22-122 Project Management Specialist (Food & Nutrition Security Team Leader) job at US Agency for International Development
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Vacancy title:
22-122 Project Management Specialist (Food & Nutrition Security Team Leader)

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

US Agency for International Development

Deadline of this Job:
29 July 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Kenya , Nairobi , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, July 19, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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US Agency for International Development jobs in Kenya

1. Strategic and Technical Leadership 30% The Project Management Specialist (F&NS Team Leader) is the senior technical specialist in planning, designing, developing, and managing new and existing economic growth programs and activities within OEGI. Currently, the FTF Kenya bilateral is a top-tier focal country, and combined with the regional budget, constitutes a project annual budget of nearly $45 million. The Specialist will ensure that all activities are carried out in a technically sound and cost-effective manner, and in accordance with all applicable Mission and Agency directives and requirements; this will include activity design, procurement processes, activity/project implementation, and concertedly leading in reporting, monitoring and evaluation processes. The F&NS Team Leader is the principal strategic advisor providing technical assistance and thought leadership across the FTF portfolio around food security and nutrition-sensitive programming, as well as providing FTF oversight on key planning issues and making decisions and recommendations on agriculture growth, poverty reduction, and alleviating malnutrition as a contributor to Kenya’s economic transformation. S/he provides technical assistance and support to the Center of Excellence Director on FTF strategy and implementation. The incumbent develops long-term operational and performance goals for the portfolio, monitors portfolio performance, and develops plans for programmatic shifts when necessary. S/he will create a supportive work environment within the FTF bilateral program that values diversity and elicits the highest possible level of performance from all team members, and coaching team members to ascend to greater roles and responsibilities. The incumbent leads and participates actively in internal and external strategy discussions, including active engagement across sectors at the Mission as required. The Specialist provides pivotal technical direction for the F&NS Team targeted activities and assists in the monitoring of performance of contractors and grantees by the terms and conditions of grants or awards by undertaking, with other Contracting/Agreement Officer’s Representatives (AOR/COR) and Activity Managers, informational and site visits to monitor project implementation, reviewing progress reports, and spearheading FTF evaluations. The incumbent will frequently interact with implementing partners and A/CORs to resolve outstanding issues, provide critical F&NS technical mentoring to team members and provide recommendations for enhanced relationships and learning. It will be also imperative that the incumbent align and integrate these technical duties with targeted national and county government counterparts, as well as with private sector and civil society partners. S/he will work jointly across other RFS Center of Excellence Teams (Resilience and WASH), as well as across other Mission technical and support offices to ensure critical technical integration and synergies for F&NS interventions and learning. 2. Program/Activity Development, Management, and Reporting 25% The Food and Nutrition Security Team Leader plans, designs, develops, and manages new and existing economic growth programs and activities as a technical expert in food and nutrition security, agriculture growth, and poverty reduction. These duties include activity design, leading procurement processes, and activity or project implementation, identifying and resolving program issues, assuring that all activities are carried out in a technically sound and cost-effective manner, and in accordance with all applicable Mission and Agency directives and requirements. S/he will serve as the Contracting/Agreement Officer’s Representative or activity manager for programs and activities that include food and nutrition security, agriculture growth, poverty reduction, alleviating malnutrition, local capacity development, and other areas relevant to the FtF objectives of USAID/Kenya and East Africa and the Agency. The Specialist will support OEGI, Mission, and USG efforts to ensure effective, cost-effective, and responsible programming and reporting in compliance with USG and USAID regulations and ethics standards, including environmental compliance, and ultimately help USAID achieve its FtF objectives in Kenya and/or the region. The F&NS Team Leader will oversee and manage the F&NS portfolio activities; this will entail reviewing performance and financial reports, managing the assigned portfolio, ensuring that funding is available when required, targets/milestones are set/being met (or that remedial action is taken) and are properly documented, and that the overall goals of the activity(s) are being achieved. S/he will take measures to maximize learning from the assigned portfolio, including planning and procuring assessments, studies, and evaluations. For activity level management, s/he is responsible for development and implementation of annual work plans, schedules for budget allocation, obligation, expenditure, portfolio reviews, evaluation planning and implementation, audits, development and outreach communication, and closeout. Finally, s/he will support OEGI, Mission and USG efforts to ensure efficient, cost-effective, and responsible programming and reporting in compliance with USG and USAID regulations and ethics standards, including environmental compliance to help USAID achieve its economic growth objectives in Kenya and in the region. In addition to activity reporting and FTF team knowledge management processes, the incumbent will contribute to Mission/Agency newsletters and other communications related to agricultural-led growth, as well as being responsible for drafting narratives and providing other inputs into the planning (Operational Plan, CDCS, etc.) and reporting (Performance Plan and Report; Mission Resource Request, CBJ, CBN, etc.) processes, as well as responding to Washington taskers, event coordination, supporting VIP visits by being a site or control officer, and drafting briefing and outreach materials. 3. Representation and Coordination 25% The F&NS Team Leader will serve as the principal FTF technical representative and liaison to senior GOK national and county officials to ensure effective and timely communication, joint planning and participation, advancing the Agency’s locally led approach to development. The F&NS Team Leader represents OEGI and USAID/KEA at public events and in meetings with senior leaders in the Kenyan, East African and American private sector; in the Kenyan government; and with implementing partners and other stakeholders. Representational responsibilities will be to ensure that FTF technical frameworks in each FTF county are monitored, budgeted annually, and aligned accordingly in order to improve productivity, income and resilience for those involved in the Kenyan agricultural sector. S/he will be a key FTF staff member within the Mission County liaison structure and lead for the CDCS Project Designs DO4 team. In a wider context, s/he will be the Mission Point of Contact to the multi-donor Agriculture and Rural Development Working Group. The Specialist will coordinate with Mission and OEGI staff, as well as and implementing partners (IPs), to identify project specific needs or opportunities and facilitate information sharing with potential resource partners, and will lead the South Eastern Kenya integration platform. The Team Leader facilitates knowledge management through exchange of technical information and ideas, collaborates on cross-cutting issues, provides effective collaboration among actors in FTF program portfolio, development innovation, and impact, and promotes program/project synergies. 4. Supervision and Management of the F&NS Team 20% As the F&NS Team Leader, the Specialist will directly supervise three CCN staff. S/he will work with team members to develop and execute work objectives and quarterly conversations to assess progress and adjustments, address and performance issues, as well as conducting timely annual Performance Evaluation Reviews. The incumbent will also develop Individual Learning and Training Plans and identify professional growth opportunities for team staff to augment the F&NS acumen. As supervisor, s/he will be expected to keep abreast of leadership and supervisory training opportunities for continual individual Team Leader growth. Thus, s/he will create a supportive work environment within the FTF bilateral program that values diversity and elicits the highest possible level of performance from all team members, and coaching team members to ascend to greater roles and responsibilities. The F&NS Team Leader will serve as Acting RFS Center of Excellence Director for short periods of time in which s/he will supervise at least 12 staff. Supervisory Relationship The incumbent will receive general supervision from the OEGI RFS Center for Excellence Director while having a wide latitude for independently planning, organizing, and executing assigned responsibilities. The Specialist is a recognized authority in the analysis and valuation of program and issues. S/he will handle work assignments independently, and across teams, according to established policies, previous training, and accepted practices. S/he will be expected to develop her/his own work schedule and procedures for accomplishing tasks, and to independently resolve problems that may arise during execution of objectives. Supervisory Controls The incumbent will supervise the Food and Nutrition Security (F&NS) team, composed of three CCNs including an FSN-11 Project Management Specialist and two FSN-10 Project Management Specialists, and is responsible for the F&NS portfolio management. S/he will also incur Acting RFS Center of Excellence Director responsibilities for short periods of time when needed. PHYSICAL DEMANDS The work requested does not involve undue physical demands. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR THIS POSITION Any application that does not meet the minimum requirements stated below will not be evaluated. 1. Education: A Master's Degree in agricultural economics or agricultural science is required. 2. Prior Work Experience: At least seven (7) years of professional level directly related experience in project management and market systems development, with substantive experience focusing on analytics and knowledge management approaches. Experience working on large donor projects, with government in the developing world, and/or institutional structures in agribusiness, monitoring and evaluation, a closely related sector is required. 3. Language Proficiency: Fluent (Level IV) English language and Kiswahili proficiency in speaking and writing is the minimum requirement. EVALUATION AND SELECTION FACTORS The Government may award a contract without discussions with offerors in accordance with FAR 52.215-1. The CO reserves the right at any point in the evaluation process to establish a competitive range of offerors with whom negotiations will be conducted pursuant to FAR 15.306(c). In accordance with FAR 52.215-1, if the CO determines that the number of offers that would otherwise be in the competitive range exceeds the number at which an efficient competition can be conducted, the CO may limit the number of offerors in the competitive range to the greatest number that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly rated offers. The FAR provisions referenced above are available at https://www.acquisition.gov/browse/index/far . - Job Knowledge (55 points) Advanced knowledge in market systems and production development approaches and programming best practices, and how they affect stakeholders along agriculture value chains. In addition, experience in the development of key analytic and knowledge management around agricultural initiatives and institutional integration is required. Expertise in strategic planning and program management; this includes in-depth knowledge of practices, policies, and procedures governing the performance monitoring and learning within development programs and projects, and the practical knowledge of and/or experience integrating national and county-led strategies into development action plans in agriculture value chains and food security is required. Must have a thorough understanding of development policies, strategic planning, operational systems, and regulations. Demonstrated understanding of the socio-cultural issues and nuances of working in communities and with vulnerable populations is required. - Skills and abilities (45 points) Proven technical acumen in planning and goal setting, and in the design, development and use of evidence-based programming through strategic analytics and metrics. The incumbent will work with minimal supervision and work in a fast-paced environment, with strong organizational skills. Must have a strong work ethic and an entrepreneurial spirit to accommodate high level of responsibility and multiple priorities and creates a culture of mutual accountability. S/he must possess solid relationship-building and interpersonal skills to develop diverse teams. The position requires excellent listening skills and continuous learning and seeking advice and feedback from others. Must have proven skills to mentor and supervise staff, developing performance plans and objectives. The Specialist must be able to provide solid analytic and problem solving at a highly developed level, as well as outstanding communication skills and high attention to detail are critical to success. The incumbent must have the ability to adapt in the face of change, synthesize new information, and then provide sound advice to Mission management and the ability to develop sound solutions such as planning for and administering funds to best serve agricultural program oversight objectives. The position requires the ability to prepare reports and technical and policy briefs sometimes with short deadlines. S/he must be able to communicate passionately, effectively, and persuasively across a diverse set of stakeholders. The incumbent must also be able to create processes and structures to facilitate effective communication both internally and externally. Advanced competency in MS Office applications, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, is required. Excellent English writing and editing skills, as well as an excellent ability to process information from a wide variety of sources into cohesive, polished documents. Total possible points: 100 LIST OF REQUIRED FORMS PRIOR TO AWARD The CO will provide instructions about how to complete and submit any required forms after an offeror is selected for the contract award. BENEFITS AND ALLOWANCES Benefits and allowances are offered in accordance with the Local Compensation Plan (LCP). TAXES The Contractor must observe Kenyan laws including those concerning income and related tax obligations. USAID REGULATIONS, POLICIES AND CONTRACT CLAUSES PERTAINING TO PSCs USAID regulations and policies governing CCN and TCN PSC awards are available at these sources: 1. USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR), Appendix J, “Direct USAID Contracts With a Cooperating Country National and with a Third Country National for Personal Services Abroad,” including contract clause “General Provisions,” available at https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1868/aidar_0.pdf 2. Contract Cover Page form AID 309-1 available at https://www.usaid.gov/forms. Pricing by line item is to be determined upon contract award. 3. Acquisition & Assistance Policy Directives/Contract Information Bulletins (AAPDs/CIBs) for Personal Services Contracts with Individuals available at http://www.usaid.gov/work-usaid/aapds-cibs 4. Ethical Conduct. By the acceptance of a USAID personal services contract as an individual, the contractor will be acknowledging receipt of the “Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch,” available from the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, in accordance with General Provision 2 and 5 CFR 2635. See https://www.oge.gov/web/oge.nsf/OGE%20Regulations 5. PSC Ombudsman The PSC Ombudsman serves as a resource for any Personal Services Contractor who has entered into a contract with the United States Agency for International Development and is available to provide clarity on their specific contract with the agency. Please visit our page for additional information: https://www.usaid.gov/work-usaid/personal-service-contracts-ombudsman The PSC Ombudsman may be contacted via: PSCOmbudsman@usaid.gov

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 84

Level of Education:
Associate Degree

Job application procedure

Step 1: Register in MyJobsInKenya at www.myjobsinkenya.com 
Step 2: Complete the job application atwww.myjobsinkenya.com . 
Step 3: Internal Offerors/Current USG Employees: Attach an updated curriculum vitae/resume (no more than five pages), a copy of your most recent Performance Evaluation Report, and copies of all relevant certificates. Scan and attach all the documents as one attachment and upload them to MyJobsInKenya.
External Offerors/Not Current USG Employees: Attach an updated curriculum vitae/resume (no more than five pages) and copies of all relevant certificates. Scan and attach all the documents as one attachment and upload them to MyJobsInKenya.
Offerors must provide a list of minimum three (3) professional references who are not family members or relatives, with complete name, title, organization where he/she works, description of relationship, with working/accurate telephone numbers and email addresses. The offeror’s references must be able to provide substantive information about his/her past performance and abilities.
Note to Applicants:
1. Offers must be received by the closing date and time specified in Section I, item 3, and submitted through myjobsinkenya.com.
2. Submissions will only be accepted throughwww.myjobsinkenya.com. Late and incomplete applications (those that do not contain the applicant’s most current and up to date detailed CV and relevant education certificates) will not be considered for the position.
3. All Applicants must provide at least three professional references, who are not family members or relatives, with working telephone and e-mail contacts. The references must be able to provide substantive information about your past performance and abilities. USAID reserves the right to contact your previous employers for relevant information concerning your performance and may consider such information in its evaluation of the application.

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Job Info
Job Category: NGO - Non Government Organisations jobs in Kenya
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 29 July 2022  
Duty Station: Within Kenya , Nairobi , East Africa
Posted: 19-07-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 19-07-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 19-07-2066
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