about us
Jasco Communications LTD. is a duly registered software solutions and telecommunications provider with operations in Sub Saharan Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, DRC, Malawi, and South Africa). Jasco delivers end-to-end smart technologies spanning from multiple disciplines of technology such as Unified Communications, Voice & Screen Recording, Cloud Infrastructure, security, Storage, and Analytics.
Inspire Innovation and influence technology adoption through technology development.
To be the leading provider of business communication solutions in Sub- Saharan Africa.
A privacy policy is a statement or legal document that discloses some or all of the ways a party gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a customer or client's data.
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solutions we provide
Jasco Unified Communication Solutions delivers all aspects of UC from real-time and non-real-time communication channels.
The contact center is critical in ensuring effective customer service. We provide Assisted Experience Management among others.
DataVoice focuses on the secure recording of multiple streams and channels.ie from voice, email, chat, and location.
We deploy our IP Telephony solutions on the private and public cloud for scalability and fast deployment models.
Integrate your contact center solution with your customer relationship management system. We integrate custom applications to your contact center.
Our resources have the experience and skills to deliver key projects to the satisfaction of our clients. With each project, we learn and keep improving our experience and skills. No two clients are the same, so we have a duty to listen intently and tailor make solutions that will be unique at meeting our client’s requirements. We plan to expand our portfolio by offering the best kept solutions and fully meeting the Client’s needs.
Happy Clients “If you don't appreciate your customers, someone else will.”
Projects "Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things."
Years of experience "Experience takes dreadfully high school-wages, but he teaches like no other."
Westcom Building, 9th Floor,
Maiga Mairu Avenue, Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya.
+ 254 716 540 377
Jasco Communications LTD. is a duly registered software solutions and telecommunications provider with operations in Sub Saharan Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, DRC, Malawi and South Africa). Jasco delivers complete end-to-end smart technologies that span multiple disciplines of technology such as Unified Communications, Voice & Screen Recording, Cloud Infrastructure, security, Storage, and Analytics.