Call for Bids for Provision of Independent Verification Services for the GCF project
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Call for Bids for Provision of Independent Verification Services for the GCF project


The GCF project ‘Promotion of Climate-Friendly Cooking: Kenya and Senegal’ »s designed to tackle GHG emissions from the unsustainable consumption of wood-based fuels in the household cooking sector. The project, therefore, is aimed at demonstrating an innovative ICS market transformation strategy, starting in two countries. Kenya and Senegal, and by doing so improving global knowledge about ICS sector contribution to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

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GCF/EnDev project activities are implemented across different counties in the country spread across four clusters in Kenya, mainly Central Cluster. Lower Eastern cluster. Western Cluster and Lake Victoria cluster. The project M&E plan provides guidance on how data collection, storage, verification and reporting is undertaken. Data collection for the project is undertaken by cluster teams and starts at the last mile entrepreneur level (LMEs) i.e. entrepreneurs delivering the products to the end consumers. Entrepreneurs include stoves installers'builders installing stoves to households and stoves production centres who produce and sell both complete stoves and stoves components.

Call for Bids

Stoves sales data is collected periodically using designated tools, analysed by cluster teams and verified before onward sharing to the Nairobi office for further verification and onward reporting. Verification of results is undertaken in two stages, internally by project teams (on quarterly basis) and independently (bi-annually) where a consultant is tasked with undertaking independent verification of the project results.

In this regard. GIZ is calling for interested bidder firms (Independent Verification Agencies) to submit their Proposals to provide independent verification services for results reported by the participating beneficiaries/LMEs (stoves production centres and stoves mstallersJbuildors) for the second half of 2022 (July to December 2022).

Interested bidders are requested to review the indicated qualifications in Terms of Reference (ToRs) and must provide verifiable proof of qualifications and experience.

To participate, interested bidders, should send a Wank email with tender reference: 83427523 in the subject line to between 05.12.2022 to 07.12.2022. An email response will provide the relevant documents with further information on 08.12.2022, thereafter no documents will be shared.

Kindly submit your complete technical and financial proposals in PDF format in two separate sealed envelopes dearly marked “Call for Bids for Independent Verification Services for the GCF Project" Tender No: 83427523.

Addressed as follows and dropped to tender box available at:

TENDER No. 83427523

GIZ Office Nairobi. RECEPTION

9th Floor. Riverside Square. Riverside Drive

P.O. Box 41607-00100

Nairobi, Kenya

Deadline for Submission: 16.12.2022 @ 1500hrs (East African Time).

Failure to address correctly will lead to automatic disqualification.

General Purchase Conditions and Procurement procedures of GIZ apply.

Bidders are not allowed to contact or discuss any aspect of the tender with GIZ before dosing of the tender as it will lead to automatic disqualification.

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 16 December 2022
Duty Station: Nairobi
Posted: 05-12-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 04-12-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 04-12-2065
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