, Kisumu, and Kiambu will be highly desirable


The consultant shall be paid for the successful completion of the deliverables in accordance with the following payment schedule below:

  • Develop and finalize the country M&E plan based on a review of project documents and consultation with the Country Team and Submission of the inception report. 25%
  • Spreadsheet of enumerators hired characterizing their competencies against the ToR for enumerators (this is inclusive of timing for hiring and determining enumerators).
  • The final set of Training agenda and modules for the baseline assessment enumerators’ training that have been reviewed and finalized in consultation with ChildFund’s Kenya.
  • Set of draft contextualized and translated baseline assessment data collection tools to utilize for training enumerators established in coordination with ChildFund Kenya. 25%
  • Training of Enumerators
  • Set of contextualized, translated, and finalized baseline assessment data collection tools.
  • Baseline Assessment field data collection 25%
  • Complete set of entered, cleaned (and translated for qualitative data) raw qualitative and quantitative data as per the final baseline assessment data entry forms agreed with ChildFund Kenya.
  • Analysis of data
  • Production of draft report and review of tracked changes and comments provided on the draft report of the baseline assessment report and brief and sharing of the final report. 25%
  • The Consultant's compensation shall be paid within 30 days from receipt of a proper invoice unless otherwise specified.
  • Payment will be made by electronic transfer unless otherwise specified.
  • The payment shall be subjected to 5% withholding tax as required by the Law at the time of payment.
  • Budget denomination should be KShs.
  • The full costs include consultancy/professional fees, enumerators’ professional fees, and field logistical costs (enumerators’ training, field data collection, transport, accommodation, and meals) for the entire assignment.

How to apply

The consultant shall submit to ChildFund Kenya a technical and financial proposal through the email address provided. All interested Individuals/firms are requested to send their EOI by email to: by 26th September 2022 indicating the assignment Title on the subject line.

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 26 September 2022
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 14-09-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 14-09-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 14-09-2066
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