Call for bids for to review the applicability of existing standards to the informal cooking sector in Kenya tendering at Ministry Of Energy
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Call for bids for to review the applicability of existing standards to the informal cooking sector in Kenya

The cooking sector in Kenya has undergone some level of transformation over the years with regards to the enabling environment (policies, standard, guidelines, regulations etc). From a sector largely dominated by traditional cooking solutions to one that is step by step adopting clean cooking solutions. With growing interest in the sector, this transformation is expected to persist especially with the growing interest from both the govemment and the private sector. The country has put in place polices and strategies such as the Energy Policy 2018, Energy Act 2019, Bioenergy Strategy 2020, and Kenya National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy 2020 among others es instruments influencing change transformation.

With regards to standards, Kenge through the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBB) has adopted 180 19867-1-2018: Clean cookstoves and clean cooking solutions-Harmonized laboratory test protocols-Part 1 Standard test sequence for emissions and performance, safety and durability. At the national level, KEBB has also developed other clean cooking sector standards which play a crucial role in enhancing the credibility, safety, and authenticity of the clean cooking solutions accessible in the country. These include the KB-180 17225 of the Bold biofuels - Fuel specifications and classes, KB-1814: 2019 Blomess Cookstoves Performance requirements; 2019; KB-2759/2018 Ethanol Fuelled cooking Appliances; KB 2838: 2019: Denatured technical alcohol for use as cooking and appliance fuel-Specification; KB-2912: 2020 Bolld biofuel-Bustainable Charcoal and carbonized briquettes; KB 29512022 Bloges Bystems-Code of Practice for farm and Industrial scale biogas systems and E- Cooking Standards-Globel LEAP Electric Pressure Cooker Test Method among others.

While standards are aimed at providing guidance and ultimately ensuring some level of uniformity in the target sector, evidence of whether this has been the case with the cooking sector is not readily available, especially with regards to the informal cooking sector. Evidence on the adherence to these standards by the sector players is not readily available, and this is exacerbated in the rural areas where the players in the cooking value chain do not seem aware of the existence of these standards, and where they are known, their applicability poses a challenge. It is also alleged that for some standards, the provisions therein are noted to be too stringent and therefore not readily applicable. It is also alleged that other factors such as the language with which the standards are presented as well as the costs associated with acquiring the standards poses a challenge to the end users especially for rural based enterprises that are largely Informal operating at low scale.

Call for Bids
As the sector grapples with the challenge of assuring quality among clean cooking solutions available in the market despite the availability of the standards, some of the efforts by the private sector efforts to adopt alternatives approaches Include development of the Blomess Cookstoves Voluntary Labelling standard (VL8) In 2019 by CCAK. The VLB, yet to be rolled out, is aimed at supporting scaling-up of the production and distribution of clean cooking solutions while ensuring regulatory compliance. As a way of entrenching quality within the cooking sector, the GCF project is working with other players in the sector including Kenje Industrial Research Development Institute (KIRDI), Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBB), OCAK, EPRA, MOE, and other development partners towards creating an environment that enables the development of the sector capacity to respond to some of these challenges. Understanding the applicability of the existing standards to the clean cooking market is just but one starting point in the efforts towards developing a clear road map for transforming quality assurance narrative within the cooking sector

it is in this regard that GIZ kenya is seeking the services of a consultant to undertake a review of the applicability of the existing clean cooking sector standards among the intended consumers. The review will entall identifying the gaps if any and proposal on how these gaps could be addressed. The assignment will involve an end user survey among the various consumer groups of the standards. Interested bidders must provide verifiable proof of qualifications and experience. The individual consultant is requested to review the indicated qualifications in the Terms of Reference (TORs) which will be shared.

How to apply
Interested firms/companies should send a blank email with tender reference: 82428240 in the subject line to between 04.01.2023 to 10.01.2023. An email response will provide the ToRs and relevant tender documents with further information on 11.01.2023, thereafter no documents will be shared.

Kindly submit your complete Financial & Technical proposals separately in a SEALED ENVELOPE clearly marked "Call for bids for to review the applicability of existing standards to the Informal cooking sector in Kenya Tender No: 83428240 Addressed as follows and dropped to tender boxevelable at:

TENDER No. 80428240
GIZ Office Nairobi, RECEPTION
8 Floor, Rivercide Square, Riverside Drive P.O. Box 41807-00100
Nairobi, Kenya

Deadline for Submission: 20.01.2023 @ 1600hrs (East African time).
Failure to address correctly will lead to automatic disqualification
General Purchase Conditions and Procurement procedures of GIZ apply.

Bidders are not allowed to contact or discuss any aspect of the tender with GIZ before closing of the tender as it will lead to automatic disqualification

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 20 January 2023  
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 04-01-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 04-01-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 04-01-2065
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