Call for bids for capacity building support to counties undertaking county energy planning at Ministry of Energy
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Call for bids for capacity building support to counties undertaking county energy planning


The Ministry of Energy (MoE). through the Directorate of Renewable Energy, via the Sustainable Energy Technical Assistance (SETA) project in collaboration with the GCF project: Promotion of Climate Friendly Cooking in Kenya implemented by GIZ Kenya, and other partners are collaborating in supporting capacity building efforts in energy planning at both the national and county level.

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Within the framework of this collaboration, the GCF project lays more emphasis on clean cooking planning with the ultimate aim of meeting the requirements of the Integrated National Energy Planning (INEP) framework. Currently a number of counties are at various stages of preparation of their County Energy Plans, a task that many are not well capacitated in terms of expertise in key areas such as clean cooking, least-cost electnfication. gender mainstreaming, renewable energy resources and technologies, environment and climate change, data analysis and geospatial planning. Developing this capacity at both national and county levels is expected to contribute to the development of more robust and implementable energy plans.

Call for bids from potential firms/companies

In this regard, the Ministry of Energy together with GIZ are seeking the services of 3 individual consultants to provide thematic support in the development of County Energy Plans (CEPs) currently under development. The key areas of the support include but are not limited to Clean cooking. Least cost electrification. County energy resources assessment. Gender analysis. RE/Energy efficiency. Data analys«s and geospatial planning. Sectoral nexus analysis and Value chain and business model analysis.

The assignment will be undertaken for 9 target counties which include Vihiga. Kakamega. Kisii. Laikipia. Nyandarua. Kiambu. Taita. Kiltfi and Garissa. Those counties are further divided in three geographical clusters. Cluster 1 (Vihiga. Kakamega and Kisii counties); cluster 2 (Laikipia. Nyandarua and Kiambu counties) while cluster 3 (Taita, Kihfi and Garissa counties).

How to apply

Interested bidders will only apply to one cluster for which they are best suited and must provide verifiable proof of qualifications and experience.

The individual consultant is requested to review the indicated qualifications in the Terms of Reference (ToRs) which will be shared.

To participate, interested bidders should send a Wank email with tender reference: 83424238 in the subject line to between 05.12.2022 Io 08.12.2022 An email response will provide the relevant documents with further information on 09.12.2022, thereafter no documents will be shared.

If interested, please submit your complete Financial & Technical proposals in separate SEALED ENVELOPES, enclosed in one envelope dearly marked 'Call for bids for capacity building support to counties undertaking county energy planning" Tender No: 83424238.

Failure to address correctly will lead to automatic disqualification.

Bids should be dropped in the tender box available at:

TENDER No. 83424238

GIZ Office Nairobi. RECEPTION

9th Floor. Riverside Square. Riverside Drive

P.O. Box 41607-00100

Nairobi. Kenya

Deadline for Submission: 13.01.2023 @ 1500hrs (East African time)

General Purchase Conditions and Procurement procedures of GIZ apply.

Bidders are not allowed to contact or discuss any aspect of the tender with GIZ before closing of the tender as it will lead to automatic disqualification.

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 13 January 2023
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 05-12-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 04-12-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 04-12-2065
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